VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed

The only real argument to be made against spell mage is really simple.

If blizzard really gives a damm about player agency(i doubt). That deck goes against it so hard that there should not even be a discussion about it and it’s main card manufactoring error should not even have been printed.

Otherwise the deck is fine by itself.

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You’re technically correct but your bar is a little too high here.

Like. We gonna really say a deck has no minion because it does not play any from hand?
So if we ever got a summoner themed deck it would be a deck that does not fight for board?

Spell mage has low density of minions but cards that summon minions while apparently not your cup of tea aren’t something you can just paint as not fighting for board.

It’s HS’s version of a Yugioh combo deck, cept in Yugioh you sometimes get a turn to interact.

And the majority of people know that that form of deck is bad for the game. But HS, for some reason, a lot of people like it. I guess because it’s way easier than a combo in Yugioh, and you think you are doing something “cool” and “smart” since it takes multiple turns?

It does xD

No, there aren’t. There’s only 4 other decks in tier 1 with Brann Warrior, and that was before 3 of them got nerfed

It’s dubious that there are any better than Brann Warrior, but if there are, it’s maybe 1, 2 at most

A summoner themed deck wouldn’t merely include only 6 (if you want to count weapon) out of 30 cards that summon minions on the board.

Spell Mage’s reason for summoning the minions are:

  1. Stall for Burn
  2. Push face for Burn

If people really think that this magically turns the deck to a fully interactive experience then they are wrong. There needs be some finesse with burns decks. There is no finesse here. This deck is boring. And the fact that it’s boring makes it a boring experience for the opponent as well.

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Unless I am misinterpreting what they mean by a “Summoner Deck,” aren’t some forms of Unholy DK kinda like a summoner? And they include minions to do some of the summoning.

We already had far worse decks and no one really came with that excuse.

For hearthstone spell mage is really very average. You play some minions and try to assemble a board state were you can complement your damage with burn.

Either people ask for nerfs for hunter for that same reason or i can’t even take this seriously.

Well, what came to mind was Skeleton Mage, which used Kel’Thuzad (the class card) as the finisher.

A deck far superior to Spell Mage in terms of style.

I’d say Unholy DK can be A LOT like a summoner/necromancer deck. Even the spiders that multiple, the plagued stash card to put zombies in your deck, the literally necromancer card, so many spells that summon bodies. HOWEVER, they summon specific bodies based on corpses. It’s not RNG based, random minions.

I see that.

But Skeleton Mage was also a summoner deck. Volatile Skeleton summoning is exactly that. The card was made to be resurrected multiple times on the board.

It literally got nerfed 3 times in 1 month, were you sleeping or what?

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Yeah, makes sense. The DK version of summoning and the…Undead Mage/Elemental version.

I not sleeping.

It got nerfs but no one was screaming. “Look how interactive that is!”.

If it depended on how players feel playing against it would not even be touched.

That’s literally what they did, what?
The whole complaint was that Saddle Up turned the game one-sided aka noninteractive.

Also, where do you even try to go with this? Hunter uses minions. It has nothing to do with Spell Mage, it’s a completely different type of deck.


Not try to slap your buzzword on stuff that has nothing to do with.

Your opponent fails to clear your board so you punish him with a buff to make it even worse to remove.

The card was strong as heck at 3 mana but there was very simple but not always doable way to deal with it.
Not let too many minions alive.

This is why it was nerf. It was really strong.

“noninteractive” has nothing to do with that.

How have you even turned the conversation to this?

What does Hunter have to do with the way Spell Mage plays out? You have nothing to say and just spewing nonsense. There is no correlation here.

Simply, I don’t care about Hunter.

Two deck who basically use minions to leverage burn into game finisher.

One has slighty more minions and less burn.
The one has slighty less minions and more burn.

They aren’t that different.

You’re both right: Hunter wasn’t totally non-interactive, mostly just op…but what does that have to do with Spell Mage?

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Burn from hand has no interaction. I’d say they are very different.

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