What is Trolling?

Yes, that’s a good definition too.

All that to say that sycophant’ is NOT a good person.

Whoever came up with that word talks sh… too often.

Not necessarily true. Even good people do questionable or bad things sometimes. A sycophant can be a sycophant with the aim/goal of doing something noble and just. A means to an end, if you will. In such cases (and more), being sycophantic has nothing to do whatsoever with whether someone is a good or a bad person. Btw, I have noticed that you seem to be stuck on this black/white absolute way of thinking, when reality is various shades of grey. Just something to think about :thought_balloon::thought_balloon::thought_balloon:

I don’t respond to trolls, narcissists and other bad people on the forum.

I don’t like to waste my time.

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Makes sense why you reply to me, then :sunglasses:


Bruh you’re

  1. on an Internet forum for
  2. a PvP digital CCG.

You are in love with wasting your time.


But since trolls and narcissists don’t understand, it’s better to write it several times so that it sinks into their little brains.


Ah, I get it now. You are calling yourself a troll and narcissist…you got me pretty good :+1:

Now, if anyone had any doubts about what a “troll” is, there are examples here.

Of course I am addressing people who are neither trolls nor narcissists.

And since this topic was of course created by a troll, it is better to let this topic bury itself and lengthen the list of people to ignore by adding the narcissist.

It is funny to see that some people create accounts to - sometimes - like their own publications (accounts that no longer exist).

So this will be my last post here : what needed to be demonstrated has been demonstrated, no need to add anything more.

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Thank you so much, you really added a lot to this discussion! Godspeed soldier :saluting_face:

Btw I don’t know if it would be fair to say Einstein was a troll, but the man at least dabbled in trolling from time to time. Other physicists came up with quantum mechanics and Einstein literally responded with “God does not play dice.” 8/8 gr8 b8 m8

Edit: also he wrote an entire essay on why he was a socialist and had it published in a magazine

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