VS Data Reaper Report #198

First, the thing I really care about: YOINK PRIEST IS BACK BABY! WOO!


Now, the quotes:

Demon Hunter:

Deathrattle Demon Hunter is legitimately scary now, though it does have some pretty hard counters and it currently benefits from beating down on some of the worst decks in the format. A refined meta will likely give it a greater challenge to stay an elite performer.


Both Elemental and Doom Shaman look like top-tier decks, as their game plans are dramatically more consistent now. Both exhibit some scope for improvement: one variant is clearly better in Elemental Shaman (Whack), while Doom Shaman has a few slots that could be upgraded.


Celestial Druid is one of the worst, if not the worst deck we can remember evaluating in reports. It’s so bad that its matchup with the innkeeper might be unfavored. It takes a special kind of deck to display a 35% win rate while maintaining any significant meta presence.


Paladin might be done. Both Secret and Libram Paladin are experiencing a continuing and drastic decline in their win rates. What looks like Tier 3 today, may end up Tier 4 at most relevant rank brackets next week. We can’t identify any development that could stop the bleeding either.

Link: https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-198/


I’ll take this over another 2 months of Paladinstone, though obviously it would be better if they weren’t Shamanised.


What are our hard counters?

Maybe true, albeit I feel the deck require thought. Certainly, ramp druids often screw me up (playing DR DH).

I’m unconvinced because of the plethora of viable paladin cards, that I believe, haven’t come together just yet to deal with the change in meta.

Spell Mage is barely surviving in the current meta, benefitting from some slow matchups that may not be around for long, while suffering from crippling matchups against decks carrying burn. There’s a limit to what it can do beyond beating Control Priest in the emerging meta.

“But the story of Mage is also about the failure of any new strategy to emerge. The freeze package just isn’t good enough. It doesn’t offer any inevitability, a win condition Mage can build around, and its deck-building cost is far too restrictive. Attempts to go Fire & Ice with Wildfire and Mordresh, in order to add inevitability, led to the creation of a deck that’s slightly better than Celestial Druid. Slightly.”

I said Freeze Mage was bad with no win con and got blasted to hell in this forums , and yet here we are maybe now people will listen.


Face Hunter on top, quite what i imagined.

Really don´t see how Deathrattle has any positive matchupspread, it´s such a slow deck, heck i can outaggro it as priest if i feel like. Would be very surprised if that Deck stays anywhere above bottom Tier 2 once people learn to ignore their “threats” if they can´t efficiently clear them and hit them in the face instead.

For Paladin i think it can adapt, heck i run a “trashy” adventurer/libram mixture for fun while not having Lady L or even most of the expensive libram stuff and still find myself at ~50%winrate with it. Consecration can get quite a lot done actually, especially with a +1spelldmg adventurer.

Not sure about shaman, as Priest they feel both sort of to one dimensional to be a threat, but probably consistent enough to beat down on rogues and the likes.

Guess i´d see Hunter, Rush Warri and Priest dominating until next expansion.

we had several theroycraft threads about mage that went to that conclusion since the miniset came out, no idea where you would get “blasted” here.

People just not want mage to be even playable. You can take that as fact.

I find one or two improvements I can do to the deck mostly because of the rise of more and more agressive matchups but even that would at best recover around 2% Winrate.

What I suggest now is basically to put lunacy back into the deck and fit the flex slot with one ice barrier.

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Everything that has a gameplan that kills you at ~turn 10 (which includes even Priest), there´s so little defense in the DH deck and also so little tempo early on if your opponent does know when to trade and when to ignore the tiny little 3 attack minions. The Deck will get very bad vs Hunter, Rush Warri, Priest, Miracle Rogue, probably even spellmage once people learn to properly play against it (which means being a bit greedy turns 3 to 6 as the DH has nothing to threaten you with).

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I would rather pally be the meta than two face decks with ZERO skill. This is by far the biggest disaster I’ve seen in HS. ALL these expansions and we have the SAME exact doomhammer face and face hunter that we’ve had for YEARS. Thankfully I only get on the game to do quests. I really don’t hate myself to play this trash.

What i said 7 days ago:

Whats the end game it this Freeze Mage???
Where is the payoff …What a terrible archetype Mage will contest the board with this cards when pigs fly.

Replies i got:

"well, it’s similar to every tempo deck payoff: constant pressure till you drop them.

not every deck needs a huge 20 damage finisher to work.

the payoffs are:
0 mana 5/5s, 3 mana aoe hard removals, 3 mana 4/5s that draw you a card, and etc high tempo cards."

yes, 0 mana 5/5 is bad tempo


mage set is a solid 5/5 for me.

Hero power freeze mage will be a thing and it will be VERY hated.


i don´t see how it is favoured vs properly piloted Rush Warri (and yea i saw the spread, but that is the start of the meta when neither decks nor playstyles have adapted much) - you know the lethal range, you know there´s at most 9dmg headed to your face turn 8-9, so you can easily trade some early health to buff up your board, then take control midgame and if the DH is behind on turn 8 the 8/8 looks far from op. Pretty much the same gameplan priest has right now and is winning 70+% in high diamond (also a match that VS list´s as unfavoured because apparently many priest still play too greedy lists in an aggro meta or are just not great).

Gnomes was friendly enough to include some examples of Priest vs DH matches in the Priest to Legend discussion: Got to legend and some D5 to Legend stats - #39 by Eulrich-2784 you can see very clearly that DH has quite some weakness that can be abused, even with a greedier Priest list.


I have one thing only to say about Freeze Mage:
“Told ya”

Now i’m off to meme with Aegwynn and 6 mana 12/12 +4 spell damage


Yet another person that was for sure told how good the deck would be.
It gives me no pleasure getting it right, Freeze Mage was the first deck i aimed to build back in 2015 and i wanted a return to form for the archtype but Mage hate is to great for the class to get something viable that even cards like this come out as to strong for Mage for some.

Payoffs are moderate for the cost. There’s a reason why cards that kill frozen minions never took off - freezing is relatively rare, and killing a frozen minion has inherent anti-synergy with the mechanic itself; because if you froze a minion, the natural next step is to ignore it for the turn and leverage tempo - but if you want to use your freeze payoff card, you have to disrupt that pattern and use mana for permanently removing a minion instead of developing. The discountable 5/5 plays much better into freezing tactic, I agree on that.

IMO, unless freezing becomes basically a free keyword for Mage, to the extent that rush is for Warrior, the archetype is unlikely to take off.

in the meta report you can check its exact matchup spread

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You are kiling me here…
Please read my reply again thats what people said to me, since English doesnt seem to be your native language(neither is mine) there seems to be some confusion here.

“But the story of Mage is also about the failure of any new strategy to emerge. The freeze package just isn’t good enough. It doesn’t offer any inevitability, a win condition Mage can build around, and its deck-building cost is far too restrictive. Attempts to go Fire & Ice with Wildfire and Mordresh, in order to add inevitability, led to the creation of a deck that’s slightly better than Celestial Druid. Slightly”.

Basically what every experienced mage player on these forums has said.
I myself say they crushed mage and left it with nothing, yet again.

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Yup, it’s not my first language :stuck_out_tongue: also I got confused in the formatting, I thought it is already you stating these payoffs as decently good.

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I run a different deck and it fairs better, but I have to agree this deck is kinda bad to play and it just rely on a good draw to work well… The Sad life of a Druid Main…

I don’t see how any of those responses are “blasting” you, unless by blasting you simply mean somebody said something you didn’t like or agree with, in which case… like everybody can claim they have been blasted for something.