lol upgrading tavern is situational not “every XXXX”. The fact that I do in fact see people win who sit and simply upgrade while losing every round is a testament to how little skill matters in the mode.
It’s hard to constantly cycle when the game decides to constantly hose you. what game are you playing where you’re going XXXX tribe and see enough to make the claim that millhouse lets you play more of them?
We’re talking about beginners here. As a rule of thumb, upgrading every other turn is fine for a beginner. Once you get more experienced, you can divert from this.
Except it isn’t even remotely true for beginners.
?? It’s a guide for beginners not a set way to play each game it sounds like your just salty from a bad Millhouse game
It’s simple maths with Millhouse
If you have a Kaly ie trying to play dragons.
Your battlecries cost 2 and sell for 1 where as everyone else costs 3 and sells for 1
So you will scale faster than any other hero in the game. Simple as that
Nommi is the same story. Cycling your Elementals for 2 gold instead of 3. Besides Jandice swapping the tier 5 ele that battlecries another ele into your hand. Millhouse is the best hero for growing your Elementals
Not to mention the 1/3 that negates your 2 cost hero power to give you a free roll.
We’re not talking about the times where you don’t get lucky because that’s not helpful. It’s a base guide on how to get better at the game
I’m no expert but I think you’re right, the Millhouse HP seems to perfectly synergize for that kind of strat.
You essentially want to cycle as much battlecry minions to buff your board.
Hero power seem to dictate the optimal playstyle for a lot of classes.
There are tribes that are significantly better than others with some heroes which proves your point
Except it is.
Leveling on 4 gold is the absolute norm except for Raffamm and a couple 1 cost hero power hero’s. Pyrimad as another example
Then leveling on 7 gold is also the norm every hero in the game including Raf
Then depending on MMR. Higher ranked players in this meta often level to tier 4 on 8 gold.
This is because finding your early game triple and discovering a 4 drop is often useless so tiering to 4 on 8 gold and then tripling next turn to discover a 5 drop.
Otherwise tiering up to 4 on 9 gold is the norm
Like I mentioned in my first post you only stay on tier 4 for a max of 2 turns otherwise you will fall to far behind (besides if you have a Nommi)
So if you tiered up to 4 on 8 gold you tier up to 5 on 10 gold and if you tiered up to 4 on 9 gold you either tier up straight away next turn or the turn after depending on how strong you are.
This is how pretty much all games play out.
Best example of hero’s dictating what to play besides hero’s that force a tribe with their hero power is Alikur
His hero power gives your first minion Devine Shield and Windfurry.
The beast comp that wins games involves a tier 3 minion most players just call the Parrot
When it attacks it triggers a friendly minions Deathrattle. Combine that with a Goldrin a tier 6 beast that Deathrattles gives your beasts 5+5 and a Barron which triggers Deathrattles twice
By itself that combo is super powerful but if your playing Alikur and you attack first your parrot will trigger twice because it has Devine Shield and Windfurry. Then if you get the Parrot Golden it will trigger 4 times. Then if you have a Barron it will trigger 8 times
It’s broken if you pull it off