Tyrande, oh where oh where: Cont'd

It’s not a lie that most people in the community don’t access the forums.

It’s not a lie that people can’t find the info on Tyrande easily (otherwise why do we see threads like these?).

It’s not a lie that you were misusing the Newspeak terms you quoted early, since nothing I said in your quoted text was false. Forums in general (and these forums in particular) are not where most Hearthstone players go to get news and interact with the community/devs. That’s what Reddit, Twitter, and sites like Hearthpwn are for. And given that the majority of Hearthstone users don’t seem to use the forums, it’s not outlandish to suggest that one minor item in a six month old Q&A might not be well known. It certainly doesn’t rise to the level of outright propaganda, unless you’ve gone seriously off the deep end.

PS: you’re welcome for the bumps to the thread, btw.