Well.... I'll crack: I have my "complain about deck"

Really… this “Tip the Scales” Paladin is getting really old, really quick.

For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure yet:

Murloc Paladin
Class: Paladin
Format: Standard
Year of the Dragon

2x (1) Toxfin
2x (1) Murmy
2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller
2x (1) Grimscale Oracle
1x (2) Zephrys the Great
1x (2) Sir Finley of the Sands
2x (2) Fishflinger
2x (2) Bluegill Warrior
2x (3) Nightmare Amalgam
2x (3) Murloc Warleader
2x (3) Coldlight Seer
2x (4) Truesilver Champion
2x (4) Prismatic Lens
2x (4) Murloc Tastyfin
1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
1x (7) Chef Nomi
2x (8) Tip the Scales


So far any of my decks that are not just hard Control (so Quest Control Priest) have just been folding to this deck. Prismatic Lens is just hitting Tips the Scales for turn 5 or 6 so often and since it’s Murloc MR is fighting off the back foot usually.

Queues into another one
SoB! >.>


I’m just glad my prophecy of Nomi Murloc Paladin has come true.


Had a turn 3 coin lens into turn 4 Tip the Scales last night. My jaw just kind of hit the floor when I saw his ginormous board that then proceeded to kill me on turn 5. So yeah, despite people’s initial skepticism about that card, it seems really strong. Enables Murloc Pally in much the same way Underbelly Angler enabled Shaman. I fully expect to see a bunch of murlocs the next few months between the two decks.


How does Sir Finely and Zephrys even work? You need to use up your dupes before they can be played I assume? I made a murloc/secret paladin with Finley and Zephrys + Tip the Scales with no dupes and it’s been ok so far.

I need to tweak it a bit more.

Sir Finley is a 2/3 Murloc so… ya!

I’ve seen it trigger once so far and it was after playing one Tip the Scales from my opponent. I honestly think it is just there mainly as a 2/3 Murloc.

Zephrys I’m not quite as certain about. My guess is for a ‘hailmary lethal’ card.


I suppose it’s the Paladin’s version of Captain Hooktusk minus the rush buff.

Mass Hysteria

The idea is that Tip the Scales thins your deck out enough to remove the Dupes. Finley could also be played with his BC if the player had it on hand prior to Tip. My guess is Finley is the less important of the two, and not worth the craft solely for it, at least until more data comes in.

I am skeptical about the quality of the data for HSREPLAY’s tier list right now. It always fluctuates a lot right the first couple of days when people don’t understand what they are facing.

Thank you, my non-Priest and non-Warrior (Brawl) decks will remember this, lol


If the cards hit right you can trigger zeph for lethal. This deck aims to be fully drawn before turn 10

Have you seen Phaoris Paladin yet?

If those 2 decks are too strong Prismatic Lens might just get nerfed.

I have not. I’ve seen Quest (interesting but I’ve beat it everytime) and Paladin Murloc Aggro-Combo thing

No way prismatic gets nerfed, 4 Mana for 2 cards is kinda bad anyway

4 Mana for 2 cards is bad, but swapping the costs of a 10-cost minion and a 1-cost spell can lead to some pretty ridiculous combos.

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I 100% agree. This deck is very consistent on filling the board with murlocs on turn 5. If you don’t have board clear, you’re dead. And most classes don’t have board clear at that mana.

Better hope you’re playing priest and have mass hysteria.

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But you’re sort of looking at the most extreme highroll of it in a vacuum

It is only running 4 spells (2x Prismatic, 2x Tip) and the minions curve is fairly low. 1-10 is a high-roll but Tips hitting by turn 5 or 6 seems to happen consistently enough.


Yeah, this is the version that I’ve seen that I think I should be best. Lens either finds itself or tip the scales and with the low cost of murlocs it seems pretty consistent.

I think that it’s going to have some pretty clear counters though. I’ve beaten it every time with my quest Rogue even when they highroll. I have blade flurry in my quest Rogue and it’s been a really good tech against several decks including this one. I can usually complete quest between 3-5 and that makes flurry a pretty solid early board clear.


I think that’s the main issue, people don’t take it seriously

Was thinking this over while trying to get to sleep last night…

This deck feels a lot like Quest Rogue did in the J2U but just flipped. You’re probably not going to win as an aggro or Midrange decks against them as you can’t fight for the board that effectively but playing as Control it is a game of drawing removal in time but if you do it is pretty much a GG against the deck as it is a ‘two-trick’ pony (Tip & Chef).

Obviously WAY too early but just thinking it over and that would essentially mean you’d be looking at as the probable Control decks:

  • Warrior
  • Priest
  • Maybe Mage
  • Maybe Shaman

Both Mage and Shaman needs a bit more to go right to hit their AoE clears in time as Scheme needs to be drawn by turn 2 and Mage needs 2 cards for Doomsayer clear.

Interestingly, just theory crafting here, if the meta did polarize on this deck in the manner described above it’d actually make a meta where I could see Plot Twist Warlock having a place as it can win against both style of decks with consistency, leaning a bit towards the Control decks, which I thought was interesting.