Twitch Drops not working

Make sure you connect your Twitch account to your Battlenet here : and ALSO make sure you claim the rewards here :

I have done everything and i cant get any drop !! Whats going on?

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They are not always awarded right away. Can sometime take a few hours to arrive, maybe even a day or two

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Oh, thank you, I was sacred cuz everyone is getting them

Twitch says to me I got Bartender Harth. But ingame nothing! Did it work for others?

I’m not getting mine either.

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I have always gotten my rewards right away do you have an official statement that matches your claim.

i just got the 2 packs i claimed over 2 hours ago

I am waiting as well.
Nothing until now.

I logged in after collecting all the drops. Upon login it showed I was awarded the “Crystal Justice Strike” only, but I don’t have access to it. It’s greyed out. No card packs or Tavern tickets yet either.

I’ve always received my drops instantly prior to today. I’m assuming a lot of people are logging in atm causing the delay.

Literaly takes 30 seconds to find that on google


But we have you here for this thanks


Far from standard in my experience, but I’ll give it 48hrs and report back.

you are not alone buddy this has happened to me for the first time also.
may it get fixed and we can go on with our day.

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I got the first one within the first half an hour (not immediate) and the second about an hour later. Items 3 and 4 came about 1.5 hours.

The rest of the items haven’t come despite me claiming them more than 4 hours ago, so I think it’s inconsistent but should arrive at some point.

Been 16 hours for last 4…but you know Blizz always been slow as dogcrap and after a decade still cant get it right

What part of
“Standard Twitch drop delay of up to 48 hours”
did you not process ?

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I stayed up all night just to receive these packages… I was already going to report this problem, so I thought: Have other people had problems with Twitch drops? I found this thread!! I’ve turned it off and restarted it several times and nothing!! It could take days… I remember it was instantaneous!!

I got the rest of mine this morning. Patience pays off!

i have not received anything. Last time it happened with World of wacraft mount, send report asked for help and zero.

Account connected, drops claimed yet did not appeared ingame. Support said they will not help, because it is my issue. oh well.

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received everything today, thank you.

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