Well.... I'll crack: I have my "complain about deck"

Not when it targets specific card types and swaps their mana costs.

It would be much more fine if it just drew the next two cards and did the cost swap. At least then it wouldn’t be virtually guaranteed to hit tip the scales.

Basically it has re-created a spiteful deck, but now as early as turn 4 instead of turn 6, and spiteful summoner got nerfed to 7 just summoning one big thing, nevermind a full board of synergizing minions.

It would not surprise me to see prismatic lens take a hit just because of how this deck plays out.

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Yeah, great - oh wait…that means you must be playing priest and must draw it. What do you do next turn when they reload? Play another one? Right.

As laways around here: Dodging the facts while offering a useless, stupid “counter”. Whatever.

I have built a plot twist warlock deck that plays like a control deck, and with it’s many board clears it was able to beat that Pally deck very easily the few times I played it. Matter of fact, plot twist quest with high cost deathrattles / rafaam has been a very strong deck, surprisingly.

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That’s rich coming from someone who repeatedly and knowingly refutes statistics in favor of personal analogies.

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I’m just starting to mess with Plot Twist Warlock today (doing 5ish games of a bunch of decks). I am looking forward to it a ton =) The deck so badly wants Defile back ><;

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I opened 5 copies of Tip The Scale from my preorder packs, maybe the game was trying to warn me.

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lol quest control priest as a counter. They get swallowed up with the rest. If your turn one is doing nothing but playing a quest, you’ve already lost.

Most Control decks do nothing turn 1 and, thus far, Control has been my only consistent answer to the deck.

The more Midrange version of Quest Priest that I’ve been running has issues against the deck because it only has 2 AoE removal cards (Mass Hysteria) and, as such, needs to hit 2 cards while the Paladin is digging and thinning in a more efficient manner.

Control Warrior is definitely a good route. Control Priest is a ‘probably’ but I am unsure if the Quest is a positive here… it is being played. Not sure on Mage or Shaman being able to out control the deck. Both though, in theory, just need their initial AoE and they’re good as Shaman has tutoring draw (Storm Chaser) and Mage has the Tortolian to essentially have 8 AoEs if needed.

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I haven’t run into Tip the Scales yet, but Quest Druid would be completing their quest and can have a Starfall or two in hand by that time. It does amazing things against a board full of murlocs.

This deck has singlehandedly prompted me to remake my Big Spell Mage with a much greater focus on getting out early Flame Wards. Gonna try it as soon as work isn’t as crazy.

My issue with Quest Druid was not getting too far behind early. I’ll fully admit though I might have been playing Quest Druid poorly as I had a poor initial run with the deck.

I think this deck and CC Mage will crack “class identities” in half.

You can’t have both Mana cheating and Keep all classes from having board clear and targeted hard removal. It just forces everyone to SMorc as they can’t deal with the field.

Give every class board clears and hard removal Create class identities on the other game aspects.


This deck is really weak. It has no tech or spells whatsoever,only the murloc spell and prismatic. Any control deck should be able to beat this easily,they flood the board 3 times max and only once with decent minions (nomi). Its one of the weaker agro decks I think,they will also lose 4 mana tempo the turn they play prismatic which is pretty bad for any agro deck. Then they make up for it 1 turn later by flooding with weak minions which should be easy to clear.

You underestimate the number of decks that don’t or can’t run AOE.


I fully agree that Control shouldn’t have a huge issue which is why, later in this thread, this deck feels like Quest Rogue from J2U flipped. It’ll be beaten by Control consistently but anything else I think will have issue.

I’ll fully admit that I could be wrong on how this decks shakes out but… so far this has been the only ><; deck I have faced of the new and new-ish decks.

Based on HSR’s data from yesterday to today, it looks like this deck prompted a lot of folks to hop back on Control Warrior and farm them.

I think we’re going to see a lot of fluxuation in the coming weeks as long as there are decks that can feast on Control Warrior enough to keep it from holding steady.

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Doesn’t surprise me a ton if people jump back to Warrior. I am going to mess with Plot Twist Warlock today and look at the +3/+3 on DR card and swapping it in for something. See if I can thread the needle at Warrior and Paladin.

Such as identities that fit the classes?

Aren’t swarming and spamming expendable resources to ensure a cheap victory not Paladin’s identity?
Necromancy is also very divine-like.

Your criticism falls flat in the opposition of our devlords’ wisdom.

You shouldn’t confuse the different quest priest decks, they are vastly different.

The core one is just a DS/IF draw deck.
The other one revolves around leeroy shenanigans.
The control one is completely different and has a better chance vs this deck.

The problem, as Lykotic pointed out, is that you have to draw one of 2 cards before they draw their 1 of 4 but it still does fairly well overall.

I may have just been lucky so far (this is the most likely reason). It is best if you start with the coin, so you get left over mana turn 1, then Worthy Expedition on 2, Questing Explorer or Crystal Merchant on 3 and BEEES on 4. Quest complete, Choose 1 madness begins next turn.
I have been surprised with how well and often that scenario has played out.

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