VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed

Literally what are you even talking about?
Is Spell Mage supposed to fall under this category? You’re completely off-base.

Guy, Spell Mage has 0 minions.

The decks are completely different.

They’re not that different regarding gameplay.

This is the point. They maybe feel more different because you see more minions.

But the purpose is the same:

You have some minions and try to put your enemy in lethal burn range using they.

The difference is the proportion between minions and burn.

Yeah, except one floods the board and the other ends it from hand…

They are not similar whatsoever.

I’d agree that something like…uh, the druid spell that summons treants with charge is similar, but even then they have to get through taunts.

Sorry folks, the past update of breaking news was removed because too many people reported it. This will conclude our coverage of rock paper scissors and beef

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Are you trying to hit the record of, “Most posts that say the same wrong thing”?

That would be impossible for me

Nobody gave him attention before so he has resorted to spamming.

Your mistake here is replying.

One thing is for sure - I regret crying about nature shaman now when I see what’s considered interactive, both to this braindead forum and to the devs

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Ah, I see. There been a history.

But seriously, not even Pokemon is as simple as “rock, paper, scissors.” Comparing a game that doesn’t even have type advantage to r,p,s is nuts. The version of “R,p,s,” constantly changes, and it isn’t even close to an even split. Heck, even Fire Emblem isn’t pure R,P,S.

But I summoned 2 minions whole game from Spot the Difference. There was interaction, trust me! There were minions summoned!

Please, do explain. I’d love to read what is considered “interactive” or not that has harmed you. Not being sarcastic. I want to see this rant.

I don’t need attention in order to reply and tell the truth, whether people believe or accept such truth is not on me.

I think simplifying a game down to “R,P,S,” whenever someone has a complaint you don’t like is doing a disservice to the community.

I have no complaint or anything I don’t like. I reported on this “breaking news” of Warrior in the meta. I am a Cassandra cursed to tell the truth and people don’t believe it. So I don’t blame you for not understanding.

Do you mean crusader? Who is this Cassandra?

The problem people see with Brann Warrior isn’t that it beats slower decks. It’s how it does it, and before it was even beating aggro. Even after the nerfs, it is still top tier, meaning it is beating aggro a fair amount, so your analogy doesn’t really work.

To understand what’s interactive, we must examine what is considered noninteractive, with the usual suspect being combo play and one-turn kills.

So, interactive combos need to be multi-layered. Kel’Thuzad, for example, serves as a multi-layered control finisher. He isn’t simply an “I reached X amount of mana so I win” card; you interact with him throughout the entire game.

From his skeletons, which can be removed to prevent them from being resurrected, to the AoE clear that summons skeletons for each minion killed. There are also less interactive but more so random ways to interact, such as Dirty Rat or Theotar, but they are forms of interaction nonetheless.

Hearthstone needs to return to requiring a buildup to its win conditions for slower decks. It shouldn’t be a case of “I drew Brann into Boomboss, so you’ve now lost,” because then the game becomes noninteractive—it’s just about who drew the best card first.

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I’m sure you could google “cassandra myth” and learn. Then again since I just told you this, I’m not sure it will be possible for you to do this, unless the Gods and my curse have made exception.

Idk that I agree there is any problem, any more than there is a problem with actual rock paper scissors beef

I could have, but I assumed it was a typo because that is not a common saying, like, I dunno, flying too close to the sun.

But it’s not even really R,P,S, because the control Warrior is defeating other control decks, mid-range, and even aggro (or at least was before the nerf, but still true for the other two).

That’s why I included beef