What is taking you devs so long? This crap has GOT TO STOP. NERF THEM NOW.


The hunter aggro and Reno Warrior deck made me stop playing Hearthstone! The mage didn’t have a good deck and yet Blizzard nerfed Siff’s deck. I don’t understand how Blizzard can sell the mage hero skins, when the mage is the last of the last in both modes!!

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Warrior doesn’t need to be nerfed at all. Play Token Hunter already.

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I agree, I can have a chance against all other decks. But that mech spam is impossible to get over. Win rate so low against warrior I just concede to save time on the ladder, working so far already almost back to legend. If you’re having issues just skip the deck you’ll save time in the long run, it’s a slow duel against them.

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No thanks. We shouldnt all have to be forced to play hunter just to win vs warrior

Warrior should be weaker so other decks are good into it

Not nerfing warrior = only hunter is good
Nerfing warrior = more decks are good

Theres a clear answer there


There is, and it’s not nerfing Warrior. Scr0tie explains further in another thread, but the gist of it is

War is definitely not going away even with token hunters running rampant.

This biggest problem I have with how OP Brann [war] is no other control deck has a chance against it. I like playing control and when you queue up into a Brann war it’s just auto loss.

Brann generates so much value compared to ANY deck - the reason it will continue to be heavily played. The only reason spell hunter beats it is because you win before they get Brann out.

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No the answer is nerf warrior

We shouldnt all be forced to play hunter to force warrior out. Just nerf warrior. Stop jumping through hoops to justify warrior being broken.

Everyone playing hunter doesnt fix the issue with warrior, it just delays it.

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I actually think this is the reason that Brann Warrior is so popular. There’s a portion of the player base who love control and Brann Warrior is an easy control deck to pilot. Priest and Blood DK also got overplayed and endlessly complained about in the past

The reason brann warrior sucks isnt because its control, its because there is 0 way to interact with it

You cant stop brann, you cant stop reno, you cant stop the insane number of removal tools. It’s all just played from hand with 0 way for the opponent to react

Its dumb, uninteractive and takes 0 skill

Control is fine, lack of player agency is not

Brann and reno are just fundamentally flawed designs made even worse with the last patch. The effects are too powerful for having no downside or way to prevent them

The downside should be being a highlander deck meaning less consistency. But that isnt even a weakness anymore because there are so many ways to get extra copies of important cards. ETC, photographer fizzle, garrosh’s gift etc. You are able to get extra copies of those key cards while still being highlander.

Double battlecry is too powerful to be a game lasting effect. It should be limited to a few turns at most. Brann is literally the power of a stormwind quest reward but just as a normal card. Luckily the stupid tentacle nonsense has dimmed but that was just 1 more Win con. But double azerite ox and boombox is stupid


You have some valid criticisms, and I am not saying that nerfs are never the answer, but most people who demand nerfs are constantly demanding nerfs and are never happy. Try focusing on what you can do to make yourself happy. Play a deck that already beats the meta if you want to win, or play a deck that loses against the meta but that you enjoy playing anyway

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If it comes down to a choice between
• playing a deck i dont want to play just to win games against warrior
• playing a deck i do want to play but always loses against warrior regardless of my skill as a player

I choose neither

Neither of those options make me happy
I will just not play lol
That is also an option

Not playing at all is the choice that makes me the most happy at the moment and that is a dangerous position for devs to be putting their players in.

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It is, and frankly I do that a lot. It’s good to take breaks if the game is making you unhappy

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They don’t care…
This thread is also filled with clowns. Just because there are some decks out there that beat Warriors from time to time it doesn’t mean that Warrior is balanced.
Warrior is OP because you have 2 of everything and basically if they play Brann (and they do, mostly on curve (wtf is up with that anyway?)) they then have a lot of everything… 2 excavates, 2x3 bombs, 3 Zilliax, dr booms, etc. I’m pretty sure when these cards were designed they were designed to be balanced WITHOUT DOUBLE BATTLECRY.
With double battlecry, everything is just OVERPOWERED, when are they gonna realize that???

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None of you are as skilled as you think. Yalls egos are getting outta pocket at this point. There is no skill in a free resource generating, 30 card deck having, 2 copies of non-legendries card game. This is the simplest card game out there.

If half of the non-Warrior playerbase did this for 3 days then Warrior would be chased out of the meta completely, and afterwards you could play whatever you wanted (as long as it didn’t lose to Hunter).

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Ummm no cus if we all played hunter to chase warrior away and then after changed to the decks we wanted to play people would just go back to playing warrior since everyone would have swapped off the hunter deck that countered them

You dense or something?

Its not like once warrior is chased away it wont come back. It definitely would.

People would play hunter everywhere, which is in itself an issue, so people would stop playing warrior. Then we are either stuck playing hunter forever, which is just as bad as warrior everywhere, or everyone swaps off hunter after warrior has gone and leave space for warrior to come back

Like i said, it doesnt fix the issue. It just delays the problem.

Best solution is just NERF THE DECK
Stop jumping through hoops to defend broken designs.

Occams razor, the simplest solution is often the correct one

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Most people would keep playing Hunter because it wins and it’s more fun than you think. Just because everyone could change back doesn’t mean everyone would.

The core problem is that this meta is unevolved and refuses to evolve. There are decks with great matchup spreads where they only have one counter or a couple counters, but these aren’t popular and people are playing decks with crappy matchup spreads instead with 4+ counters. No one’s even trying in earnest to overthrow the meta tyrants, and if they did sure we’d have new meta tyrants but they’d actually deserve it. Warrior is a pretender, not a real and true OP deck.

And how is everyone playing hunter better than everyone playing warrior???

It isnt

Its trading one pile of faeces for another

Then what? We all swap to decks that now counter hunter? And go round and round in this roundabout of dogsht design

NO! Fix the game

Well if that’s how you really feel, then it’s feces all the way down and you should just uninstall. There will always be meta tyrants, whether it’s people actually playing the meta or balance changes it just shuffles who gets their turn on the throne.

That’s something that’s never getting fixed. Every meta in every CCG is a paper rock scissors meta if you look hard enough, so the only “solution” is to be blind to the truth. Willfully ignorant.