We have yet another Deathwing - what to call them?

With the new Core Set coming up, we now have “yet another version of Deathwing”. New versions for each 6 big Legendary dragons from Classic. Too many versions to keep track of? How do we know which one is being talked about in conversation?

Below is a list of major characters in Hearthstone that have multiple versions of themselves as cards, and what nicknames you might call them.

  • Nicknames are most useful if the card is iconic or popular for a length of time.
    If a version of a character card didn’t see much play or is quite old, then there is less need for a special nickname.
  • If you know any more nicknames that have been frequently used for these cards, please comment!

* Is also a Battlegrounds Hero
^ Is also a Boss in Solo Adventures

Dragon Aspects + Onyxia (6)


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Deathwing Legacy/Classic OG Deathwing, Classic Deathwing, Old Deathwing, Original Deathwing
Deathwing, Dragonlord Whispers of the Old Gods (2016) Dragonlord, Old Gods Deathwing
Deathwing, Mad Aspect* Descent of Dragons (2019) Warrior Deathwing, 8 mana Deathwing, DoD Deathwing
Deathwing the Destroyer Core Set (2021) New Deathwing
Deathwing (hero portrait) Alternate Warrior hero portrait.


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Ysera* Legacy Wild OG Ysera, “Nerfed Dream Cards” Ysera
Ysera* Classic format version OG Ysera, Classic Ysera, Old Ysera, Original Ysera
Ysera, Unleashed Descent of Dragons (2019) Druid Ysera, DoD Ysera, Dream Portal Ysera
Ysera, the Dreamer Core Set (2021) New Ysera, “Dream cards to your hand” Ysera


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Malygos* Legacy/Classic OTK Maly, Combo Maly, OG Maly, Classic Maly, Old Maly, Original Maly
Malygos, Aspect of Magic Descent of Dragons (2019) Mage Maly, DoD Maly, 5 mana Maly, 2/8 Maly, “Discover an upgraded Mage spell” Maly
Malygos the Spellweaver Core Set (2021) New Maly, “Draw Spells” Maly


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Alexstrasza* Legacy/Classic OG Alex, Classic Alex, Old Alex, Original Alex, “Set to 15” Alex
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Descent of Dragons (2019) DQ Alex, DQA, “Highlander” Alex
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Core Set (2021) New Alex, “8 Damage” Alex


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Nozdormu* Legacy/Classic OG Noz, 9 mana Noz, Classic Noz, Old Noz, Original Noz, “Meme” Noz
Nozdormu the Timeless Descent of Dragons (2019) “Ramp Paladin” Noz, “4 mana 8/8”
Nozdormu the Eternal Core Set (2021) 7 mana Noz, “Blitz Mode” Noz
Murozond the Infinite Descent of Dragons (2019) Murozond is a corrupted future version of Nozdormu.


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Onyxia Legacy/Classic
Onyxia the Broodmother Core Set (2021) “Shu’ma” Onyxia
Raid Boss Onyxia Fractured in Alterac Valley (2021) New Onyxia

League of E.V.I.L. (5)

Dr. Boom

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Dr. Boom Goblins vs Gnomes (2014) Dr. 7, Dr. Balanced, OG Boom, GvG Boom, “two Boom Bots” Boom, Original Boom
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius^ The Boomsday Project (2018) Dr. Boom Hero (card), “Mech Rush” Boom
Blastmaster Boom Rise of Shadows (2019) Bomb Warrior Boom


Name Set Names/Nicknames
King Togwaggle^ Kobolds & Catacombs (2017) “Wild Druid” Togwaggle, KnC Togwaggle, “Swap your decks” Togwaggle, “Azalina” Togwaggle, OG Togwaggle, Old Togwaggle, Original Togwaggle
Heistbaron Togwaggle Rise of Shadows (2019) Rogue Togwaggle, RoS Togwaggle, 6 mana Togwaggle, “Wand” Togwaggle, “Lackey” Togwaggle, “fantastic treasure” Togwaggle


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Hagatha the Witch^ The Witchwood (2018) Hagatha Hero (card), Witchwood Hagatha
Swampqueen Hagatha Rise of Shadows (2019) SQ Hagatha, RoS Hagatha, “5/5 Horror” Hagatha


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Arch-Thief Rafaam^ League of Explorers (2015) OG Rafaam, LoE Rafaam, “Discover an Artifact” Rafaam, 9 mana Rafaam, Original Rafaam
Arch-Villian Rafaam*^ Rise of Shadows (2019) “Legendaries” Rafaam, RoS Rafaam
Imp King Rafaam Murder at Castle Nathria (2022) MCN Rafaam

Madame Lazul
1 card version + Hero Portrait (see below)

Old Gods (4)


Name Set Names/Nicknames
C’thun Whispers of the Old Gods (2016) OG C’thun, Old Gods C’thun, “Free” C’thun, Original C’thun
Mecha’thun The Boomsday Project (2018) Combo C’thun, “Draw all your cards” C’thun, “Destroy the enemy hero” C’thun, Boomsday C’thun
C’thun, the Shattered* Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (2020) Darkmoon Faire C’thun, “4 pieces” C’thun, “30 damage” C’thun

Y’Shaarj (YAH-Sha-Raj)

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound Whispers of the Old Gods (2016) OG Y’Shaarj, Old Gods Y’Shaarj, “Recruit” Y’Shaarj, “Big Priest” Y’Shaarj, “Barnes” Y’Shaarj, Original Y’Shaarj
Y’Shaarj, the Defiler* Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (2020) Darkmoon Faire Y’Shaarj, “Corrupt” Y’shaarj


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End* Whispers of the Old Gods (2016) OG Yogg, Old Gods Yogg, “God of Death” Yogg, Old Yogg, Original Yogg
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (2020) Darkmoon Faire Yogg, New Yogg, “Wheel of Yogg-Saron” Yogg, “Rod of Roasting” Yogg


Name Set Names/Nicknames
N’Zoth, the Corruptor Whispers of the Old Gods (2016) OG N’Zoth, Old Gods N’Zoth, Deathrattle N’Zoth, Old N’Zoth, Original N’Zoth
N’Zoth, God of the Deep* Core Set (2021) “Menagerie” N’Zoth, New N’Zoth
N’Zoth (hero portrait) Alternate Walock hero portrait.

League of Explorers (4)


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Reno Jackson League of Explorers (2015) OG Reno, LoE Reno, “Highlander” Reno, “Singleton” Reno, “Heal to full” Reno, Old Reno, Original Reno
Reno the Relicologist* Saviors of Uldum (2019) “Pew-Pew” Reno, “10 damage” Reno, Little Reno
The Amazing Reno^ Galakrond’s Awakening (2020) Poof!” Reno, Reno Hero (card), Big Reno
Reno is also a nickname for “Highlander” - only one copy of each card in a deck


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Elise Starseeker League of Explorers (2015) OG Elise, LoE Elise, “Treasure Map” Elise, Old Elise, Original Elise
Elise the Trailblazer Journey to Un’Goro (2017) Jungle Elise, “Un’Goro Pack” Elise, “5 mana 5/5” Elise
Elise the Enlightened Galakrond’s Awakening (2020) Highlander Druid Elise, “duplicate hand” Elise
Elise Starseeker (hero portrait)* Alternate Druid hero portrait.

Sir Finley

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Sir Finley Mrrgglton League of Explorers (2015) OG Sir Finley, LoE Sir Finley, Old Sir Finley, Original Sir Finley
Sir Finley of the Sands* Saviors of Uldum (2019) Highlander Paladin Sir Finley, “upgraded Hero Power” Sir Finley, “Scarab Rider” Sir Finley
Sir Finley, Sea Guide Voyage to the Sunken City (2022) “Swap hand and deck” Sir Finley, New Sir Finley, Underwater Sir Finley


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Brann Bronzebeard League of Explorers (2015) OG Brann, LoE Brann, “Double Battlecry” Brann, Old Brann, Original Brann
Dinotamer Brann* Saviors of Uldum (2019) Highlander Hunter Brann, “King Krush” Brann, SMOrc Brann, “Face is the Place” Brann, New Brann

Mercenaries (10)

Kurtrus Ashfallen

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Kurtrus Ashfallen Forged in the Barrens (2021)
Demonslayer Kurtrus
(Final Showdown)
United in Stormwind (2021)
Kurtrus, Demon-Render Fractured in Alterac Valley (2021)

Guff Runetotem

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Guff Runetotem Forged in the Barrens (2021)
Guff the Tough
(Lost in the Park)
United in Stormwind (2021)
Wildheart Guff Fractured in Alterac Valley (2021) Guff Hero, “20 mana” Guff
Guff Runetotem
Spelunker Guff
Fangbound Guff
Fauna Friend Guff
(hero portraits)
Alternate Druid hero portraits.
Level 40 in UiS Tavern Pass
Level 60 in UiS Tavern Pass
Level 100 in UiS Tavern Pass
(Book of Mercenaries)
Guff Runetotem


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Tavish Stormpike Forged in the Barrens (2021)
Tavish, Master Marksman
(Defend the Dwarven District)
United in Stormwind (2021)
Beaststalker Tavish Fractured in Alterac Valley (2021)
Tavish Stormpike
(hero portrait)
Alternate Hunter Hero portrait.


More Characters (11)

Ragnaros also appears in other character’s cards.

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Ragnaros the Firelord*^ Legacy/Hall of Fame OG Rag, Classic Rag, HoF Rag, “DIE, INSECT!” Rag, Old Rag, Original Rag
Ragnaros, Lightlord Whispers of the Old Gods (2016) Rag Lightlord, Heal Rag, “LIVE, INSECT!” Rag, Paladin Rag
Majordomo Executus^ Blackrock Moutain (2015) Exectus Rag (hero)
Description reads: Deathrattle: Replace your hero with Ragnaros the Firelord.
Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk Rastakhan’s Rumble (2018) Jan’alai Rag
Description reads: Battlecry: If your Hero Power dealt 8 damage this game, summon Ragnaros the Firelord.
Sulfuras (Fire Plume’s Heart) Journey to Un’Goro (2017) Quest Warrior “Rag Hero Power”, Sulfuras "Rag Hero Power"
Sulfuras is the Quest reward for completing the Warrior Quest, Fire Plume’s Heart.
Description reads: Battlecry: Your Hero Power becomes ‘Deal 8 damage to a random enemy.’

Sylvanas Windrunner
1 card version + Hero Portrait (see below)

Lord Jaraxxus

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Lord Jaraxxus* Classic Format OG Jaraxxus, Classic Jaraxxus, Old Jaraxxus, Original Jaraxxus, 3/15 Jaraxxus
Lord Jaraxxus* Legacy/Core Set (2021) Jaraxxus Hero (card), New Jaraxxus
(hero portrait)^
Alternate Warlock hero portrait.

Illidan Stormrage

Name Set Notes
Illidan Stormrage Classic Format only
Xavius Legacy/Classic Xavius replaced Illidan Stormrage (card) when Demon Hunter was released.
Illidan Stormrage (hero portrait)* Represents the Demon Hunter class. Default hero portrait.


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Vol’jin Goblins vs Gnomes (2014) OG Vol’jin, GvG Vol’jin, “Swap Health” Vol’jin, Old Vol’jin, Original Vol’jin
Shadow Hunter Vol’jin Forged in the Barrens (2021) New Voljin, “Swap Minion” Vol’jin, “Dirty Rat” Vol’jin, “Combo” Vol’jin, “Big Deck” Vol’jin


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Kel’Thuzad^ Curse of Naxxramas (2014) OG KT, Naxx KT, “Resurrect” KT, Old KT, Original KT
Headmaster Kel’Thuzad Scholomance Academy (2020) New KT, 5 mana KT, “Spellburst” KT
(hero portrait)
Alternate Mage hero portrait.
Kel’thuzad, the Inevitable Murder at Castle Nathria (2022) “Volatile Skeletons” Kel’thuzad, “Explode” Kel’thuzad

Elite Tauren Chieftain (E.T.C.)

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Elite Tauren Chieftain Legacy/Hall of Fame HoF ETC, 6 mana ETC, “Promo” ETC, OG ETC, Old ETC, Original ETC
E.T.C., God of Metal Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (2020) New ETC, 2 mana ETC, “Combo Warrior” ETC


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
(Galakrond’s Wit)
Descent of Dragons (2019) Priest Galakrond
(random Priest minion Hero Power)
Galakrond, the Nightmare
(Galakrond’s Guile)
Descent of Dragons (2019) Rogue Galakrond
(Lackey Hero Power)
Galakrond, the Tempest
(Galakrond’s Fury)
Descent of Dragons (2019) Shaman Galakrond
(2/1 Rush Hero Power)
Galakrond, the Wretched
(Galakrond’s Malice)
Descent of Dragons (2019) Warlock Galakrond
(two 1/1 imps Hero Power)
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
(Galakrond’s Might)
Descent of Dragons (2019) Warrior Galakrond
(+3 Attack Hero Power)
Galakrond, the Apocalypse Descent of Dragons (2019) The first upgrade for each of the 5 Galakrond cards. 2 Invokes required.
Galakrond, Azeroth’s End Descent of Dragons (2019) “fully-Invoked” Galakrond
The second upgrade for each of the 5 Galakrond cards. 4 Invokes required.


Name Set Names/Nicknames
Kazakus Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (2016) Old Kazakus, “Potion” Kazakus, Highlander Kazakus, MSG Kazakus, OG Kazakus, Original Kazakus
Kazakus, Golem Shaper Forged in the Barrens (2021) 4 mana Kazakus, “Custom Golem” Kazakus, FitB Kazakus
Kazakusan Fractured in Alterac Valley (2021) Dragon Kazakus, “Discover Treasures” Kazakus

Archmage Antonidas

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Archmage Antonidas Legacy/Classic Exodia Antonidas, “Free Fireballs” Antonidas, 7 mana Antonidas
Grand Magus Antonidas United in Stormwind (2021) “Fire spells” Antonidas, 8 mana Antonidas

Archbishop Benedictus

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Archbishop Benedictus Knights of the Frozen Throne (2017) “Copy deck” Benedictus, Meme Benedictus, “My master will return!”
Darkbishop Benedictus United in Stormwind (2021) “Shadow Priest” Benedictus

Varian Wrynn

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Varian Wrynn The Grand Tournament
Varian, King of Stormwind United in Stormwind (2021)

Lady Vashj

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Lady Vashj^ Ashes of Outland (2020) Lady Vashj (hero portrait)
[for Shaman]
Baroness Vashj Murder at Castle Nathria (2022) “Evolve” Vashj

These characters have 2 versions where “Old xx” and/or “New xx” will do just fine for nicknames:

Name Set Names/Nicknames
Hemet Nesingwary Goblins vs Gnomes (2014) “Destroy a Beast” Hemet
Hemet, Jungle Hunter Journey to Un’goro (2017) “Destroy (3) or less” Hemet, “Mecha’thun” Hemet
Bolvar Fordragon Goblins vs Gnomes (2014)
Bolvar, Fireblood Knights of the Frozen Throne (2017) “Divine Shield” Bolvar
Lilian Voss Knights of the Frozen Throne (2017)
Infiltrator Lilian Scholomance Academy (2020) Stealth Lilian
Nat Pagle Legacy/Classic
Nat, the Darkfisher Whispers of the Old Gods (2016)
King Mukla Legacy/Classic
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale Whispers of the Old Gods (2016)
Hogger Legacy/Classic
Hogger, Doom of Elwynn Whispers of the Old Gods (2016)
Skycap’n Kragg The Grand Tournament (2015) Charrrrrge Kragg
Sky Gen’ral Kragg Galakrond’s Awakening (2020) Quest Kragg
The Black Knight Legacy/Classic
The Skeleton Knight The Grand Tournament (2015)

These characters have 1 card version, but also feature as a Hero portrait. In this case, using “xx card” and “xx hero” should do fine:

Name Set Hero Portrait
Sylvanas Windrunner*^ Legacy/Hall of Fame Sylvanas Windrunner (hero portrait)
[for Hunter]
Medivh, the Guardian One Night in Karazhan (2016) Medivh (hero portrait)
[for Mage]
Madame Lazul^ Rise of Shadows (2019) Madame Lazul (hero portrait)
[for Priest]
Khadgar^ Rise of Shadows (2019) Khadgar (hero portrait)
[for Mage]
Maiev Shadowsong Ashes of Outland (2020) Maiev Shadowsong (hero portrait)
[for Rogue]

Thanks for reading!

If you know any more nicknames that have been frequently used for these cards, please comment!

This topic was originally named: Are we calling cards “New Deathwing” “old Deathwing” when there’s 4 different versions?

Context mostly, or full name if contect doesn’t suffice. But, like, talk about OTK Maly and we’re gonna know what you mean.

Aren’t the OGs going away COMPLETELY, other than in classic? My assumption was that the “new” versions were changes to the originals rather than new, seperate cards?

Classic cards not continuing in Core will be available for Wild.

If it has the same name, then it is the same card with whatever change happened to it.

If it has a different name, then it is a new card, and the original will still exist as a separate card as part of the legacy set in Wild.

So, the new dragon aspects, for example, are all new cards, and the original dragon aspects will still be there as well in Wild.


I don’t think jaraxxus is a new card, it is a redesigned version of the same lord jaraxxus

The old version of Jaraxxus will still exist in Classic format.

I was thinking if writing this up would be helpful to any new or returning player.

The other day I mentioned C’thun to someone who hasn’t played in the past year and they thought I meant Mecha’thun.

Deathwing 1, Deathwing 2, Deathwing 3, Deathwing 4.
Ysera 1, Ysera 2, Ysera 3

Oh really? What about the other cards that received simple buffs? Like cenarius and alakir?

For Cenarius and Al’Akir (and other buffed cards like them), the buffed version will be the only one in Standard and Wild. In Classic, they will still be in their original form.

New Jaraxxus is a Hero card, as opposed to the old one, which is a Demon minion with different Battlecry.

Plus, there is a Mecha-Jaraxxus skin, so I figure, there’s enough differences between the Jaraxxus versions that they deserve their own table.

It can be confusing right now as Classic + Basic + HoF haven’t moved over to the Legacy Set, and Classic format yet.

We are in a transition period.

Adding in Battlegrounds and Solo Adventures versions could get even more confusing. That might be a separate topic.

Update 7 April 2021: Can’t believe I didn’t add Dr.7 as the Dr. Boom nickname.
Updated a bunch of other things.

Update 16 Aug 2022: Updated for Murder at Castle Nathria (2022)
Still lazy to fill out the tables for the 10 Mercenary characters. Maybe another time