Nerfing ONLY DH Will Make the Meta Worse

Removal/board wipes being insanely over tuned has pushed every minion based aggressive deck out of the meta. The only reason DH has survived is because it can get some big minions out fast. The unfortunate side effect is that Mag is also killing any chance of any other aggro decks to be viable as well.

In the current meta you are actively punished for playing minions. Removal/wipes will often get 1 for 3 or even greater value with additional bonuses like left over minions (trial by fire) or gaining an insane amount of hp(Baking Soda Volcano). It has become comically easy for spot removal to just discover another card while removing a threat. Add on the constant threat of a t8 Reno being an instant win against agro and this is the meta you get.

IF Demon Hunter is the only nerf we see, it is going to be even more warriors and some warlocks hoping to wheel them before they combo. A bit of combo shaman/mage might make it in to feed off the locks. DK will be the only deck giving warrior any sort of trouble. But it will become the most un-interactive meta ever. And that is saying something considering the meta now is Stallstone.

They desperately need to tone down aoe/removal or this will just kep getting worse.

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I agree and I don’t like their game design philosophy, which is sell more OP cards in Standard and trash other game modes.

That is not so true but it will change the meta tyrant for another.

Nonsense. Warrior isn’t even that good right now because a ton of decks give it trouble already.

The big winners of the DH nerf will be Token Hunter, Zarimi Priest and Wheel Warlock. Warrior play will decrease not increase; what little popularity Warrior currently has is mostly as an attempt to counter DH.

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Are you in Bronze? Saying warrior is not good might be the dumbest thing I have read on these forums. Stop eating paint chips.


In a field with no DH yeah, warrior is not tier 1. It is bad against Warlock, DK and even handbuff pala if it ever manages to return from the grave. With DH gone (which surely will be), the only thing that will keep it competitive is a slightly favored matchup against Zarimi, hunters and nature shaman.

Regardless of DH being the best or not at different brackets, it was heavily warping the meta around itself. Some decks were strong against DH but not so much against the rest of the field.

They need to buff Mage, Druid, Rogue and nerf DH, Warrior, and Hunter

I realize that this might not be true stat-wise in all ranks, but objectively, yeah, warrior is the king in this game.

A God, even.

  • It’s the highest played class in top 100 legend
  • It’s the only class which every contestant in tomorrow’s spring MT brought with them
  • you have to be blind not to realize that yourself without any of these as a proof, lol xD

If I had a mega-competitive mindset (so, even bigger than I have now), seeing these points above I would just craft Warrior and play it until it becomes bad or until I’m number 1, knowing it’s the absolute best deck/class at the moment.

Just sayin’

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Nerfing ONLY DH Will Make the Meta Worse

Told them so…

Hasn’t Hunter, spamming a bunch of little minions, been doing quite well — but for its rival DH?

PS Oh yeah, aggro Priest with that disgusting goat pretending to be a dragon, too.

Well, sort of…

To that, I’d add that OTK Shaman would probably still reign supreme above all of this.

I’d understand if they’d adjusted some stats slightly or something like that, but their current decision isn’t great for the class and the meta in general.

My list’d be something like this:

  1. Flash of Lightning (really, enough is enough)
  2. Deepminer Brann
  3. Timewinder Zarimi
  4. Pipsi Painthoof
  5. Window Shopper (yep, rather adjust the minion or its discount than make the weapon pointless)
  6. Maybe nerf Sif even more, so that it doesn’t raise its ugly head again, i.e. essentially give it the Odyn treatment (and yeah, time to play some decks from a new expansion, perhaps?)

A special mention to that swaggering bozo Reno, but I dunno if there’s any point raising the question by now.

The fact that there are people saying Warrior isn’t S-tier and that removal is not the problem blows my mind. We have the most stall based meta ever created.

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I agree with the first part, but this is far from truth xD

Back in the days we had legitimate fatigue decks like Mill rogue, Mill druid , and stuff like that. I think I even recall mill druid being meta just a few months ago for a couple of weeks.

Now THAT’s a full-stall meta. Not to mention the last expansion had the longest duration games on average since I’ve played this game, and that’s for a long, long time (I have some card backs from 2014)


x chars

We currently have stall warrior, stall mage, stall/combo druid, otk shaman, otk rogue, otk priest, stall warlock. I see hunter maybe once every 20+ matches. The only aggressive deck seeing real success is DH.

What no one seems to understand is that DH is the symptom and not the problem. There is no archetype diversity because the only aggressive deck also inherently has, ta-da! A board wipe!

Until they chill out with the removal/wipes this will not stop being the meta.


She doesn’t like her Sif being in the last few cards, nope. She OTK-s you around the turn when Midrange decks used to end you

I do not recognize this to be a deck. It’s not a deck at all.

Turn 6 game over on average

Gaslight rogue? Turn 6 it’s over one way or another

Turn 6-7 either Zarimi ends it or you concede because the titan is played

Hmm…debatable. In theory, on paper, yes, in practice, very fast games xD If he doesn’t kill you with his 9/9-s, he usually draws what he needs, plays the wheel and puts the 15/15 taunt lifesteal that usually ends it, but if not, the game is over in 4 turns anyway.

Definitely none of those decks, except Boomboss warrior, comes even CLOSE to the good ol’ mill decks, especially when you take into account how much MORE card draw we have in the game now, so even the fatigue comes much faster than it used to.

This meta is one of the fastest ones, if not THE fastest one, I’ve ever played in, since the game started. I did miss 5-6-7 expansions, though, like the often-mentioned United in Stormwind one.

It’s definitely more of a problem xD Meta-defining in itself

Plenty of diversity! At least in higher ranks. I suspect most of them should filter down to lower ranks, but possibly not all because some decks are too hard to pilot and some will get nerfed or forgotten before it happens

But yeah, not much archetype diversity, it’s just aggro and control (OTK is just a win-con, not an archetype). But that just leaves out Midrange decks out of the equation. I can live with that for a change.

But absolutely, this is true, removal is making you play hyper-aggro decks or OTK decks, because minion-based midrange or value decks just don’t work against that

And considering the package they dropped for Mage (no-minion Mage), it’s their plan for this to continue for the whole year xD