Whose "brilliant" idea was it to have achievements that

…your opponent can actively deny you?

I’m sure there’s a few good more than this but CURRENTLY my issue is with the ETC rock duel one and winning the game by winning said duel.

My opponents ALWAYS forfeit instead of letting it go off.

For the love of god, at least code the freaking thing so that if the opponent surrenders on their turn that WOULD have been lethal damage dealt by the bomb, then it awards the achievement.

This is terrible design and I don’t know about the rest of y’all but it’s kind of nice and neat to try to chase these things but if it is LITERALLY OUTSIDE YOUR OWN POWER to complete them, it is hair-tearingly frustrating and has no place being an achievement at all.

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Oh, that does sound frustrating. It would drive me nuts too.

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can you earn achievements with a friend challenge? if so thats prolly your answer. if not, then, keep trying, or tank your mmr and play against players that wont know to concede?

I let it go off because i’m lazy :smiley: . It takes more effort to bottom right in the menu then concede than just click the end turn.

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Just because the player concedes, doesnt mean it’s a bad achievement. Is a car bad, because drivers make accidents? Same logic.

it is if its a buick :stuck_out_tongue: lol

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It’s not the same logic.

And there could have a fix for this being:

Desync the game for 1 turn when someone concede.

Basically let the last turn happen despite of someone conceding or not.
After that turn if the game didn’t end you play the concede animation and end the match.

So if anything it’s blizzard fault.

lol, what? How it’s blizzard fault, when people just surrender and not showing sportsmanship?

but players do let it go off because is faster to click end turn than conceding

Because there are ways to implement this and it’s their duty as a Company to offer a good service.

They also are the ones who let people concede so even if you think they’re not obligated to implement anything new they still have responsability for anything they already have in place.

Including the option to concede.

Well, bully for you, then, that YOUR opponents do let themselves get blown up instead of conceding. I said MY opponents.

Also, since I’m here now again anyway, it just sets an awful precedent for any future achievements where the player can follow every step necessary, flawlessly, and then the opponent can at any time say, “nah, not happening”.

At absolute BEST the people conceding don’t know about achievements because I would imagine the vast majority of people don’t even bother.

So yeah, at this rate, may as well make one that says, “win EXACTLY 3 games in a row as rogue and lose your next game to a death knight”, so long as we have totally unreasonable nonsense as a baseline.

its an achievement… its not meant to be easy to get by its nature. Sure some have a low bar but the one you want right now doesnt. So there’s no use in whining about how blizz doesnt cater to your wants and needs in this specific niche. trust me, i can whine and complain with the worst of em, but even I can see this is meant to be a badge of victory that’s meant to be a rare condition to have met. So either figure out if you can challenge a friend and pul it off to get credit, or just keep plowing forward. eventually you may get someone that decides to alt f4 on you when they see they will die to it, and hopefully they rope right into it for you instead of conceding.

I can see your point, and I agree with you.

Reminds me of a similiar achievement in a different game mode, and I’ve written a passage — a somewhat lengthy one, perhaps, as a warning for those who don’t like to read much — about it and the player mentality (see the part about ‘trolls, netdeckers and losers’ in particular, which your opponents apparently are) in general, which I think expresses a similar sentiment, so I guess I’ll leave it here in case someone’s interested.

By the way, come to think of it, your being bullied verbally for you understandable frustration by some random forum ‘star’ only further strengthens the point about player mentality. What do they say in such cases, ‘sad but true’?

PS To conclude, one could say that the main design mistake of this kind of achievement is disregard for the nature of your particular players and their mentality, to put it politely. Not that I’d expect the developers to learn from their mistakes, but anyway…

Achievements take effort, yes.

I’m glad you agree.

It’s strange, though, how you completely gloss over the fact that achievements are the reward of one’s PERSONAL efforts, even though the vast majority of them are ‘do X number of Y times’.

Also, challenging a friend has literally never worked in Hearthstone achievements.

The issue is just a circumvention of the natural ordering of events triggered by certain mechanics.

Hell, as long as I’m talking about circumventing things, I mean TECHNICALLY, by that measure, I could create 100 different Bnet accounts and harass people endlessly. Wouldn’t matter that they get banned because it wouldn’t be THIS account!

I mean, that’s a horrid stretch of trying to illustrate my point but it seems you don’t understand anything unless it’s ‘in-your-face’ and exaggerated.

Ive never discussed achievements to be honest, so I wouldnt know if was an avenue to explore or not. Merely conjectured some options to explore was all that was. Good to know it isnt an option now. I am not unintelligent, I just lack what most would consider the pre-requisites of what yall are discussing and Im trying to catch up.

imagine Im in AP English class, I am not an unskilled user of the words and so on, but I’ve never encountered texts such as the bible, never heard of Stephen King, and I surely dont know anything by Shakespeare memorized. Im aware of the guy and his works, but gun to my head, couldnt tell you the difference between Macbeth or Mercutio. But I can write and dissect and understand i just lack the ability to memorize all of Homer’s writings to be able to spit off the names of any Greek Gods or characters from the Illiad and so on. But I am interested in it all and while I can read it on my own time, all of you read all of it and committed it all to memory 10 years ago. All of that was just an illustration, i wasnt being literal.

Thats where I versus a lot of you are at concerning the game. There are neutral weapons in the game, i just learned this like a day ago. Outside of duels rewards I had never encountered this or even thought it was a possibility. You all know not just cards by heart, but have whole concepts of entire decks memorized.

I dont even have that really to any of my decks. The most thought I put into mine is the theme. Baku: True or False? C’Thun: True or False? and thats about it. I make sure i have the basic tech cards like the ooze that destroys a weapon, the owl that silences, the secret stealer, and something to draw a card or two. Board Wipe, preferably 2, and removals like deal 3 dmg or deal 6 dmg/ destroy a minion. And thats as far as I can go.

you guys have whole concepts of decks Im not aware of or could ever figure out on my own. Imagine another book you know the plot and characters to and all the tropes and motifs therein, and I am blundering my way into them at random not knowing what im facing.

I remember my first time encountering the battlecry spamming minion… um, jabberwocky? the neverending turn it causes. blundering into it not knowing what to expect but you would be sitting there as if I was making my way through Romeo and Juliet for the first time, you know what to expect and I dont see the tragedy coming but you surely do. How could I having never being here before? My only exposure to Jabberwocky was from BGs, I have no idea it is even its own card. and without the literary knowledge of knowing Romeo and Juliet is a tale of tragic star crossed lovers, so far the ride has been all uphill without a clue around the corner is sudden death. But of course, you all know, you knew about it 10 years ago.

So yeah, a lot of things in the game are totally foreign concepts, other things im discussing for the first time, and a lot of others boils down to not having anything comitted to memory like the lot of you do. Im not unintelligent, I can recall encounters with things when describing how they work in game. So long as ive encountered it.

I dont get where some see me as rude because I ask for elaboration on things or continue to be lost on any given topic when they think they;ve explained something enough by saying a card name a second time. Or whatever interaction they think was rude because I didnt meet their high bar of pre-requisite knowledge to be allowed on the forums here. I take whatever gifts of knowledge or experience given to me that isnt something like “google it”. And I better myself with it.

Currently this month Ive climbed to an amazing Bronze 7. I even got the card back this month. Thats something very unusual for me. Ive even gotten up to 5 wins this month in duels. a very very high win run for me. all thanks to a few of the folks here on the forums kind enough to friend me and chit chat with me and explain things I dont know to even ask about. shout out to Goramier, manni, worriedcheez! yall are all superb people with some amazing advice. i got lots more to understand and encounter for the first time, i know. but yall chose the “im gonna be awesome” path instead and I appreciate you all for that.

Nah, TECHNICALLY you’re only allowed 3 bnet accounts.

On topic - I’m here for ME (My Enjoyment). I Couldnt care less about what achievements you’re chasing. I consider it BM not to concede when lethal I cant prevent is presented, so I concede all the time in those situations.


Idk that sounds pretty illogical, and the metaphor doesn’t fit at all. The achievement is supposed to be for winning from the rock duel, and even when your opponent loses to the rock duel its possible that you won’t get the achievement if they concede.

That’s a very thoughtful response to an incredibly toxic community that I think sadly won’t listen or care. I recently had a friend who started with the game, and it’s really cool to see him testing synergies with cards I literally did not even know the existence of because they’re so weird/obscure. And sometimes, I’ll be totally blindsided by these strategies and lose because my deck wasn’t built to be prepared for them.
It really is a shame that the community is so hostile to new players who don’t immediately know every single piece of information/card text that has been printed. Just like in your analogy, a new reader to Romeo and Juliet who doesn’t already have all the context would probably come out with a new take on the material that experienced readers wouldn’t have even considered.
Anyways, enough of me preaching. Be weary of the forums if you’re unsure what a certain effect does, it’s nasty on here. But I wish you best of luck in your Hearthstone experience. I remember my first time getting the season card back, it was during Witchwood in 2018. If you stick with the game and ignore the toxic crap, I think you’ll have a lot of fun and learn how to make some really interesting plays. Cheers

but players do let it complete because they dont have to wait just end turn its faster than hiting the concede button

unlike something like sword of 1000 truths
that achievement is way harder because it takes at leasts 2 hits with the sword to win and most players concede after the first one

So what you’re saying is you want achievements to be easy? You know what I do, and this may not work for you, but it does for me. I don’t pay attention to achievements, if I get one I then look it up and I’m like “cool”.

I find that if you don’t stress about getting an achievement you’ll eventually get it just by playing and I find it to be way more enjoyable.