Nerfing ONLY DH Will Make the Meta Worse

Nerfing ONLY DH Will Make the Meta Worse

Told them so…

Hasn’t Hunter, spamming a bunch of little minions, been doing quite well — but for its rival DH?

PS Oh yeah, aggro Priest with that disgusting goat pretending to be a dragon, too.

Well, sort of…

To that, I’d add that OTK Shaman would probably still reign supreme above all of this.

I’d understand if they’d adjusted some stats slightly or something like that, but their current decision isn’t great for the class and the meta in general.

My list’d be something like this:

  1. Flash of Lightning (really, enough is enough)
  2. Deepminer Brann
  3. Timewinder Zarimi
  4. Pipsi Painthoof
  5. Window Shopper (yep, rather adjust the minion or its discount than make the weapon pointless)
  6. Maybe nerf Sif even more, so that it doesn’t raise its ugly head again, i.e. essentially give it the Odyn treatment (and yeah, time to play some decks from a new expansion, perhaps?)

A special mention to that swaggering bozo Reno, but I dunno if there’s any point raising the question by now.