There is a difference between dying on turn 5 from full health because you did not clear every single minion, and dying turn 12. With plenty of tech available to beat the latter strategy.
Funny things, these misrepresentations of reality, huh?
I was looking forward to it, just to see/experiment it’s craziness. Sad that it got gutted before it’s even a thing. Still, good on Blizzard for acting swiftly.
While the nerf was interestingly caught premptively, I still think Sw1ggity Sw44ty will be a mistake, regardless; even more of a mistake than the name I keep using to referr to it.
I’ve come to the unfortunate conclusion that there isn’t any pleasing the playerbase.
Team 5 revealed the new legendary and the community responded with an insane interaction that Team 5 remedied.
If you browse the old forums, you will find threads about the lack of interaction between us and them.
You will find threads about how they “never listen.”
It takes serious cajones to admit you’ve made a mistake. There was something overlooked and the players pointed it out…but instead of being grateful that the problem was fixed,
How did you not see this problem?! All you had to do was open the collection manager! Blah blah blah!
They are much bigger people that I probably could ever be because I’m not that nice. If I was designing a game and I came across the complaints that I see here, my time here would be minimal…if it was mandatory for my job.
Nobody wants to be around a group of people that just complain. Its obnoxious and annoying.
It’s like you want interaction, but when they interact, you literally crap all over them. They give us buffs but it’s not good enough. They fix a broken interaction players pointed out to them. It’s not good enough.
What would it take to please you people? If its a control meta, its boring. If its an aggro meta, its too fast. If its a midrange meta, how dare Hunter have cards?! Like, its neverending, its pointless and its not constructive.
All hail. Let it be known that @Gwyneth hast proven herself a protector of the devs, and shall hence be called @Gwyneth, Protector of Devs and Rebuffer of Ill Posters.
One of the qualities of a good game designer is knowing when they are being goaded. It is part of having good judgment. A good game designer would not lose good judgment due to forum trifles. These only color communication. It is not about being “above it.” A good game designer appreciates even unfavorable critiques, as many as come. They care more about being an expert in their craft, not pleasing everyone.
The kind of person you characterized is too immature, overly sensitive, inexperienced, and poor of judgment to be a good game designer.
And you’ve proved her point.
There is a huge difference between complaining and constructive criticism.
Pointing out the overlooked interaction is constructive criticism.
Pointing out that the devs should have seen it when they designed the new legendary is complaining.
Pointing out that Big Priest is annoying and only needs just a wee bit more support to become broken and listing all the reasons why is constructive criticism.
Writing a post stating players that play Big Priest have low IQ, are jerks, and how awful they are for playing such a degenerative deck is complaining.
Game developers are human beings. And like all human beings, they are going to make mistakes. They’re definitely trying to reform themselves and they’re definitely working hard to prove that they care.
They gave us three legendaries so far. Zayle, Vargoth and SN1P-SN4P. They have made massive improvements on the solo content and added serious replayability to the solo content with 3 different modes. Normal, Heroic and Anomaly. As well as the option to beat every mode with all the classes for all the crowns.
I do not support their every single decision and I have witnesses that can attest to the mountain of skepticism I had when Heist released. When I actually played it, it was a lot of fun. Yes, you get crap runs but I had the opportunity to play with cards I would never consider playing with before.
I do not follow the devs blindly and I’ve barely touched any of the other solo content. None of it is nearly as fun as Heist.
If the buffs, the free legs, the quick response to Reckless Experimenter interaction isn’t enough, then nothing they do will ever be good enough.
I do not want to take anything away from what you just stated, so I will add that it is normal for a person who has been long ignored to seek public acknowledgement of worth. Even though there will be people who seek humiliation rather than a public show of humility, it is humility that is warranted always when conducting business like this. These people posting this stuff behave subconsciously in this expected way. Like I said, some slyly want to see the spectacle of a honored person being humiliated publicly, but our generally honorable ways merely demand a show of humility. This is a difficult tight rope to walk for professionals who must maintain a job attaining persona, and for those responsible for upholding brand value. Again, it is not about being “above” the banter. It is about being smart about how to respond or not.
No, they are not required to grovel for the amusement of your ego.
They didn’t “give” us that. They sold us that.
They also had a similar deal with the older adventures as well. You could buy them with cash or gold.
As a matter of fact, it is cheaper to buy Heist with cash than it is the wild adventures.
Plus, the old adventures were one and done. You beat them once to win the cards and those cards created metagames around them because everyone had access to them.
Heist has a lot of replayability plus, it is after you beat the sixth boss that you receive your packs. You don’t even have to complete the whole run.
Now, with the packs earned from Heist, you never know what you are going to get and have to use what you have. Which solves the, “all the decks are the same problem.”
If that wasn’t enough, they gave a golden Zayle to players that purchased. This means 5 golden decks players can experiment with - I love my Zayle although that warlock deck takes some practice.
Either way, Adventures/Heist:
- Both can be purchased with cash/gold.
- Definite legendary that gives you 5 decks
- You get cards
There are some major differences between Heist and Adventures and I acknowledge that but lets not overlook their similarities either.
Yeah , all this talk of OTK etc. has distracted everyone a bit from the fact that Sn1p-Sn4p isa seriously busted card without any shenanigans.
9 stats for 3 mana in 3 different bodies is already pretty great particularly with a tribal tag, the Magnetic and Echo on top are just bonkers, he can create wide or tall boards with an element of stickiness singlehanded, he’s going to make mech decks a lot better and i don’t think Hunter or Warrior nedd a boost tbh.
I bet we’re all sick of the sight of this mech in a couple of weeks time!
The adventures were mini-expansions, and your money bought you all the cards for free use. The Heists grant you packs for your money, yes, but after the initial splurge of buying and crafting has passed for most of the higher-paying players so the value of the packs is diminished.
They took the PvE content they’d been making for free for the last year, and expanded on it and put a price tag on it. I’m not saying they don’t have a right to do that, I’m not saying I got scammed for buying it because I did. I am saying that you can’t put it on the list of things they generously gave us, because it wasn’t a gift. You put a price tag on it, it’s not done out of good will. I’m not saying it’s not worth the price, I’m just stating facts.
Personally, as my avatar might clue you in, I’m not particularly happy with the buffs or the way that the SN1P problem was solved. Priest is in the dumpster, so they… nerf the best build-around card the class has going forward, the one existing card that could potentially offer up a new Priest archetype. Because they forgot it exists. And they buffed… Cloning Device. Well now, if Priest isn’t Tier 1 after these massive changes, I’ll be shocked.
Vargoth is hilarious though, I love him.
I’ve never seen Experimenter in player and if Priest has to rely on a broken combo to be represented, then the cards in that class are a serious problem.
Yes, Priest needs a tremendous amount of TLC.
But no, enabling broken interactions is not the way to handle that.
As for Zayle, I consider him a gift, but you consider him part of the purchase. I will go as far to say that it is an added bonus for purchasing the content.
Still, two free legendaries (Vargoth and SN1P-SN4P) is much more than we’ve gotten in the past.
What I would like to see is more Toki Time events. For a limited time, players were awarded gold AND dust for their quests. Bring that back a couple times and I will be a happy camper.
Hi Gwy,
My reply is not directed to you but to this statement.
They are indeed human and human likes to make mistakes. However, for an individual/party to progress, there are system/teams in place to remove/reduce these mistakes.
In this case, if we look beyond the supposed “mistake” and I rephrase the whole perspective into " What processes does a card undergoes from development to release? "
Each single card would have under gone the same process from concept, initial design, final design, play test, etc —> approval for release. in each process, a team/individual is responsible to perform his/her duty.
For that “mistake” to materialise, it had to undergo all that… or was there a deviation? A higher up “demanding” a release in time before the complete process can be completed? Inadequate manpower/resource to cope with existing job + a mid expansion card release? In experience work force? Too much bureaucracy? etc, etc.
Because of this one case, one card, and we look at a year of 3 expansion and 300+ cards, what can we expect?
Thus, my concern not on this “mistake” but something more in-depth.
Precisely and we can only speculate on the cause of the mistake.
The fact that the players caught it so fast has, hopefully, allowed them to analyze the entire process and pinpoint where, how, and why it was overlooked.
Hopefully, this was a learning experience for them and they have taken necessary measures to see that it doesn’t happen again.
However, if it continues to happen, then we have the right to raise our eyebrows and raise some questions.
I think that the dust is still settling from the past year and they are still working out a few kinks so I choose to let it go this time but if it becomes a regular occurrence then its obvious they haven’t learned anything from this experience.
Exactly! I don’t want some employee marched out and sacked, I’ve made mistakes, you’ve made mistakes, we all have.
BUT when you’re a proffessional game development company there should be systems in place to make sure this sort of thing doesn’t happen, and particularly with a small release of 19 cards you would expect each card to be under a fair amount of scrutiny even more so when you are buffing cards from their original design point (I assume they design cards with the idea that they’re fairly balanced on release) and I think as consumers we have the right to comment on that.
I also worry that this decision was taken in a hurry, possibly without checking everything they should, I will be extremely annoyed if we get a bunch of dr minions next expansion that now don’t work nearly so well with RE as they would have (any 3mana or less good drs basically), Priest getting shafted because they didn’t know what our cards do!
How DARE an entertainment company ask you to pay for entertainment! The nerve.
Indeed considering the fact with the discover cards you can freeze/iceblock your way 99% sure to infinite fireballs stage, unless you face the most broken aggro decks with good draw.
That is a valid, legitimate and genuine constructive criticism that they can actually use and what I am doing my best to advocate and encourage.
Secondly, I also fear that a portion of the playerbase is going to become prejudiced toward the Priest class altogether. Thief priest was especially tilting for me. Now, a couple cards like Mind Vision and Madame Lazul absolutely fit into Priest identity. But when they were taking copies of your entire deck, it wasn’t a fun experience.
Drakonid Operative was nicknamed “Drak OP” because it was an OP minion. While players didn’t hate Dragon Priest as much as they did Thief, it was still considered a nuisance.
Raza/DK Priest was insane.
And then Big/Res Priest variants are plaguing Wild. The problem with Priest isn’t Priest!
The problem with Priest is they are given underwhelming tools or overwhelming tools. Too much thievery in Priest is tilting. Big Priest is causing Players to quit their play sessions early but there really aren’t any other options.
Priests are between a rock and a hard place. Do I keep playing the only competitive deck my favorite class has…or do I stop playing my favorite class and play something I do not enjoy?
Players like to say that Hunter is always pigeon-holed but as a Wild Player, I have Mech Hunter, Spell Hunter, Secret Hunter, Beast Hunter, Hybrid Hunter, Deathrattle Hunter, Cube/Recruit Hunter, and different variants of each one!
Even in Wild there is Big Priest, Deathrattle Priest, Control Priest, and Dragon Priest. That is really all there is and I think the best solution would be giving Priest their own synergistic tribe that is unique to them.
Hunters have beasts.
Warlocks have demons.
Druids have treants/Jades/Beasts.
Mages have Apprentices and Summons.
Rogues use Pirates/Jades.
Shaman uses totems/jades/murlocs.
Paladin uses recruits/mechs/secrets/handbuffs
Warriors have mechs/damage synergy/taunt warrior
A lot of these synergies overlap but each one works best in a specific class. Yes, there are other beasts in other classes. (Blink Fox, the discard beast, etc.) Just like a lot of pirates are neutral (Patches, Southsea, etc) but they work best in weapon heavy classes. (Rogues hero power.)
Priests need a staple tribe, if you will. What that tribe should be, I don’t know. But they need some minions that have synergy with their class just like all the other classes have.
Look at Healzoo. Warlock benefits more from healing than the healing class does! It seems silly to me.