Well so far I’m still waiting for you first argument in the discussion but you still refuse to provide it
Ad naseum, the post
Also ,nice projection there for some one using double standards like you. Everything you enforce on others you don’t apply to yourself. Like providing proofs for your claims.
What times ? where are they ? Please indicate any reliable documented source for the scams you are talking about.
Because if there was anything to hide, it has never been in your messages.
I was having the same issue, almost a week and it wasn’t working. I disconnected my twitch and battle.net accounts, then logged in again in a different browser, now it seems its working, got a couple of rewards now when I oppened the game, still missing a few but I guess they will show up eventualy.
a while ago i missed some drops on another twitch event because i changed passwords twtich was still listed as linked on my accounth ere but it wasnt
i unlinked it and linked the 2 accounts again there is a cooldown to link it to a different twitch account but that cooldown doesnt apply if you try to link to the same twitch account
i think is possible people changed their password at some point and dont know you have to link to twitch again after each password reset