[Common Mistakes] Common mistakes Battlegrounds

Credit to Tempostorm. Save me time/effort to make this.



A written summary would be nice.

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So these guys over at tempo are hitting 8 cobalts and 5 goldrinns in their games (3:23 to 3:30)? If you are going to have a video with examples of boards make it realistic.

no, they showed examples to illustrate what they are talking about. they put multiple copies of those minions, that they are talking about, on the board in order to make the issue clearer I believe.

this seems to be a video from before the dragons were added:


  • buy/keep bad doubles in the early game
  • keep buff cards around
  • reroll too often in the early game, thus not improving board enough
  • tier up too quickly, thus not improving board enough
  • tier up too slowly (only Edwin and Deryl can delay on lower tiers due to their hero power)
  • commit to an archetype too early / forcing an archetype


  • on 4 gold (so turn 2): you should tier up
  • on 5 gold: if there are two good minions in the tavern, sell your first minion and buy two good ones, else reroll and buy one
  • on 6 gold: buy two minions
  • on 7 gold: buy one minion and tier up
  • on 8 gold: you can reroll twice and buy minions. you should have almost a full board and shouldn’t have bad tier 1 minions anymore.


  • you should maximise stats in the early- to mid-game
  • early game minions to keep as doubles: minions that scale well (cobalt guardian, floating watcher, wrath weaver) and minions that are relevant for large parts of the game (spawn of n’zoth, kaboom bot)
  • don’t reroll much before tier 4
  • depending on your board strength tier up to tier 4 and tier 5 by spending 5-6 gold
  • by 10 gold aim to buff your board by roughly 4/4 stats each turn


  • in general the mid-game is always based on buffing minions, but details vary depending on archetypes
  • demons should follow the buffing by 4/4 stats each turn rule of thumb because they can’t get divine shield or cleave
  • beasts aren’t based on cycling buffs, but can reroll more often for goldrinn, cave hydra and baron rivendare
  • cobalt mechs are based on finding magnetized buffs and cycling divine shields
  • murlocs are notorious traps. they rely on highrolling early because their general plan is to survive until tier 5