VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed

If it’s official you should be able to link it

warrior playrate took a hit! from 20% to 5-6%

that mustve had some kind of impact in the meta

Well have fun with your hero worship I guess

When you ignore stats how can you be taken seriously. You sound like one of us Tin Foil hat people.

If it has gone from 12% to 50% in 2 years, then there is a serious problem with the game. Somehow Plat would be flooded with bots. It makes no sense, because to climb you have to beat someone. You’re saying that literally 50% of HS players are the same skill level, splay high tier decks, play that much…geesh, the only explanation would be that HS has too much RNG, so much RNG that there is no skill until Legend. In any case, the best of the best still defines the actual tiering of decks.

Rank 10 people know better than stats collected from top 1k streamers with too low of a sample, anyway

No, I don’t. I don’t claim anything’s rigged

At least explain to me this part

I only saw this stupid, dumb, ridiculously ignorant statement because someone else quoted it. These are the things that prove to me that you are not good at stats.

You do realize you only have data from the games that are recorded through a tracker, right?

Your only correct statement is “50% of recorded games each month are D4 or higher.”

You don’t have any data on the rest of the games played after people with trackers move out of those ranks. It’s very much possible that most games are played in dumpster gold or silver, they just aren’t played with trackers.

Based on population statistics gleaned from server traffic, which trumps any tracker data because the data set is complete.

Again. Still.

Ask him for a ride though, I hear he can hook you up there.

When you think stats make decisions, how can you be taken seriously? Scrotie is wrong.

He can’t. He doesn’t understand data sets well enough to understand the points you’ve made.

Seriously, just put the guy on ignore and have more time to enjoy this place and the game.


Specifically for the reason I quoted.

It’s now the most popular deck in the format. If that play rate continues to climb, it will be smacked back down like it always is.

Also, it’s not interesting game play - can you burn them down before they burn you down from hand with stuff you can’t protect against in any way?


It’s not in the range of popularity that generally gets a nerf though. You gotta be in the 20%+ popularity for a lengthy period for them to nerf historically. It’s popular but not that popular.

I also don’t think the deck is THAT good. It seems like a pretty decent deck at tier 2 or so.

I could be bias though since I don’t have an issue with it as highlander shaman.

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It’s not really all that surprising. So many aggro decks have reemerged that are fragile vs Warrior. If they keep hitting decks that are strong against Warrior they will have put us right back to the previous meta. They need to be more thoughtful in these nerfs and look ahead more and less about the present, which they know will change with nerfs.

They really hurt the meta with the single changes to DH and Hunter. Those two single card hits flipped the entire game on its head. Something they could clearly see was going to happen. It’s time for a new set and see if they are keeping the power level down to Whizbang level again. If so it would eb a great opportunity in the first patch after that releases to address the last outliers and just accept it.

I am still completely baffled by the players that play Plague DK even in top 500 or higher. It’s just a bad deck that loses to basically everything unless you get absurdly lucky.

The difference between tier 1 and tier 3 decks is lower and lower as the game gets more and more balanced + the meta is highrolly, so you can get by with playing almost anything you want up there, if your goal is not to hit rank 1 but just to preserve ranks or have a bit of fun cuz you’re stuck

I lose to a plague DK regularly

Yeah… No matter how bad it is on paper, sometimes they hit Helya on 4 and you draw a frost plague every turn from then on.

It’s not the average match, but there’s nothing you can really do when that happens to you.

Not only that, but it’s also the worst type of deck to be overplayed.

You send things face and the only interaction you have with the opponent is achieved through 4 out of the 30 cards the deck has, which actually summon minions to create a semblance of interaction.

I don’t understand why they brought such a restrictive play style back into the meta. This deck should be nerfed simply because it’s a dumb deck that shouldn’t exist. It’s power level is unrelated.

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Um, no. When a deck is not powerful and very popular, that’s because players love it. The playerbase loves Spell Mage. It’s not “dumb,” it’s fun.

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I am aware of the player base’s interest in degenerate, non-interactive decks. I am not surprised they overplay this abomination. If something is fast and one-sided, Hearthstone players will flock to it.

I am simply sharing my opinion; I don’t expect them to adopt it.

This is also why “fair” aggro should always be on top. Otherwise, people will overplay these noninteractive decks to oblivion.

Just because Spell Mage has a lot of cards that go face doesn’t mean that it’s non-interactive. Against most of the meta it has to deal with enemy minions. It’s only really “non-interactive” if you’re playing a slow deck without Armor. That it’s, it’s only non-interactive to you because you choose not to run the cards to interact.

And to kinda rerail the thread, there are plenty of better decks than Brann Warrior, but there aren’t really any better slow decks than Brann Warrior.

It’s a burn deck that doesn’t utilize minions.

You can’t get any more noninteractive unless you included mana cheat in this… oh wait.

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This is false. The two best cards in the deck are Keyboard and Spot the Difference. It doesn’t utilize minion cards but it absolutely summons them.