Are you currently in the Top1k? Are you playing as Altair on EU server? Since that data specifically is only Top1K, if you’re in and out of Top1K then those games obviously wouldn’t register on the data either. What’s your current rank?
Wow, really? I’m speechless. Hanging on a thread now, are we?
?? I’m asking an honest question? What’s your current rank in EU and if you are playing as Altair there?
If you’re playing on EU and America server and your data is crossing between them but you’re Top1k in EU and not America that could be a problem.
What’s so hard about saying what rank you currently are on EU and if you’re playing as Altair???
Too many questions…
Walls closing in ,oh boy.
No, you are NOT asking an honest question. You didn’t ask me this question when I was top 100 when we were having the debate. No. You’re asking me NOW, that I dropped out of 1k because I was testing the unplayable Rainbow Shaman.
See? Very, very dishonest.
I haven’t played on America since early June, because that’s when I began working, so all my stats are EU only.
And of course, as always, I got you covered with proofs.
Open the image. It’s all sludgelock stats for last 30 days in top 500. Why not last 2 weeks, top 1k?
Because Firestone doesn’t have those data, and if you use it, you know it. So this is the best I could do.
“Used: date” is the date of last usage. You can clearly see 303 sludgelock games in top 500 in the period of before 20th august until august 24. Not all of those games were in the exact period of VS report, only 256 were, as I said the other day when the stats were covered with “last 7 days”
Keep in mind those games are only in top 500 and VS data are for top 1k. That’s why there’s only so many games, when in fact I’ve played many more, and that’s why the winrates are low (top 500 >>> top 1k)
Also, here’s a thread I opened August 20th, last day covered by the VS report:
I was rank 86 then, so I think it’s kinda obvious I’ve been in top 1k all that time, you knwo what I’m saying?
Will that be enough? Or do you have more low kicks to try and bring me down?
So let me get this straight.
You haven’t been Top1K Legend for 6 days, that report came out showing the last week. Your data shows your Sludgelock with last 30 days, and you’re wondering why a 1 week report isn’t showing Sludgelock?
Isn’t it obvious why it doesn’t?
And you’re not in Top1k now?
And this whole time talking about Rainbow Shaman you keep talking about how you haven’t even seen in yet you’re not even in Top1K within the last week?
of course you haven’t seen it, you’re not even playing in the Top1k to see it. wtf man?
Are you even in the Top2K now? 5K? 10K?
What rank are you and where can I find Altair on EU servers?
It’s very convenient you all of a sudden talk about how you “just tanked your rank experimenting” yet for the last week you’ve been going on and on how you are a Top1K player.
Did you open the image? 24th august I was top 500, and you can see it
20th august I was top 500.
In the thread I linked, there’s another image:
Me rank 86 in the day covered by VS report.
I did not go from 2k to 86 in 1 day. I was top 1k this whole month.
Why are you dodging the question?
It’s all starting to make sense.
That image doesn’t work.
So you’re in the 2k range now?
So just in 2 days you’ve tanked your ranking?
What rank are you now?
This is your combined win rate for all your sludgelock games for this month…you have a negative win rate. And you’ve been raving how this deck is a top100 deck?
The sample may be large and not representative though. E.g. it only collects the people who happen to have the personality to opt-in giving their personal information (e.g. I use Firestone and I turn off the big brother sending to VS) (plus OK: their opponents occasionally but those will be a minority of the samples).
Though the most important issue with “summaries of stats” is that it’s extremely subjective on HOW you read stats: e.g. do you always ignore archetypes that have only 80 samples when that can be useful info?
VS report is for period from 14-20th August.
- August 20:
- August 19:
- August 18:
- August 15-16:
And now you’re going on ignore
Very weird you won’t say your name and rank on EU server.
You two need to just drop it xD youve basically destroyed the whole thread with the constant back and forth. At some point ypu just have to agree to disagree or something
Schyla: “You’re a liar.”
Altair: “Let’s agree to disagree.”
Hmm… ok?
I mean, at this point at least they’ve shown how dishonest they are in their attempts to disprove me and I got the chance to flex the truth with proofs.
Now, if this situations happens again, I can just link this thread and it’ll be known who’s who on this forum
There is nothing unkind in being honest about the things you claim, and I have never once seen you admit that you are anything less than all-knowing.
Deal with that.
Post the quote, please. I have known Schyla a really long time.
This wasn’t what He said. I guarantee it.
Longer than that. He has made this claim since he first appeared on forums. I have never fact checked it at all.
Pity you missed the low jab he threw your way(deleted on an edit), so much for kindness lmao.
Anyway this is done and over, man knows more than VS ,refuses to talk with Blizzard staff on Schyla advise ( no doubt he also knows more than the Devs).
Moving on.
Yup, he quickly altered that post for good reason.
He wasn’t being kind in the slightest. His remark was pretty bad.
I’m immune to the badinage. He has proven himself unreliable at best.
And claiming that Schyla called him a liar is the last straw.
I know it’s hogwash, and therefore believe nothing he says anymore. I will just consider him incapable of honesty.