Upcoming Reckless Experimenter Card Change

Still very poor interaction here.

They did no such thing. Go read the announcement at the top again. They simply said that they “became aware” of an interaction and they opted to make a change. No acknowledgement of a mistake. Which leads to a the conclusion that, as you so elegantly phrased, they have no cojones.

Correct. Yet Blizz offered no acknowledgement of this at all. If they can’t even acknowledge their mistake and their ability to uncover them, it is perfectly reasonable to question their competency.

I saw posts where players expressed thanks and satisfaction with the change.

Perhaps if they engaged more in the constructive discussions, people might tune their comments to be more constructive if there was at least a reasonable hope for developer engagement.

What interaction? They dropped an announcement. That’s not interaction.

The fix is fine (although the new text is terribly written). It’s still reasonable to question how such a thing could happen with as much time as they had to find it.

Squelch toggle… wait… what? Which thread was this again? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’re simpy nitpicking here. In the eye of the public, they came as close as they could to fix a mistake that was pointed out by the players.

Companies have to be careful with their wording to avoid lawsuits.

Progress is progress.

So existing mech on board=
(2)Mech Warper>(1)Mech Warper>(2)Seance>(0)Mech Warper>(0)SnipSnap(16x)

Atleast 5card killcombos are oke.

Way to read the thread, bud. If you’d made it like three comments further you’d have caught my explanation of what I meant. It’s fine that they charge us for it, but you can’t list a product in the list of things that the devs have given us lately. It’s like saying “They gave us hero skins” in regards to Magni etc. All they “gave” us was the option to buy a thing.

Well, Mecha’thun Priest, for one thing. Personally, I had a blast last expansion with an Egg Priest. It was a worse version of DR Hunter, sure, but it was fun. Managed to Cube a Cairne and copy it against a Warrior once, he was never coming back from that. It could’ve been competitive with support.

And that’s what I mean by a “Build Around” card, something lacking in synergy but powerful enough to spawn a new archetype. A new Cube would’ve been all it would take, really. They printed a synergy card for that kind of deck in Shadowy Figure. It really felt like a direction the deck could go in. Maybe next time, maybe next time. Nope, Blizzard printed it and forgot it. Along with forgetting to print DR minions we’d actually want to copy with Shadowy Figure. And they printed all the value DR tools for Hunter again. Yup.

I’m sorry if I’m coming across as bitter. It’s because… well, I’m bitter. Priest has been my preferred class for most of the history of the game. I don’t care if it’s not the top competitive deck. Just give me fun tools and the ability to live long enough to play them sometimes.

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For which you seem to give them zero credit.

The thing in question they really haven’t done before.

You have a right to be bitter. All Priest players do because, well, the current state of Priest.

When it seems like the devs are completely ignorant of a major component of a game they designed, yeah, it’s going to make players bitter.

On the one hand, it really does look like they don’t know anything about Priest.

On the other hand, they were quick to fix a broken interaction…at the expense of a Priest card.

I hadn’t considered it from that point of view. I just hope that this whole experience has reminded them that Priest needs a lot of love.

In the meantime, have some starburst! :nerd_face:

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Does anyone on the team actually play the game? How in the hell did you not realize you created this interaction? It took people all of 5 minutes after SNIP SNAP was announced to call it out. It’s absolutely insane to me that something this simple can be overlooked and makes me realize you really don’t give card design too much thought.

I used to think you knew how a card would impact the meta, I thought patches was intentional, thought cube was added on purpose with warlock in mind. You people really just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks don’t you? It would be more forgivable to have this cavalier approach if you didn’t let months pass between balance changes, if you updated weekly I could understand but if a single pixel needs to change we can be sure you’ll take 2 months to do it. How quickly this change was implemented is proof that it doesn’t take you 60 days to change something, you choose to wait that long.

And now we get our first round of buffs, to a single set of cards, 3 expansions later. Boomsday was underpowered at launch. I understand not implementing the buffs while it was in rotation with the Frozen throne but you should have planned to implement them the second the rotation happened. But I get it, you had no idea what the meta would be like because again it’s clear that no one on your team actually plays this game.

It’s a damn shame, you folks have a great product here that has a lot of distinct differences and appeal from the competition and your treating it like a mini game in WoW. You want your twitch presence back? You want a bigger part of the esports scene? Then give this game the respect it deserves in development and stop being lazy. You need a bigger team? Ask for it. You are a cash cow for Blizzard but that cow will soon die if you keep feeding it fast food instead of taking the time to set up a proper diet.

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The whole point is that they had to nerf the weakest class in the game to print Sn!p. And Sn!p will be extremely strong as is, possible oppressive in the right deck, but that deck is going to be a hunter deck, or it’s going to be a paladin deck, or a warrior deck, or even a zoo druid or warlock deck. It certainly WON’T be a priest deck.

They nerfed the weakest class in order to make the strongest and most prevalent classes on ladder even more powerful. That’s a pretty good reason to be disappointed or upset.


isn’t this already a thing with glinda?

True i guess just never have seen anyone play Glinda eccept the first week of her release and this version costs 5mana as compaired to 9.(also can run double Seance vs legendary)

Also, its easy to forget that the team itself has undergone a lot of change. Firing, hiring, organizing, etc.

Its very possible that a team member can outgrow a project or a team member can have an entirely different vision than the rest of the group or even the company itself.

I think that in the future, they should triple check that this doesn’t happen. It was an oversight that should have never occurred.

Also, it wouldn’t have mattered if Priest was top dog in the metagame - players would still complain. The card never saw play but because it’s a Priest card, then it’s an outrage.

If it was Hunter, Warrior, or Rogue, players would be jumping for joy. When a deck/class has options in the metagame, players can’t wait to see them fall. I never understood that concept.

We’re all here to have fun so why would you want to see another class end up where Priest is now?

A diverse metagame is the best metagame.

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

Priest absolutely needs a lot of support.

I have outlined numerous ways they could give priest support in an earlier post. However, you’d rather have a broken interaction that is helpless to defeat (freeze mage anyone?) than to advocate, for lack of a better word, a legitimate archetype that wins because it’s good, balanced, well-synergized, fun to play and wins?

That should be the ultimate goal. Is it fair that Hunter has a few different archetypes and other classes don’t?

No, it isn’t. Every class should be like Hunter in the context of variety.

Wow… you really think they wrote the announcement that way over fear of lawsuits? I don’t think so. Ego and hubris.

I think that when it comes to dealing with the public, you basically have to be as neutral and general as humanly possible. It is the way it is - rather than be grateful they fixed the problem, you’d rather nitpick at the words they chose to make the announcement.

They could have ignored the entire playerbase altogether and let it go like they do Big Priest but they didn’t.

You’re obviously never going to be satisfied no matter what they do so I don’t know what to tell you.

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Public statements are highly vetted and extremely neutral when done properly. Journalists twist words and twitter goes bananas over things that are said in print and text. It’s not just caution against law suits, but pr and public image.

You are splitting hairs and being unreasonably ignorant of their statement.

I didn’t say I wasn’t happy they fixed the problem. I am. I am also critical of the manner in which they announced it. They are not mutually exclusive.

Yes. They could have. And?

Not true. There is plenty about the game that satisfies me (and I have expressed that satisfaction). I am still going to be critical of the aspects that don’t.

So admitting a failure is a public image problem? What’s wrong with a statement along the lines of, “Many players have alerted us to a possible interaction between [these cards] that could allow for an infinite damge combo. After analyzing this, we regret that this was overlooked by our team and have decided to make the following change in response… blah blah blah… details… blah blah blah… Additionally, we will be reviewing our internal testing and QA/QC procedures so we can minimize the possibility of this sort of oversight in the future. Thank you for your help in the discovery and resolution of the issue.”

This validates the contribution of the player base, acknowledges their mistake, details the corrective actions taken, and offers a commitment to improve themselves.

You’re choosing to give the benefit of the doubt to a company with a history of deceit, obfuscation, and arrogance. I’m choosing to be skeptical.

Yes it is a public image problem. You are trying to argue how it is because of how it ought to be when you can’t really do that as a reliable path to truth.

“If there were no aliens in Area 51, the government would let us in there and see”

You will lead yourself to false conclusions doing this.

We are telling you that this is an industry admittance of a mistake. To actually make an announcement with what they wrote instead of just patch notes.

You’re making a conclusion that they are meaning something that they aren’t saying just because “that’s just the way it’s done”. I’m saying they aren’t admitting the oversight (nor expressing gratitude to the players for presenting it) based on pride and ego.

I’m not saying it’s right. I would rather they involve their community more like they used to (when they actually were an indie company) but this is, from experience, how blizzard and other large entities communicate.

When blizzard says ‘an announcement is coming SOON’ we know what that means, the announcement for the announcement is half a year away.

The language is ambiguous, but in the context of blizzard, it is not ambiguous and we’ve told you what that is. From one statement, it would still be ambiguous, but we have context from years of blizzard statements and from business communication culture to be smarter than a simple parser of words.

I would like to have you over for dinner.

Clearly this is ambiguous without context, BUT, it would be idiotic to equate both interpretations of this phrase as equally uncertain. Do you see what I mean?

You say “pride and ego” as if a corporation is just one single feeling entity — it’s not. The person who wrote that is not the one who missed the interaction and is also not the one who is going to fix it.

I read this when you first posted it, but somehow ended up back here again reading a second time. After the sentence cited above I heard:


P.S. - Shouldn’t we be able to share short clips of videos by requesting a start and stop time, rather than just a start time that plays the rest of the videos and queues a commercial that ruins the linked reference? If you get a commercial it breaks the message continuum.

Priest has a ton of variety. Nearly very class does. It just all sucks for priest. The basic cards suck. Nearly all of their new card suck. And they suck not just in general but in comparison to like cards in other classes. Take experimenter for example. Even before being nerfed it was a way worse version of a card hunter has. Hell, two cards and it was worse than both of them.