VS Report - Brann Warrior still Tier 1 confirmed

Wjat are you talking abour Rock has sharp edges and punctures paper when it tries to wrap and still breaks scissors.

I mean, that’s what I do, but I’m generally aiming to find something new in the tier 2-3 range because that’s my level of deck building skill (I’ve stumbled upon tier 1 twice in 10 years). It’s good enough to get me legend monthly, and sometimes in the top 1k range (usually 2-3k if the class is meta relevant)

My experience against it when trying desperately to make a highlander DH work is that the problem was just Brann with honorable mention to boomboss.

I could beat them about half the time that Brann got deleted by rat/Kurt. If I didn’t hit that, I was basically guaranteed to lose because of the overwhelming value of doubled Fizzle, Boomboss, Ignis, Ox (which would often steal something from me like Ignis if they hit kologarn as one of their 4 discovers), and inventor boom suddenly being a near OTK on an empty board and extra health reset.

Safety goggles was not a major factor in that matchup. It’s big vs aggro, but those decks have a much better chance of killing the Brann warrior in time than a more control/value deck does (those matchups are oppressively bad).

Brann will remain a meta tyrant of the slow matchups until blizzard makes a stronger, faster OTK win condition. It won’t be any more fun for anyone to play against, but it’ll replace Brann.

That’s the issue with those kinds of win con cards. The only option to have a game even exists at those lengths involves giving everyone an I win card at equal speed, which is not a game where your decisions matter at all.

That is a lot of words thrown in the wind. Very bad example, since the deck isn’t tier 1 in any rank, so you’ve basically responded to a story about apples using examples from a story about oranges.

Everyone here knows it, and maybe deep down you also know it. It doesn’t matter.

You said it yourself, your experience is limited to slow, highlander deck. It’s like me talking exclusively from a sludgelock position.

Yes, brann/boomboss is a bane of slower decks, but safety goggles take that reward against faster decks.

You said it yourself. No “but” needed here.

It already exists and it’s tier 1 and for some reason, noone is talking about it.

Insanitylock is THE best deck right now. It’s not even debatable. Yagut hit rank 1 on two servers with it playing with 2 instances of blizzard opened at the same time BEFORE the patch. That’s how broken it is.

I urge everyone before responding to this to open the tier list from the VS report to check for themselves. Just because only 4% people play it, it doesn’t mean it’s not supposed to be taken into account when analysing the meta.

There is a but needed. Highlander warrior’s weakness IS the aggressive decks.

Making it weaker to those by nerfing goggles doesn’t fix anything, it just pushes the game toward aggressive decks or lose to warrior.

Highlander warrior needs vulnerabilities in the late game just as much as it needs them in the early game. Right now, due to the design of Brann, it’s go fast or bust. Even an OTK counter would need to be fast.

It’s lazy design to make a deck that’s polarized in a “auto loses to aggro, auto wins against slow decks” manner.

Highlander warrior’s removals are already fairly limited (Odyn is much better at this), aggro kills it well enough. It doesn’t need to be worse on that end.

On its’ peak, sludgelock had only 59% against it, and it fell to 53% the next VS report

I wouldn’t call it a proper weakness, would you?

Insanity has 62+% winrate matchups. THAT’S what you call having a weakness to a deck.

Precisely because it’s not weak enough against decks it was supposed to be weak against, it remains tier 1 (Warrior).

I’m honestly surprised you’re still finding it in you to fight with me over an obviously broken card, lol.

Imagine giving warlock 0 mana deal 6 as opposed to 3 mana deal 6? Not broken, ha?

I mean, why would I pay mana to deal 6 dmg if warrior can prevent 6 for 0 mana and I’m supposed to counter it?


According to latest VS report, how many classes are ranked as tier 1 ?

Generally yeah. I prefer those kind of weaknesses to giant polarized ones where a deck has no real chance.

If you have enough of those, the deck isn’t tier 1, but still playable if you like the style.

The problem with highlander warrior has always been that it’s late game matchups are/were basically all HEAVILY in its favor. So having a fair matchup spread against aggro decks that got under it a bit still left it as a meta tyrant.

If you weakened it’s late game, so it only had like 55% win rates against slow decks, then the 47% win rates vs fast ones is enough to keep the deck in check without it being particularly meta warping.

That late game polarity doesn’t care how strong safety goggles is at keeping them alive through turn 5.

The “obviously broken” card you are complaining about (safety goggles) is upper mid tier on drawn win rate, lower half in played, and strong in the mulligan for what I can see in the HSR data (which is admittedly only through gold).

It’s a strong early game card that falls off late game. Sure, you could nerf it and make warrior even more vulnerable to aggro. It’s just not going to fix the “warrior is still a tier 1 deck” problem in the right way because it will forever remain the best slow deck until Brann is gone or reworked because nothing else can compete with rest of the game doubled battlecries. (It is entirely broken in Odyn warrior, as it represents a 0 mana deal 6 gain 6 armor there, but I also think Odyn needs a rework just as much as Brann for the same reasons)

It just makes the game more rock / paper / scissors based.

Those stats are meaningless.

I’ve talked to streamers about their main decks comparing those stats with how they mulligan and we’ve come to the conclusion that the stats are terribly wrong.

Also, you’re wrong about almost everything else, lol

I just don’t see any point in continuing this discussion xD

Should be fine for now unless a variant comes out that starts dominating. I like it but it can run out of gas against some of the more resilient decks and feels inconsistent at times. I do think we’ll get some additional powerful spells in future releases that will probably push it too far and then it’ll get dunked on though.

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Of course it is.

And nerfs coming soon.

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I wouldn’t mind it, lol

It’s kinda toxic xD

I mean, it truly robs your of your agency. Nothing you do has any influence on how the game’s gonna end, it pretty much all depends on mage’s draws

Keyboard on 2? Ouch…very bad, but there might still be hope

Manufacturing on 4 or 5? Options → hover over concede and see what she’s got discounted

You actually pray that she uses at least 2 spells immidiately, that way there’s still hope you’re not getting OTK-d next turn

Yeah, it’s toxic. But then again, we knew a viable burn deck is always toxic and robs you of agency.

I’m just sad people were prepared to replace a Rainbow mage for this cheat of a deck to play against…like, brain, anyone?

It took 9-10 turns for Sif to kill you and you know you’re not gonna die before that. And yet you still complained.

Now, enjoy dying turns 5,6,7, every 1.5 game against them, not even knowing how or what is going to kill you.

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I mean, I said that the card is strong as a mulligan card. The more Mana you have access to the less crazy 0 Mana gain 6 armor is. It’s one of their best cards against aggressive decks (which aren’t particularly struggling to kill highlander warrior).

It’s almost meaningless in slow matchups when they gain 6 armor, or how much Mana they spent on it. Slower decks don’t consistently curve out with high enough pressure that a highlander warrior can’t spare 2 Mana on 6 armor at some point.

You focus on the cards that let people play the broken card.

I just focus on the broken card that never should have been designed as is. If the only way a card is balanced is that the class has to be a wet paper bag to aggro decks the way druid has consistently been designed in the past, it’s not a particularly well designed card.

You can achieve numerical balance through either nerfing support cards or the power card. My focus is the play experience of those power cards being overwhelmingly negative, thus I focus there on balance changes rather than the cards that just get the player there. Armor gains can obviously be overtuned, and safety goggles are, but goggles aren’t even in the same league of broken as Brann/Odyn for the overall game health.

This is another example of a powerful card being buffed to force an archetype blizz didn’t finish supporting until the mini set and now is suddenly too strong.

You just turned your brain off.

The report clearly says Aggro Paladin is #1, although that was pre-nerf. Of course it’s debatable.

No, talking to streamers is meaningless.

But if I was a streamer, and I was serious about making money, I absolutely would try to convince you that the data websites are wrong and that I, as an e-celeb, am mystically more knowledgeable than any attempt to figure out what’s going on with data. That’s how you build your brand when you’re a fake guru.

Your takes have become extra garbage recently, and if I had to make a guess as to why, it’d be that senpai finally noticed you.

Sorry for the delay in the breaking news this morning, this just in, paper has a beef with rock and scissors has a beef with paper, beef has a paper with scissors and rock beef a scissor paper, stay tuned

I dont see why they would nerf spell mage to be honest unless i am not seeing something

How do you feel about that?


Ive been playing for 8 years, Ive gotten legend once.

(now that all the children have said, “git gud” I will continue)

I know how to play this game and I choose meta decks, so on and so forth. (I gave up on “fun decks” long ago.)

Im not hardcore but back to my question, should I have to be?

Back to this.

So does that seem OK? Or should a “casual” be able to get Legend each month?

Do you think Blizzard expects more of us to hit Legend monthly?

Or do you think they want Legend to feel special?

I think Blizzard makes the most money off of microtransactions sales when ranking up feels special without being special. If 50% of players feel like they’re in the top 5%, that’s pretty darn profitable. Something like that is the goal.

So if you know what the Dunning Kruger effect is, what Blizzard wants is something that takes this flaw in human psychology, and makes it even worse by multiplying it.

I think that the primary purpose of every rank below Diamond is to give the average player the illusion of progress. Participation trophy ranks.

Again, there is an official chart showing that only about 12% reach Diamond or higher.

And the curve showed released with it showed that most people end the month in Gold. Scrotie is speaking pure nonsense.

If you think your takes are better than mryagut’s, you’ve got another thing coming.

He’s currently #4 in NA and 32 in Europe (was #1 on EU few days ago) playing Insanitylock.

Yeah, ofc I trust him more than I trust HSreplay and HSguru stats. It’s not even close…

lol…when it comes from you, it’s just funny xD

What? Who?

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