Ummm, so DH is dead

its no use trying logic with the crybabies its beyond them to think that anything but their version of meta might be relevant or important


Dude, everyone who is being realistic knows DH was overtuned even before launch. Its not a matter of a vocal minority causing change, but the fact that getting it tuned right is obviously outside of the devs ability prior to launch.


In what world is a 49.4% winrate “dead”?

it was counterable pre-nerf the nerf was less then 48 hours after release and ppl just cried rather than thinking

People with far more experience with deck building then you or I were struggling to find it, despite being familiar with the classes. Sorry, no. It was overtuned, and now it appears to be close to where it should be.


lol thats why ppl were beating it already, if it was completely over tuned or unstoppable it wouldnt have any losses at all to other decks, was it strong, yes, was the nerf needed under 48 hours of release…no


Dude, it was overtuned. Now that its on a level playing field its still competitive, despite being heavily teched against. And you think it was just a kneejerk reaction? No. It was necessary for swift action.

Ovetuned doesnt mean unbeatable, it means too strong comparative to other classes. If you dont think DH was in that bracket, then you are blind to reality.

When it has a higher winrate than every other class in wild, classes which have several years worth of cards to work with, it’s safe to say it’s overtuned. Your easy win crutch got brought down to a reasonable level. Deal with it.


You are wiser than I am :wink:.

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yeah because u can figure out exactly how to counter an entire new class in under 48 hours of playing…sure you can, im sure ppl tried every single possible attempt to counter and none worked and then a nerf was hit. only thats not possible in that small amount of time srry to break it to u

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lol im just bored atm and this back and forth helps me fall asleep lol i gave up on trying to help ppl see reality since they wanna keep playing their pet decks from 2 or 3 seasons ago and only want to change 1 or 2 cards that rotate out

Or maybe it was better designed than other classes, given the accumulative learned experience that the Blizz devs had over the years with that many expansions? Sure, it can be overtuned, but that is not the argument here. It was just too early.

Yeah, 'cos a new class should be absolutely dominating from the get go while ppl are still LEARNING it?!?!

It goes both ways there especially when we have experience with the other classes tools.


im sorry u cant see how pointless nerfing in under 2 days of playtime, and what the impact will be in the long run on a class ull just keep claiming it was overtuned and wont listen to anything else, go back to playing ur face hunter and rez priest and play the same deck for the 10th season in a row


What’s the better option? Potentially overnerf it and spend a little bit of time where all the classes get some play time and people can safely test new things, or continue having the ladder be 90% demon hunters? There’s nothing that says they can’t revert some of the nerfs if they feel they went overboard. The choice they made makes it more enjoyable for majority.

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Nope. All the data says DH is still very much viable which, by default, makes the day 2 nerfs the right decision.

It might need a bit more tweaking to get it right, but is far more balance comparitve to the other 9 classes now than at launch.

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lol if you think data from less then a day shows anything you must be very new to statistics


It’s a pretty troll thread when the first sentence is saying DH only has 15 cards.

DH has 10 basic cards, 20 Initiate set cards, and 15 AoO cards. 45 cards.

IF DH is dead, then so must be 5-6 of the other classes. Why not go a step further and call it a dead game!

It’s not “dead” - it’s just not OP anymore, which means that the people playing it to be OP aren’t choosing it.

And, because it’s not OP, people who were playing it just to keep up aren’t playing it because they were really wanting to play other stuff this whole time and now have the freedom to do so.

People will get back to it after it settles out. But, you should probably take those Sacrificial Pacts out of your deck.

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I believe that’s what they did. They took the ‘safer’ route to reduce the heat from the mob and I get it. But in doing so made it a lot less exciting to play.