VS Data Reaper Report #198

I’m not in the mood to argue semantics with you, please do me a favor and never reply to me again .
Take the last word im done talking with you goodbye.

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Dude, you the one who started the conversation when you brought up people “blasting” you, and even went out of your way to copy the quotes over.

Onus is not on me to do you a favor and not reply to you. The onus is on you to not make it look like you want people to respond to you.

You keep doing what you’re doing, if it isn’t me somebody else may eventually reply to you the next time you say something that can be questioned/examined.

You were asked not to respond anymore.
Can you not help yourself?
I worry about you.

I was also said to take the last word.

And how many times have people asked YOU to not post? What was your response? I believe it was “if you don’t like my posts, don’t read them”


It wasn’t your post was it? It was his and you took exception to it as you do so very often.
You should consider talking to someone.

Look at that mini set killed Paladin its like Blizzard knew this was going to happen and that’s why they went light on the Paladin nerfs.

It was my mistake for not blocking him sonner , this is not the first time for me as well.
I told him to take the last word because i know he cant help himself , its alright from this point on i cant see anything he posts anyway.

In short it was my fault i should have ignored him like usually i take the L for this.
Back on topic for the VS report this doesnt help the meta.

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I’m not sure what you mean. Why does it matter whose posts belongs to who? This is a public forum. When you post things, other people can see them, and should they choose, respond.

And again, in his post he said I can take the last word. So I did.

The one taking exception is you. Towards me, and you’re doing this gaslighting thing about worrying and telling me to go talk to someone (so I guess I should keep responding to Orion next time? Or you? That counts as talking to someone right? Or are you two not people, just bots programed to whine about mage ;p?)


This is the second time I have had to ignore him as well.
I sincerely think he has emotional issues.

As to the meta? It will never be fixed.
I don’t believe Team 5 has any interest or motive to balance the game.

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Let’s face it dude, we all have emotional issues XD

Hey this forum got exactly what it always wanted; Paladin being a complete, unplayable joke. Now watch it sit there for the next two years, maybe get good for one expansion and everyone will lose their minds at it again until it’s back getting nerfed into uselessness.


Here they go: my hopes to get 1600 dust from lady Anacondra :cry:


Aw did pet class get nerfed? :’(

This is why we play different classes

9 months of Librams btw.

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This is the first time in 11 months of VS Reports that Paladin doesnt have at least a high tier 2 deck we cant blame the class mains for feeling left out at this point it was almost tradition for them.

Welcome to tier 3 we have cake and cookies.


If blizzard did heard it from the start instead of “slightly nerfing” tons of card that done nothing that would not have happened.

The fault is the own blizzard bias for minion centric gameplay.

The problem is they don’t know how to design non minion decks without making them obnoxious to play against. I agree, Mage and Priest of the last 2 years are the worst thing about the game. Maybe they’ll figure it out. Maybe not

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Reading the bit about Celestial Druid brought a tear of joy to my eyes. Thank you to all of you wonderful members of the community, who have done your due diligence, and obliterated this deck from existence.

…so first of all, I’m not really convinced that paladin nerfs were “exactly what the forums always wanted”. Second of all, This is like, the first time in over a year that paladin hasn’t been incredible. No, the real victims are not “paladin players”, but actually “control paladin players”. Paladin has almost always been a great aggro/midrange class, but there hasn’t been a good control paladin deck since, what, the original N’zoth was in standard?


Actually they know.

Sorry but spell mage isn’t anything spectacular.
Discount bad spells to make they playable (probably slightly more powerful) isn’t a “incredible obnoxious” strategy.

People should create some thicc skin too.

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Other way around. Caster players are the ones with a bias towards non-minion gameplay. Under their biased eyes, anything that doesn’t cater to them looks like it’s biased against casters/for minions.

It’s like… in the eyes of an entitled parent who thinks their kid is special, not pampering and favoring their kid like they usually do counts as “mistreating” their kid.

What you call bias is actually just normal. Minion gameplay is the norm. Minions are the biggest category of cards in the game. Spells/weapons/etc are the exception. This isn’t to say non minion cards can’t exist or there can’t ever be a non minion deck, but exceptions are, you know, exceptional.

Another piece of evidence that there is no pro minion bias is the fact shamans were bad until now. They’re a minion class too you know. The supposed bias towards minion gameplay didn’t help them, or many other classes/decks that relied on minions. Not every minion centric deck is a paladin deck, and they were not all good!

Then consider DH. Being released last year, DH is the class they designed with years of accumulated knowledge. You’d think any bias over the years would be reflected. The result though isn’t just a pure minion class, but a class that was able to pull off things like soul and OTK lifesteal.