Well.... I'll crack: I have my "complain about deck"

Yup, control warriors are coming back. Which is good news for my control priest lol.

I even saw a solid taunt deck floating around.

Finely is usually just a 2/3 Murloc, but another potential Win Condition if he’s in your hand and you wait to get Hunter/Mage/Warlock HP to finish off the game

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Ive been using the epic deathrattle that summons the lowest cost minions in both players hands as well as Morrigan, and the 10/10 reborn legendary, mechanical welps, taunts that heal, and board clears, been good so far. This is a huge meme and a very slow deck but you can beat a lot of aggressive decks out there as well as other control decks if you can cheat out your powerful DRs and make them waste removals. End game is strong as you pull free legendaries thanks to the quest and Rafaam.

Link or didn’t happen

20 characters needed


I’ll admit I’ll give you props, lol.

I was thinking “Man you can think through all of yoru deck quickly in Wild to hit ACH between Tip the Scales, Mysterious Challenger, etc.” and completely missed doing it in Standard, lol

lol, he made you look like a freaking idiot

druid and shaman can both total wipe on turn 5 and warrior seems to stomp it consistently

It’s so stupid. Needs to be fixed ASAP. No point in playing any aggro decks when this exists.

We have Kripp to thank for Murloc Pali

Plenty of folks saw the cards in this deck working well together before the expansion even launched.

I honestly didn’t think the deck could handle the turn 4 tempo loss. I was wrong.

It’s funny the complaints you see about “the meta is all aggro” til a deck is released that crushes all aggro and tips the scales back to control
Still doesn’t seem that strong, just more like, aggros final form, lol

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I don’t have the legends to perfect the deck. But what’s great is playing this exact scenario n Deathrattle Hunters, Because you know how that hand goes and another deck that got old Quick. Galvanizer, Urse, Magnetize add, another Magnetize add…if you kill the mech get mechs from DR. Magnetize some more. Highly likely its Zilliax on turn 5 or 6 and then GG by turn 7 or 8 right on schedule per game design…

So its awesome to just go hey DR Hunter, watch this. Coin 3 Prismatic Tip the Scales…

Yeah how’s that feel? Sucks and stupid aint it. Right as they concede.

Personally I would swap in some silence or black knight\etc in my experience this deck gets shutdown by timely taunts. zillax , huge priest taunts, etc. It will get some extra wins just getting past these in the midgame turns.
Also yeah mass hysteria wrecks this deck hard.

I don’t.


Why this deck is so good.

I’ve lost so many times, even Control Warrior crumples if you don’t get Warpath, Brawls, or Dyno’s, fun! Just like the RR meta!

Also, you cracked? Great, expect 25 complaint threads on cards from me in the next 2 minutes, I’m not the first this time!

Can’t believe how fast some players are jumping ship :smiley:

All is full of Lackey warlocks and Shaman quests one day, then one streamer shows a new stronger highroll deck and BAM, thousands of people play that deck to death.

If it wasn’t annoying as crap to play against those people who only play whatever has the highest winrate (even in Casual … those monsters!) it’d be very amusing.

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Faced them twice with Control Shaman, beat them both times.

1 single Lightning Storm and they are finished for the most part. It never even goes late enough for Nomi to be relevant

But Druid on the other hang…man so much pressure

Yeah Control should do well just worries on “not Control”

How is Control Shaman going? I’m planning to build one one the meta settles a bit more.

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So far Im on a winning streak, but thats not saying anything at rank 8 lol. Plus everybody else here is better than me so…if Im able to have somewhat of a roll, you guys could do it too.

But maybe its just luck. Not having to face as many Bomb Warriors as before helps a bunch.

Maybe, I just asked for the source and he provided it. I was first to Like his response I figured it would it would strand in for a “thank you”

It’s not like I doubted him personally, but in this age of tinfoil hat comments I really think you should provided proof or data when making “I told you so” or similar posts.

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