List of Quest cards and their Decks in Hearthstone

This is a follow up to my thread:
We have yet another Deathwing - what to call them?, where I list the characters that have multiple cards and what nicknames to call them.

Over the years, Hearthstone have released a bunch of Quest cards, which are spells that have an objective on them, such as “Play 7 Taunt minions” or “Cast 10 spells”. Complete the quest and you get a special reward. However, there are multiple quests for each class, so when you hear a deck being referred to as “Quest Shaman”, which one are they talking about?

The first set of Legendary Quest cards were released in Journey to Un’Goro (2017). Completing the quest during a game would give you a powerful reward: five quests gave you a 5 mana 8/8 minion with a powerful Battlecry, three quests gave you a 5 cost spell with a powerful effect, and Warrior gave you a 3 mana 4/2 weapon with a special hero power.

The second set of Legendary Quests, released in Saviors of Uldum (2019), award the player a special hero power upon completion.

Legendary Quest cards are guaranteed to be in your starting hand/mulligan, so you can play them right away on Turn 1.

So, (bolded words are usual short names or descriptors):

When someone says… They usually mean… Proper card name
Quest Druid Play minions with 5+ attack, get Barnabus: minions in your deck cost (0).

Choose One” quest
Jungle Giants (Un’Goro)
Untapped Potential (Uldum)
Quest Hunter Play lots of minions, give them all +2 Attack (Phaorah’s Warmask/Ramkahen Roar) Unseal the Vault (Uldum)
Quest Mage Play generated spells, take an extra turn (Time Warp) Open the Waygate (Un’Goro)
Quest Paladin Galvadon: Adapt 5 times

Play Reborn cards, copy a friendly minion (2/2 stats)
The Last Kaleidosaur (Un’Goro)
Making Mummies (Uldum)
Quest Priest "Obelisk" quest: Restore 15 Health, get hero power that heals 3 and gives a minion +3/+3.

Summon Deathrattles, get Amara and 40 Health
Activate the Obelisk (Uldum)
Awaken the Makers (Un’Goro)
Quest Rogue Crystal Core”: Turn all your minions into 5/5s

Burgle Rogue (3/2 weapon, Immune while attacking)
The Caverns Below (Un’Goro)
Bazaar Burglary (Uldum)
Quest Shaman Play Battlecry minions, get double Battlecries

Play Murlocs, refill your hand with Murlocs
Corrupt the Waters (Uldum)
Unite the Murlocs (Un’goro)
Quest Warlock Draw a card and play it for FREE Supreme Archaeology (Uldum)
Quest Warrior Play Taunts, get Sulfuras, and Ragnaros Hero Power Fire Plume’s Heart (Un’Goro)

These Quests ended up being not so well-known, or as powerful, so they are not usually referred to as just Quest [name of class] without some explanation:

The lesser known… Usually means… Proper card name
Quest Hunter Play 1-drops, get Queen Carnassa and shuffle 3/2 Raptors into your deck. The Marsh Queen (Un’Goro)
Quest Mage Cast spells, get hero power that adds a random Mage spell. It costs (2) less. Raid the Sky Temple (Uldum)
Quest Warlock Discard cards, get a portal that summons two 3/2 imps. Lakkari Sacrifice (Un’Goro)
Quest Warrior Attack 5 times with your hero, get hero power that can summon a 4/3 Golem every time you attack. Hack the System (Uldum)

In Descent of Dragons (2019), a couple of Sidequests were released for the “Good” classes. These were generally smaller and easier to complete, but could still provide a meaningful reward.

When someone says… They mean… Proper card name
Druid Sidequest Spend 10 mana on minions: summon a minion from your deck.
Attack twice with your hero: add 3 ‘Claw’ spells to your hand
Strength in Numbers
Secure the Deck
Hunter Sidequest Use your hero power 3 times: Summon 3 Leper Gnomes
Summon 3 Rush minions: summon a 4/4 Rush minion
Toxic Reinforcements

Clear the Way
Mage Sidequest Spend 8 mana on spells: summon a 6/6 Dragon
Play an Elemental 2 turns in a row: draw 3 spells
Learn Draconic

Elemental Allies
Paladin Sidequest Summon 5 minions: give your minions +1/+1

Take no damage for a turn: summon a 3/6 Taunt
Righteous Cause


Thanks for reading! Hopefully you know a bit more about what the decks with Quests are now.

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