VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed

I honestly have no clue how it took this long for it to be found out. It’s not like the cards that make it up were not there. At least for the core stuff it wants to do. Just tells you how lack luster and uncreative the community can be with deck building. And yeah. The game isn’t Magic in terms of that deck building but come on.

Who cares if the deck isn’t tier 1? It still sucks to play against. Tier 2 control decks might as well be tier 1 in this game. Boomboss ruined by Brann. Was not an issue before this and I enjoyed playing it and seeing it. Probably my least favorite card in the game now even though it is Brann’s fault.

The person who let that go live should not have a job in this industry any longer.

That location is cancer on a stick.

We just need to give it time. It’s approaching that magic 20% in my stats right now.

I had three in a row and just stopped playing for the day because I hate it that much.

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Brann warrior is a hardstuck Diamond deck today…

If there was a card that other control decks could play to combat The Boss the deck wouldn’t get near the hate. It’s basically a deck that is like Wheel lock was before they changed it. Just a fighting chance against the deck instead of all but an auto loss would be acceptable.

Nothing is hardstuck, unless you are an unimaginative netdecker.

i only play control priest to spite brann warrior. puppet theatre and 2 mana copy spell on brann/boss. i admit its the only fun ive ever had against this trash ahh deck seeing THEIR cards explode

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It also doubles as a Plague DK destroyer. Both decks have been vomiting in popularity the last several months and beating them with their own win condition has been utter joy.

I reached legend on day 1 with brann warrior… I guess skill problem lol :joy::joy:

I think about interactivity as my opponent taking some action to increase their chances of winning and then I respond by taking some action to increase mine.

Some OTK win conditions coming straight from hand like Sif or permanently impacting the game like Brann don’t allow for much interaction other than preemptively trying to interact with your opponent’s face hard enough to defeat them first. I personally prefer more back and forth but that’s just me.