VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed

What is there to brag about? Reaching Legend nowadays just comes with playing. I am sure you wouldn’t be familiar with all that “random” talk.

If I were to brag, it wouldn’t be about reaching Legend lol.

Keep projecting insecurities little man.
That what your wife said before leaving?

I’m not the one bragging my dude.

Scroll up.

You can’t get over yourself.

That’s what your wife said when she left my house last night.

Is your truck Ford or Chevy?

I am not an old fart like you to have a wife, “sir.”
Do the universe a favor and spare us some more oxygen.

lame, you were doing OK up until you made it seem like only old people can get married.

Just weird.

I know you can’t comprehend a female wanting to spend any amount of time with you but that has nothing to do with age. People get married from 18-80. Your “burn” is just pathetic.

“Burn” “lame.”

You are so trying to fit in, old man. Lay off it and go outside. Your children card game will be here waiting.

That was your mistake to assume he even was 18…

Orion how old are you to be keeping animosity over multiple threads?

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I’m sorry, but if you claim something which is objectively easy to be hard and rng dependant, than saying otherwise is not bragging, it’s simply correcting a false statement.

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Why are you trying to help Paf think? That guy has been an idiot.
Of course, I wouldn’t know that, because I am notanalt.

This was literally every raid in the game until they started dumbing it down after TBC. There was one difficulty and one group size and you could do it or you didn’t get the gearz.

Never mind that the best players were killing raid bosses in mostly dungeon blues. It wasn’t rng or number of attempts. You could do lady vashj 1000 times but if your hunters couldn’t keep the stairs clean and pass the spears, you would never beat her.

It was honestly the most fun I have ever had in a game, getting my (hind end) repeatedly kicked until we learned. Many of the TBC kills were some of my favorite memories. First Kael kill, KT, finishing Illidan in Black Temple. That was f ing teamwork.

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i thought youd like to know its s tier 2 at top legend …and

"It’s unlikely that Reno Warrior will dominate the format like it did before the nerf to Brann. "

seems the unlike what some peoiple said in this forums…the nerf do brann did something

The new report is out

Sludgelock is dead :frowning:

Insanity and handbuff pally the only tier 1 based on their rankings

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Yeah these two decks are pretty crazy along with flood paladin.

For me, Insanity Warlock is the bigger problem. It got greedier and now runs Fizzle and so there’s no way any deck can survive crescendo bombs. And it’s doing it way more consistently now.

I’ve been playing Reno priest lately and my god the location is broken. I don’t see how this continues without a nerf or a counter and I don’t know how they nerf it. There’s a 3 mana spell in wild that does the same thing and sees no play but somehow a 4 mana location is broken because it taunts the opponent into not playing minions.

I fear if insanity warlock gets nerfed along with either of the paladin decks, we’re all going to hate life playing against Reno priest.

Just bring in the new expansion already because we need a major meta refresh.

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Make it a full cost copy. That’s still crazy good, but nothing they couldn’t already do with synchronize.

The 1 Mana 1/1 copy is something you could make the location 7+ cost, and they would probably still run it because it steals the win con from your opponent in a really scammy way, and one of the uses costs 0

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Full cost copy would mean the location should cost 1 possibly 0.

Shaman had a 1 cost spell that gave a full copy PLUS froze the minion.

3 cost spell makes it cost 1 and never sees play. I don’t see a full cost copy making any sense.

Yeah, you could possibly make the location cheaper at that point. 2 cost for 2 uses of it + the chilling effect it has on playing minions as the effect is floating there would be fair.

It’ll be very difficult to balance the 1 Mana 1/1 copy effect, as that allows it to just have a better version of any late game swing effect than you can run.

It’s one of those cards that’s irrelevant vs fast decks but back breaking to slow ones, which makes the cost kind of irrelevant. (Not entirely irrelevant, but not as linked as you’d hope).

What they really need is better counters. There is no way to deal with locations or dormant stuff other than Reno. It’s a failure in design.

Lack of meaningful interaction is a frequent flaw in hearthstone.


If it’s so easy I challenge you to do exactly this. Two days from today. First day is pretty tough but it’s not that hard to do in a couple of days.

If you accept I’ll do it too. We can have a race. That’ll be fun.

To clarify, this isn’t what VS is actually saying. They’re putting several other decks in Tier 1 at D4-1.

But it is what they should be saying, they’re the top 2 decks at all ranks