I mean, I would like to think that, when a class hits “9th out of 9” performance rates, Blizzard would browse through the cards available to that class and try to figure a way to make it good in the next expansion. Maybe that’s just me, maybe I don’t know anything about how to balance a game or to keep a playerbase happy.
And they are not doing that?
Apparently not, because they have no idea what build-around cards are available to the class.
Edit: Oh, and we’re fixing a lone Neutral Legendary by nerfing the build-around Priest-only card. That, too.
Just because this time doesn’t benefit Priest doesn’t mean there isn’t anything next expansion. How you can conclude that is beyond me. But it seems like you think they should think of Priest first when they design a NEUTRAL legendary, which I don’t agree with.
While it is not good to fix a lone neutral legendary by nerfing the build around card. In this case you have to slow down because the problematic card is indeed the experimenteer and not snip snap. While it is often that newer cards are the problematic ones, as older cards are assumed to be tried and tested. In this case the Experimenteer is anything but established standard.
In addition Reckless Experimenteer was not affected/used that much anyways so that it really only targets this specific interaction.
Well since this is EXACTLY the sort of broken interaction playtesters should be looking for and it could be easily found just using the in game collection manager (and you’ve got to hope the devs have access to a better more searchable database!) then, yes, I do think it’s pretty obvious and something they should have spotted, it’s not some multi-card combo , it’s just the straight interaction between two cards, if you’re designing echo cards then checking they can’t have their costs reduced to zero is one of the very first things you should be doing.
That is more reasonable. It still has nothing to do with the game collection manager and/or deathrattle which you brought up. The interaction might be obvious but it is not obvious to type in Deathrattle into the game collection manager when you see snip snap. That’s not the first thing that comes to mind.
Yes, they should have spotted the interaction, but they didn’t. On the other hand it’s not something that can’t happen at all. It’s not like they have been designing Echo cards very often and certainly not Echo and Magnetic. It’s also easily fixed, so I don’t see how it is shocking. Suprising maybe
All I was trying to illustrate with my comment about the collection manager was that even with the basic tools at my disposal I like to think I would have spotted this if I had been tasked with checking Sn1p-Sn4p before release, it’s not a complicated interaction, and it should have been spotted.
As far as resolving it, well yeah it’s real easy, lets just nerf a potentially powerful card in a class that needs all the power it can get right now doesn’t feel very satisfactury to me, it’s not a good solution , it’s a solution at the expense of the worst class in the game, and maybe helps show why that class is at the bottom of the heap, lack of interest and effort from the devs!
Nice, then we agree on the first part.
Now I don’t seee what the “expense” of nerfing Experimenteer is. They could have released it as it is now and you wouldn’t have said anything. How that shows lack of interest and effort towards priest is again a mystery to me.
The fact they didn’t even remember the ability of one of the few Priest cards that has the potential to make the class powerful again is a bit disturbing, and this nerf makes it very unlikely that it ever will be powerful enough.
I was hoping they would release a 3 mana egg next expansion to encourage dr Rogue and Priest, I imagined a t5 Experimenter+voodoo doll to kill the opponents most threatening minion+ a hatched egg at the end of turn (and an egg in the graveyard if that’s relevant), that’s the sort of swing turn that makes a viable deck, and now that can’t happen, it would be delayed 2 turns , which makes it substantially less good.
The general design of Priest seems so random and haphazard, a bit of dr, a bit of stealing, some rez, some buffing stuff, nothing fits together into a coherent deck, the fact they don’t seem to know what our cards can do now doesn’t fill me with hope that they have any clue which direction they want to take us in forthcoming expansions, they need to up their game when it comes to Priest design.
the card barely saw any play maybe they forgot it existed
i wouldnt know it existed if it wasnt for the 2-3 mecha thun decks ive seen in the last 4-6 months
Probably because of the limited directions Priest can go, and one of those directions being weakened by changing Experimenter. Which is a direction they were clearly never going in, because they forgot the card existed. The groundhog has seen his shadow, we’re predicting 4 more months of DS/IF Rez Priest.
It’s just barren, and Experimenter was one of the few new ways to take the class. Too bad that Blizzard has decided that Hunter is going to DR better than Priest, and Rogue is going to thieve better than Priest, and Warrior is going to value better than Priest. I don’t know what they want to do with Priest. More ways to explode the opponent from 40 health, I guess.
Priest is a broken mess that Blizzard has no idea of its identity or what to do with the class. Its always something obnoxious with the Priest class whether it be steal your stuff hard to interact and/or disrupt Resurrect mechanics or OTK. Seems like there is no clear objective with Priest other than being obnoxious. No wonder they forgot Priest cards that exist. Seems that Priest is where they test the most annoying mechanics they can think of by using the player base as the guinea pigs.
I can imagine the conversation in the office “Hey Boss I have this idea for this terrible mechanic that will annoy the crap out of the player base.” “Nice idea underling lets put it in Priest.”
I’d just like to point out that back when the Argent Tournament was in standard, priest was bottom of the barrel, and people were expecting BIG buffs next expansion… What we got instead was the Purify meme.
“Silence your OWN minion and draw a card?1 LOLOLOL!shift+1!”
The backlash was so strong that Ben Brode felt he had to come out on record and explain that HS cards are designed 2 expansions ahead of time. This means when they design a card, they are effectively guessing where the meta is going to be-- and apparently, they guess wrong QUITE OFTEN.
Nice that cost cant be reduce below one treatment should be applied to many other cards too, including Fireballs…
why ? i dont see a reason to do that or is there an early fireball combo like this one was im not aware off ?
Wrath of the Old Gods was the expansion prior to Kara, when Purify was printed. And I can somewhat understand the problem there, since Priest seemed competitive early in OG. For that first month, N’zoth Paladin was all the rage and Priest crushed it. Of course, Dragon Warrior and Shamanstone rose up and put an end to all of that, but that month was probably my favorite period in Hearthstone.
I’d be more patient now, but the class is a mess. It’s terrible that we went through a rotation and the top-performing list is basically unchanged from what we’d been playing for that last 6-8 months. And the game was miserably stagnant the whole time. Rotation is supposed to be where new archetypes emerge, and Blizzard has failed to introduce anything remotely new for Priest at a competitive level.
And the cards chosen to buff from Boomsday are just even more perplexing. Arms was buffed up to… roughly the power level of a core card from Paladin. Neat. And Cloning Device? Somehow I don’t think that’s going to be enough to make Miracle Priest good. Talanji is way out, because there are two tiers of board-making cards; the ones that recycle cards you’ve played in the past (N’zoth, Hadronox, Tess) and the bad ones that depend on your hand (Deathwing Dragonlord, Talanji).
Myself? Taking Dead Ringer from a deathrattle to a battlecry would be huge for Undataka synergy decks. How about trying to make Zerek a superior card to Recurring Villain, y’know, since it’s a class legendary? How about giving Reckless Experimenter a buff to it’s cost or stats in exchange for nerfing a bad card? I want to say “Buff Replicate” but it’s just so dang good with Vargoth already. It’s so fun. Vargoth is fun.
i want them to focus on shadowform cards for while,escpially since lazul is one (and spriests in wow are going insane to old god whispers and even surrender themselfs to it)
My first thought on this is to agree with those who’ve expressed dismay at such incompetence to fail to foresee such a problem. The OTK interaction was discovered and revealed by many people within minutes of the card release announcement. Blizzard had months of time to discover this and address it.
Second, the way they present it in this announcement, “we became aware of an interaction,” is such a transparent political dodge that would make rudy guiliani proud. You became aware? No, the players told you! That you can’t even honestly and openly admit your screw-up evinces your elitist snobbery of trumpian proportions.
Third, the new working on the card is awful. Better wording would be:
Deathrattle minions you play cost (3) less, but not less than (1); they die at the end of the turn.
So in one patch you’ll nerf one of the worst cards in the game and buff its way, way, way more powerful counterpart in hunter. What a bloody joke. I don’t even want to see this dumb ohko combo but if you’re going to touch the stupid card don’t be the typical lazy hs has been known for, actually make it usable.
Exodia mage is infinite damage from zero cost fireballs, but that was fine I guess. Also, the frustration before getting to that point in the game was worse than this new thing would have been. Funny how favoritism never dies in Hearthstone huh?