Update on my ban situation - and sorry for toxic behaviour

I got in contact with one of the devs however i was surprised he said it the ban was justified based on my actions i think my evidence proves pretty much very clearly i was not a bot i maintain i was tilted and i was afk because of rage and conceding turn 1 or going afk then closing the app many people rope and i am guilty of this but then alot more ppl have to be banned.

However i would like to apologize to the community for the toxic behaviour this is not the person who i was when i started the game i can admit ive acted toxic and been rude to players to im sorry for that too.

Going forward whatever happens i wil be my positive old self and respectfull and duelling with honour however i was not botting.

But i am sorry that let mysel down shame is something i stil feel i let myself down i lost the respect of my friends and forum this is one of the lowest points of my life forgive me everone .but i did not bot i am not guilty of this

I wasnt always like this well back to sqaure one of trying to find myself.

Are you still permanently banned?

Yes i am at the moment i am stil banned.

Ban for a period or unlimited?

This seems permanent from what i gather if its not permanent i believe you are suspended.

Hi Aerthis. Why are you apologizing when it might not even be your fault? You should really stand up for yourself. I still highly doubt you were banned because of your “toxic” behavior, but by the March bot detection banwave. It is not that people do not believe you, but that the ones that do just moved on from the game. We have been through this song and dance before. There was a 150+ comment thread called “Account banned due to Automation of Gameplay” that was made on February… It got removed by mods and you can probably guess why.

I said this before in one of your threads but if what you say is true about spending an absurd amount of time in this game, I really suggest you just take a break from this game and anything associated with it. You might be irrational due to the sunk-cost setting in. Since you are out of the daily gameplay loop anyway, give yourself at least a week or two to rationalize everything.

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I love Blizzard it gives the possibility to concede except that if you do, you can be permanently banned, Who is this company kidding?

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Woah woah woah.
Does anyone realize how serious this is …
If Aerthis is telling the truth and indeed did not cheat in some way then that means that Blizzard is now banning people without even looking into it.

Does this mean that just mass reporting can now potentially get your permanently banned! This is literally insane.

It’s very likely that people now will fall victim to Bot Ban Waves and will have their accounts deleted just from mass reporting. This is so serious it’s not even funny.


I only apolgized for my toxic behaviour not botting i didnt bot.

Blizzard is afraid that banned players will band together for legal action because they know they are doing something illegal.

So blizzard practices censorship, it’s a dictatorial company, a pro Putin company.

I’m pretty sure that’s the norm in World of Warcraft since the first years of Activision (at the very least) and I can only guess Hearthstone is similar to World of Warcraft at least [not a perma ban though].

I fully expect to get at least a temporary ban with being mass-reported; but it’s probably a “weak ban”; I mean if you get through to a real person it will be at least reduced.

I suspect in Hearthstone specifically some people may report those who annoy them; emotes can be culprit; I personally just “auto” quelch anyway for peace of mind.

I posted several hs replies documenting me being tilted i played some games then i started to concede turn 1 and then i went afk close game etc i didnt bot i was tilted. i wil edit the post and show u the replays later but yes there could be potential false positives bans and i think they need to improve their bot ban detection system toxic tilted behavior is not botting.

Surely this is not legal right
Banning people with fabricated reasons … without providing proof even when asked it!

I believe you Aerthis and you have done no wrong to close the game when tilted.
The culprit here is Blizzard for banning you without providing technical proof of you actually botting.
Unbelievable and I don’t even know how to help.

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Welcome to the brave new world of actiblizz, folks!

No joke, aerthis and anyone else caught up in this nonsense should do a class action lawsuit. Because closing your game IS. NOT. BOTTING!

And unless they are going to ban ropers, which does the same amount of “time wasting” except LONGER, it only shows they are engaging in arbitrary ban wave against players, and defrauding the playerbase about their so called “bot ban updates.”

because they aren’t banning bots, they’re banning players.

For Light’s sake, they can’t even clean the forums of bots!

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It has been happening in every game: Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft, etc.

I like to joke that Blizzard is on their last legs but it’s starting to look like reality more and more.

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Im not here to badmouth them i like the games i just think they made a mistake in banning me for botting i have no issue admitting i acted wrongly in terms of conceding and closing the game but i am not guilty of botting.

That’s exactly why we are outraged.
Look at your kindness and how do they reciprocate … by banning you!
That’s the maddening part.

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Then they should remove the concede button. Giving players a concede button, then punishing them for using it is absolutely insane.

It’s a built in feature. What’s next, bans for not using their music, sound effects, what?

This. If this goes unchallenged, they will literally continue to ban players FOR ANYTHING!

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We all have days when we are super toxic… but the next we are friendly and even share decks, i think your mistake was behaving like a bot by going AFK, if you want to BM people, do it by beating them and rope them before the final blow while pointing to his hero…
There are many ways to BM and you chose the strangest one…

I made massive reports to even shamans, regardless of they were human or not, and i don’t see those people here complaining so this is most likely an isolated case.