What are your tips for getting into Battlegrounds?

Never played BG in my life aside from tutorial and one game for quest on release.

I’m farming achievements and am done with all the gameplay ones from DMF and most of the Arena/Duels ones.

All that’s left is BG. What are your tips for getting into BG as a new player ? I’m clueless about the game mode so I have no idea what I’m doing. Ofc I’ve been watching some streams but I’m not paying too much attention.

Thank you.

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BG is the hardest game mode to write a comprehensive guide.

Each hero + hero power affects the game differently, which affects how the game is being played.

In think, in a general sense, you look for stats at the start of the game, and switches for value as you progress.

Hope others can help you with a better guide. GLHF.


when are you on, bee sensei? i can come to us servers and spectate you

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I’m not gonna play BG today but i’ll probably play some time later this week

I’d say to start just play like you think you should, blind basically, focusing on putting stats or synergy on the board. Write down how many times you rerolled in your first 10 games. Try to cut that number by 25% over the next 10 games. And then try to cut that number in half over your next games.

Most new players reroll way too much and go for synergies. But really it’s more about getting stats on the board and knowing when to level safely and not fall behind too much.

I think eventually you get into a mindset where you aren’t “going” for a particular tribe until you are around tier 4/5 (of course you might have the makings of synergies by then), and since you are buying more minions, holding them, and not wasting money on rerolls, you can be very flexible when a good synergy shows up.

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Pro tip: don’t tilt if RNG doesn’t go your way, that will happen a lot, it’s a mode built entirely on RNG


There is a youtuber/steamer that has some good guides by the nickname of
Other than that Reaver gave you a pretty spot on quick summary I myself have been playing almost all month to try and get my lvl 50 portrait and while you see cheating at lower ratings it’s not that hard to get a top 4 in your firsts attempts and a couple of 1st places here and there if you get top tier heroes offered.

For beginners, a few tips from the top of my head:

  • Upgrade your tavern every other turn. It’s vital you get the good cards soon.
  • Use mana tricks: cards like Sellemental and Murloc Tidehunter can give you additional mana. This is especially useful on turn 3, because it allows you to buy 2 minions instead of one.
  • Use minion type synergy, especially mid to late game.
  • Check who is playing what minion type. Avoid minion types that multiple players have.
  • Check other player’s board and what they are doing.
  • Play a lot. You will get better soon.


you can’t cheat in this game lol

Bassically dropped hearthstone for a good while and restarted playing on late january this year, since battlegrounds is the mode that awards more exp for the reward track.

then What do you call skipping the battle animations? or booting someone with firewalls? Belive me it happens and it’s easy to tell.

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or not

you can alt f4 and relaunch the game, same effect

He’s probably referring to the windows firewall thing to get longer buy phases

The tips I would give are:

  • Early on favor anything that gives you 2 minions and if none of those are available anything that can get extra gold like selemental then whatever has the best stats
  • Unless you’re playing as Millhouse level up on turn 2
  • Turn 3 if you have a token or something else that can generate gold like selemental get the extra gold and buy whatever the two best minions are. If you don’t but see two minions that look better than the 1 you have sell your minion and buy the two better ones. Otherwise either buy whatever has the best stats or reroll once or twice to see if anything with good stats comes up. The doombot and the deathrattle that gives all your minions +1/+1 are really good here but anything with decent looking stats is fine
  • Turn 4 buy the best 2 minions you see. Do not reroll
  • Turn 5 buy the best minion you see and level up
  • Turn 6 you got 2 rerolls you can work with and 2 minions to buy keep an eye out for any possible triples
  • Turn 7 level up and buy the best minion available

After turn 7 the best time to level up to tier 5 varies. There’s some that say rush to tier 5 as quickly as possible and others that would wait until you can buy a minion and level at the same time. What you really want to be looking for at this point is scaling, stuff that gets or gives repeated buffs or build around cards like bran, rivendare, razorgore, or lightfang crusader depending on what minions you got.

In general stay away from heroes whose hero power only works with a specific tribe as you might get unlucky and never get anything from that tribe.

Following this kind of a rough guide will generally be good enough to win quite a few games in the early going at which point you’ll probably have developed enough of an understanding of how the mode works to know when you should deviate from this


A lot of great info so far.

Also dont ge triggered if you fail misserably. BG is all about highroll where chances to roll something important (specific minion for tripple or buff or brann or whatever) is around 4-10% so basically when you win you highroll these low probabilities, when you lose you lowroll these probabilites.


Thank you all for your tips.

Greatly appreciated.


I’ve put just over 850 hours into the mode so far,
These are the tips I would give

Certain minions are must buys when your on that tavern tier compared to pretty much everything else unless your going for triples

On tier 1 tokens are must buys on turn 1 and then level to tier 2 on 4 gold. This applies to all hero’s besides Raffam.
He follows a different opening where you hero power buy on 4 and 5 gold then level buy hero power on 6 gold then level hero power on 7 gold
Some 1 cost hero power hero’s like the gambling hero also follow this opening

Tier 2 Spawn, bomb and the new 2/3 taunt are the best pick ups. Again unless your looking for triples or you have some tribe synergy going
Tier 3 are where the Devine Sheilds your looking to start building your build around are. There’s a mech, Dragon or Elemental that are super strong
Tier 4 hydra ie a cleave and module are great but you want to get to tier 5 fast so don’t sit on 4 for more than 2 turns

Tier 5 is where the magic starts. Finding your endgame build will depend on what you find.
Brann Lightfang or if you have to, Mumma,
Nommi and Barron can get you there

In the mid game going for triples right now is key. So picking up a pair or 2 if possible is a must right now. As well as timing when to triple. The best example is if your on tier 3 and you have the choice of buying that triple now

or buying something else and freezing the triple so you can level next turn to get a 5 drop. Newer players will take the triple right away and it’s a mistake. 5 drops like Brann are way more important than any 4 drop.

Endgame if your not sure what to do is fairly simple now. Devine Sheilds and Poison are king so Amalgadons and Sefless are must buys towards the end. So transitioning from selling your Brann/light fang to buying a selfless and Barron is something that will get you more wins than anything. As well as realising that a 40/40 is worthless compared to a 1/1 poison that has a shield and can get a reset

Sorry for the wall paper of text there’s a lot to go into if you interested

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And don’t forget you can sell minions

You can also buy minions and not play them right away (keep them in your hand)

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I’ve played a good handful of BGs. I’m no pro, but I end up in the top four a substantial amount of the time. All I can say is just play a lot of BGs, and you start to recognize what minions and strats are great for early rounds, when it’s time to ditch a minion you’ve invested into but isn’t gonna carry you through mid-late game, and when you should take a chance with your current group and just kick your tavern tier up. Sometimes it’s worth it to race up to level 3 at the cost of taking a few small punches in the first few rounds, almost like life tapping.

Step 1: Don’t play Millhouse Manastorm.
Step 2: Play an elemental minion.
Repeat step 2 as often as possible.

Okay, maybe I’m just a bit salty from my last defeat, but elementals are fairly straightforward in my opinion. They can be a good way to learn the basics of when to buy, sell, and upgrade since you don’t have to devote as much attention to combos and mechanic synergy (divine shield, deathrattle, etc.).

Learning to identify types of hero abilities (like which ones are good early vs. late game) helps you adjust your play. Lots of heroes have great synergy that’s not obvious at first (like divine shield guy and dragons) and you just have to learn those. Avoid Millhouse until you get the hang of the game, since he just confuses everything.

That’s my thoughts.

Elementals are pretty op, in my opinion. Race to grab them. There’s only enough for about 2 people to build a full force with them.

Don’t be too shy about a mixed bag. A good mech can be constantly upgraded with magnetic alongside a motley crew.

I don’t disagree with some of the comments but I’ll add on to them

Elementals are good but aren’t great. It requires a very early Noomi to actually win lobbies. Top 4 isn’t too hard with them but actually winning is rare for elementals

Millhouse if Elementals or Dragons in the lobby is arguably the best hero in the game 2 cost minions when your constantly cycling battle cries or bigger elementals can be busted powerful.
It’s a harder hero to play properly though so keep that in mind

Like I mentioned in my response Brann and Amalgadons are key to winning lobbies.
Your full board of 50/50 elementals or pirates just all die to a couple Devine Shield poison Amalgadons
Which is why going for any build that doesn’t have access to Shields or Poison will always loose to the player who has them