Warlock shifts the meta in an unhealthy way

Blizzard why did you single handedly kill every lategame deck? every endgame into vs Warlock is just non interactive stall until you die, staring at your opponent playing 5 boardclears in a row OR play aggro to kill before turn 8

thats it. thats the meta. kill warlock or be killed by stall.


Warlock’s a serious outlier in terms of feel bad right now.

Easy 200 legend with Warlock :smiley:

Not the one you’re talking about, though

That’s the weaker one xD

DK destroys Warlock. Helya is broken garbage.

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nah it isnt at all unless you destroy your deck like a warlock does
helya is nothing to worry about

Wah. Your Rock beat my Scissors. They must immediately nerf rock away. But what about the Paper? Now they have to nerf your precious scissors to appease the crying Paper and then Rock will cry so the Paper gets nerf and we are back where we started.


Not that I disagree with your thought process but HS isn’t supposed to be a Rock Paper Scissors game otherwise there’d be no point in actually playing the game it’d just be a concede simulator the moment you’re matched into the unfavorable matchup. Aggro decks should struggle vs heavy control decks but shouldn’t instalose. Heavy control decks should have a hard time vs OTK decks but shouldn’t lose just by existing. That’s the problem with “instawin” cards and they have no place in the game.

Once another round of nerfs comes if Wheel of death isn’t touched then that’s going to dominate the meta and we’re stuck with this card for a year. Fix the problem now not later


It will not xD The deck has weaknesses

It’s almost as if it plays every 2 turns instead of every turn

It has weak early game which has to be exploited by aggro decks most of the times, and even control/combo decks should hold their ground against it, provided that they draw their stuff efficiently, which is more than possible because they don’t have a lot of threats you have to deal with

Pretty much every control deck should have more than enough removal for their periodic summons of big blocks of stats

Can i interest you in a class called Mage. It’s where you play a deck and don’t really have to care about the board all that much and you can just apply burn to face. You can also do this with hunter and DK but through other means. Warlock is not a boogeyman in this meta and it can be beaten.

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But can it be beaten by any old pile of mismatched homebrew garbage. If I can’t win with the deck my cat made when he fell asleep on my keyboard then the game is not balanced.


Sorry but no. On the upside the deck you build on every 2 Wed of the month during a leap year will mean that you have an outside chance to win.

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Because fatigue decks are an abomination and should be killed.

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I can’t believe the irony of your statement is lost on you. I’m going to pause to let it sink in.

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By fatigue decks here I mean the midwit homebrew plan of never actually trying to win the game and just trying to make games last as long as possible.

Get used to it because when the inevitable DH nerf comes you will see the rise of your Wheel Warlock lords.

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Lol. Plague DK cannot kill turn 5/6 1-2x 15/15.


You wish. Did you know then can shuffle a bunch of their ‘Symphony’ cards after you play Helya with some plagues… after they play the Wheel? Oh, and if you haven’t destroyed their weapon, they get healed instead.

That’s why I keep saying that things like the current aggro DH are some of the best things that could have happened to the meta in general.

If some reasonable aggro/tempo is gone, welcome to the world of Rainbow Mage vs Boom-Boom Warrior vs Wheel Warlock — what a ‘healthy’ bunch of ‘rock-paper-scissors’ :crazy_face: , with the likes of Zarimi Priest somewhere on top.

‘Lol’ on you. Pure Plague DK isn’t playable now, however, most top ‘Rainbow’ DK lists, which do include removals for that case, run Helya and some plagues.

Not that it’s a great match-up for DK anyway — those plagues are not a panacea.

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The reasonable aggro deck you are imagining isn’t DH.
DH is popular because of the lack of counter. It’s a control/tempo/aggro deck that can highroll to unimaginable heights and beat any deck in the format.

It’s an outlier and should get nerfed. Then rock - paper - scissors meta commences and counters are allowed.

Play the 3 mana 2/4 poison, use the 4 gnomes, win, You can run in your deck , easy turn 6 or five using coin

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That’s just not true — far from it.

It’s not at all favoured against Warriors of different kinds, Druids, has a roughly even match-up with the DK, and the list is far from complete (a bit uncertain about that Priest). It’s good mostly against decks like the subject, and that’s it.

:rofl: Dunno what else to say… Try playing it, see you at #1 Legend if it’s true.