VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed


Highlights from the report:

Pain Warlock has been flying high since the release of the mini-set.

The thirst for Spell Mage amongst the player base may have been sated.

Spell Mage is now the most popular deck in the format.

Business as usual for Excavate Rogue, an archetype that has maintained its popularity, especially at higher levels of play.

While Reno Warrior has declined in play, the archetype is proving to be very resilient in the face of a 2 mana nerf to its cornerstone card. Many players, including ourselves, expected the deck to be dealt a bigger blow, perhaps even completely disappearing from the picture. However, late game power hasn’t increased as a result of the mini-set, helping Reno Warrior remain one of the more popular decks in the game.

Paladin’s position in the format looks rock solid. Aggro and Handbuff Paladin see similar play rates across ladder, with an awakening of Reno Paladin observed. The new cards don’t see much play in the class.

There’s a brewing trend of non-Warrior Reno decks picking up more interest, with the weakened Brann possibly not dominating these matchups as much as it did before. Reno Priest is the most popular of the group, utilizing Puppet Theatre and Funhouse Mirror.

Death Knight has picked up in play. Plague DK is a deck that players at lower ranks will stubbornly hold on to.

Token Hunter has been dealt a huge blow with the nerf to Saddle Up. The deck seems to have suffered more than Reno Warrior, considering it has become fringe. The Hunter class is still quite visible, thanks to new experimentations in Secret Hunter with Product 9, as well as Reno Hunter.

Shaman also seems mostly focused on its Reno archetype, which is trying to leverage Murloc Growfin with Shudderblock.

Demon Hunter is largely ignored. Shopper DH has gone through minimal changes, while the class has not been inspired to try anything else.

And finally, this part which solidifies my post last week about Warrior being Tier 1 and being criticized for it. I had mentioned that my opinion that it’s at the top is because of the matchup it has with Spell Mage and Spell Mage’s high popularity. Turns out, I was right on the nose all along.

Reno Warrior’s performance has somehow improved following the nerf to Brann, placing at Tier 1 at legend ranks. Of course, the deck has gotten much worse in a vacuum. We can clearly see that in its matchup spread, where its chokehold on other late game strategies has been loosened. There are now a couple of Reno decks that can beat it in the late game, something that wasn’t possible before. The reason Reno Warrior has gotten “better” is that the meta is no longer trying to relentlessly target it, as it’s no longer extremely popular. In addition, the decline of Token Hunter and Insanity Warlock, which were two big counters to the deck, has promoted a more favorable field for the archetype. Spell Mage is a good matchup, for example.


It’s not Tier 1. That deck sucks and isn’t played at all basically.
I have had like 30 matches overall just TODAY and saw 1 Warrior.

Tier 1 decks see play at Legend.
VS sounds like they’re talking about some BS.

If your idea is its Tier 1 because they say Mage is most popular on ladder, and Warrior farms Mage cause Warrior out armors the stupid deck then that data is trash.


It is Tier 1 at Top1K Legend and all of Legend. It’s top of Tier 2 barely missing Tier 1 at Diamond.

I don’t know what to tell you, it’s like that across nearly all data sites with slight variation of it jumping from Tier 1 to Tier 2.

The deck doesn’t suck and it’s played quite frequently. 6-10% of decks are Brann Warrior. I run into the deck about 1 in 10 games which is around what the data suggests I should see it.

Like I don’t know what to tell you man.

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Rock still beats scissors and paper still beats rock, more breaking news at 11


I havent seen a Brann for at least 4 days now. Three of my last 5 warrior matchups were Odyns, the other two were Boomers.

I have been meeting a lot of painlocks with my mechbuff pally. So fun slamming them with a 15/17 windfury mech on turn 5 :rofl:

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All these different experiences confirming that Blizzard groups decks together?

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So you admit that the thread title is deliberately misleading.

As in, not one of the actual top decks but just below that — yeah, that’d be more accurate.

What I said prior to the report was that Warrior is the 5th best class right now. You can go to D4-1 and confirm that. As far as T1KL I was counting a couple classes where their top deck has extremely low playrates, which VS didn’t include in their analysis — if you want to count that as a loss for me that’s fair I guess.

Saying that Warrior is in the top 5 classes, or saying “tier 1 in Legend” or “top of Tier 2,” that wouldn’t be a misleading title.

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Tier 1 in Legend is tier 1. It’s not misleading.


This mage deck has been a long time coming. Hope We get at least a month before it gets nuked.

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Apparently, in Scrotie land, Diamond is top tier now. Good to know. All those previous threads where he argues for Top1k legend doesn’t matter. Diamond is all that matters.


I don’t know anything about that. All I know is that if a deck is tier 1 in Legend and tier 2 in Diamond, it’s tier 1. The difference between tier 1 and tier 2 isn’t even a lot. The difference between Diamond and Legend is skill (or wallet, but assuming equal decks).

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So first, it takes a bit to write, the data is actually for May 14-20

Second Warrior hasn’t magically become less than 10% of the meta just because your personal encounter rate is 3.33%. Sample sizes that low can expect a margin of error over 8%.

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D4-1 specifically but at the end of the day yes. I’ve consistently maintained that that should be the balance focus.

I do think that top Legend matters, but the reason that it matters is because it can help predict where D4-1 will be in the future. And yes the implication here would be that Warrior is Tier 2 now but is in a position to seriously threaten to become Tier 1 in the near future. And Blizzard just nerfed two bad matchups in Painlock and Priest. So yeah I predict it’s going to be Tier 1 as soon as next report.

But that’s me drawing some inferences and making a prediction, not VS confirming that a deck is Tier 1 for the meta with the most players.

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This is a really bad way of thinking. It reminds me of people who are like, “Well, at locals, this deck was dominant, but that deck wasn’t.” Competitive people consider what is played at large tournaments to be a representation of the real meta at the time. Hearthstone’s version of that is Legends from day to day. Worlds as well when it mattered. You are viewing it from, “What is more popular or fun,” but then you should be looking at gold, since it is the most popular rank. Trying to make some compromise with Diamond is having no true opinion.

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This just in, scissors still beats paper and rock still beats scissors, more breaking news in the morning

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That’s not entirely fair. We’re looking at overall averages, so if your metaphor meant anything here, decks would be balanced.

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Over 50% of Hearthstone players finish each month D4 or higher.

But honestly, it’s a little off topic. I’m getting distracted when the balance focus thing doesn’t really matter.

I genuinely think that right now, post nerf, Brann Warrior is Tier 1, even in D4-1. But the thread title isn’t really about Brann Warrior, it’s about what VS is confirming with their report. There’s a difference in truthiness between the phrases “god is just silly superstition” and “Jordan Peterson confirms god is just silly superstition.” What VS said is that the deck is Tier 1 in Legend. I don’t get why that context was dropped from the thread title.

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That is not true, and it does matter. Fun isn’t meta. Winning is. If 50% of people are Diamond these days, that just means no one is left or the team has no idea what they are doing.

Yeah. It’s as I thought.

riptidelab. com/the-hearthstone-ladder

No idea where you got your information. It makes no sense.

No context is needed. What is tier 1 in Legend is tier 1.

This is the craziest argument I have ever read. You’re completely out of your mind or a troll.

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Last week I said HSReplay said it was tier 1. You laughed because it was stats from HSReplay. All good. I said we’d wait for the VS report to come out which is your preference.

VS is out. It confirms it.

We were talking top1k legend the entire time.

What is considered top tier has always been what happens at top1k legend. Those are what determines nerf targets for the most part.

There’s no fishy title omission going on here. It is tier 1.


It’s an idiotic standard and should be abolished