VS Data Reaper Report #198

No one must main warlock, similar to shaman, no one yells warlock is in tenth place on HSReplay homepage. But, those sorry mages. Unless we’re talking wild.

And blizzard already does enough with that by ensuring most of those decks are bad or dificult to play in standard.

Sometimes both bad and dificult.

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You are not paying enouth attention Warlock mains are very vocal even more when people try to get their only broken card nerfed AKA TICKATUS.
Plenty of them out there the class is holding on by a thread and they are not happy(rightfully so).

dang, Control warlock actually got me to legend in March and I really enjoy play it. So sad to only see it sitting in my collection now.

This BS is pretty typical.

I remember last year after the Scholomance nerfs people said that Mage would be OK, it would just play Mozaki.

Mozaki kappa, Freeze Mage double kappa.


You are not paying enough attention either.

Just because a person thinks a nerf idea is bad it doesn’t mean they “main” that deck. It isn’t Warlock “mains” defending Tickatus. It’s the forum stat mongers and bean counters.

And if those same people have integrity they will admit that the Paladin nerfs were too harsh.

The problem with No Minion Mage isn’t that it’s spell based. Is that it’s a Highroll deck like Keleseth, Scrap Imp, and Barnes in the past. It’s a really bad design and terribly unfun to play against.

I understand you are upset. But think harder before you fall off into tangents that don’t help the discussion.

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I think paladin was victim of blizzard trying to not nerf it.

If they did go from the start to cards like hand of adal the situation would end being better overall.

It wasn’t dificult to understand the class was tier 0 and needed an overall push down instead of getting a deck or two nerfed.

Then the archtype specific cards would shine more.


I have been saying HoA was a problem since Scholomance.

That’s the card that made First Day of School, Knight of Annointment, Crabrider, and Aldor Attendant so strong.

Now after nerfing around the problem so many times they finally nerf the problem card the whole deck collapsed.


it’s super ironic you keep calling Paladin the “pet class” when Hunter not only uses pets but also hasn’t been less then tier 2 for like 3 years now

I guess I’m switching to MTG until Priest is changed/nerfed.

Instaconceding to Keleseth Mages is easily sustainable, at 4% playrate it doesn’t bother me at all.

Instaconceding to Priests is unsustianable and Priest Population is going to increase by atleast +5% after this report.

you do know that this is a standard report, not wild?

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I said this a few months ago and I’ll say it again: They need to seriously redesign and overhaul the mage class.

The ideas they’ve had for the class fit with the lore and theme of the class but generate unfun gameplay patterns for too many people. The idea of a class that can burn you out with lots of spells fits with the class but because you can’t interfere in any way with that strategy it becomes frustrating for players to play against.

Freezing effects also fit well with the class but it results in situations where your opponent can do nothing but stare at their board of minions they can’t do anything with.

It makes sense to have mages be able to conjure up spells from nothing from a lore perspective but trying to do the mental math of what possibilities your opponent might have in their hand is too burdensome and frustrating.

How I’d fix this is tricky but I’d say more spells like Apexis Blast that both have an effect and summon a minion to interact with are a good way to go and more ways to play against spells such as minions with “when this is targeted by a spell” or “when this takes damage from a spell” type effects on them so they can push the power level of spells a bit.

Mage has always been one of the more popular classes in the game regardless of its power level so they should work to make sure the class has a deck that’s good without being a miserable experience to play against

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I’m not certain I’m following you. A mage that doesn’t have damage from hand?
Or stall? How is the class supposed to survive at all or finish?
I get that the random effects need to go away as well as the zero cost
fiesta, but I’m not sure I agree otherwise.

They should still have damage from hand, that’s core to the class’s identity but what I am saying is that it should be more stuff like Apexis Blast or Deep Freeze where you do some damage from hand or stall but also generate minions with it so there’s something to interact with and not just the spell. I’d also want to see mage’s spell damage buffed and balance that with effects on minions that trigger on being targeted by or taking damage from spells so that the opponent can play around spells better.

As far as mage minions go I’d like to see stuff like Steam Surger or Ghastly Conjurer that generates specific spells rather than random ones or ones that cast spells when cast kinda like Varden


Welcome to the club!

Well I support classic Mage effects like freeze and burn from hand.
Secrets and other disruption tools.
I believe Mages should always be glass cannons.

True, but they are always easy to counter and rarely if ever oppress the meta, so I’m alright with it.

I dont care who is top (as long as its not Mage or Priest), but Tier S for the entire dration of an expansion hasnt happened for a long time, and would be horrid. Yes it would be better if they remained Tier 2 or whatever but they tried several times light touch nerfs and it didn’t work, so its better they just make them irrelevant for 2 months. Makes no difference to me, I play every class.

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î´d welcome them to design along the wow talent speccs (ok with some free interpretation)

frost: sturdy, controlling the board, some burst
fire: very explosive in both ways (could even make a pain-mage)
arkan: stacking up in power, “tricky” tech

I haven’t played WoW in so long that I’m not sure what Mage even has these

Mage should get a little more simple stuff to start with.

Spells that take time to cast.
Start of game effects.
Deck manipulation

I not against the clown fiesta but it shouldn’t be everything the class has to offer.

There are tons of themes that go away from burn, freeze and RNG.

Only time I remember blizzard even trying something different was during year of the raven/year of the dragon with decks focused in spells like book of specters and conjurer’s calling.

Spell mage is actually fun too but they could literally printed actually powerful spells rather than printing junk with fear of people burning the opponents.

In the end of the day all this draw variance happens because the devs refuse to offer simple and good burn while trying to fix the fact the cards are bad with stuff like incanter’s flow.

If incanter’s flow was nerf they could literally buff around 3-5 cards in mage and it would still tier 2 at best.

Including but not limited to:

Revert RSW
Runic orb
Mask of c’thun

And even without the changes they should revert invocation.
People liking a theme or not has nothing to do with balance and the nerf had a bad impact even when it was done.

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