Whose "brilliant" idea was it to have achievements that

What I don’t get is why Achievement points are useless.
Why not let us bank them for cosmetics at least?

its a useless currency like the Canadian Penny or the NFTs from fill in the blank. and honestly I dont even think its that. I think its like a power level rating since they hide our real mmr ranks. This just continues to climb and climb the longer time goes forward. When you encounter someone with a surprisingly high achievement points score, you can safely assume either they have played the game A LOT or for a LONG time. Or both. And depending on the makeup of said points, they can be assumed to be very good at the game too. lol.

I don’t know if this is true. I have played forever, and I am thoroughly mediocre lol.

I’m going to repeat myself for what I said to another:

Well, BULLY for you! I’m glad YOUR opponents let the bomb go off. I’m saying MY opponents do not.

Though you do point out another poorly-designed achievement because even if you only need to swing once (from having the opponent low enough previously), just EQUIPPING it will have many people concede.

Achievements need to be possible without the intervention of a person deciding not to play the game anymore.

By all means, intervene through use of the in-game mechanics and make me work hard to SET UP THE CIRCUMSTANCES that the achievements demand as a prerequisite. That’s fine. That’s intended game design.

But flipping the board and saying, ‘no, screw you’ is a stupid, GENUINELY stupid, way of allowing the complete circumvention of these things being fulfilled.

most people i face that know whats coming just alt +f4 and the clock is ticking for me to get in what i can before it reports them as having left. just keep going youll encounter them too