Twinspell mage full board of 8 cost minions turn 4?

Actually, that’s correct. My mistake. You also need to Coin out Conjurer’s Calling, or have a Sorceror’s Apprentice on the board, or play a second copy of Elemental Evocation.

I’m almost certain Umbra was the reason they preemptively HOFed Sylvanus, as well as Twilight’s Call, and Nine Lives, both using easy ways to get the deathrattle off.

Cc also doesn’t need the highroll so hard that it can Hail Mary against aggro, midrange etc.

I have never said there should be no power plays. I have said for certain situations the power of these turns should be reduced.

Playing vs. power plays is simple. Meta decks are so laughably predictable every player know what deck he is facing and what he can expect.

Only what matters is matchup and how are you able to draw compared to your opponent.
Do not act like some so-called pros can win easily while facing unfavourable matchup AND their opponent doesnt draw worse than them.

Power plays should exist. I do agree. But as I said - there should be a check if the power play is actually power play or if its just game winning combo if you highroll.


If it don’t put the opponent in a bad spot it isn’t a powerplay.
So ask for it be more forgiving to opponent is ask for no powerplays.

Power plays are fine as long as they also have way to counter them. This one does have a few existing counters in the classes that have good board clear options. The issue is when the power plays don’t really have adequate counters like Big Priest in Wild. Its one thing to have power plays and not have the answer in hand vs not having the answer available at all anywhere or at best answer in only 1 class.

Like Mage sometimes you will lose to some crazy Calling board but it fells better losing if you can go back on if only I drew better I had a chance that game.

I’ve played cyclone mage, and also played against it with many other decks. It feels super cheesy when I win using bunch of early cheap spells for a big early cyclone turn and then on turn 4 summoning giants that my opponent can’t do much about into cc or even khadgar cc next turn and it’s basically over. I much prefer playing freeze mage without the khadgar, cyclone and all that.

You could be so far behind but you got a khadgar, giant, cc combo off and magically win the game in 1 turn unless your opponent have a full board clear, and honestly how many classes have answers to that besides control Warrior and control Shamans? Playing Rogue against it you’re pretty much done once the Mage can get a conjurers calling onto 1 giant, and they can just do that around turn 6 by playing them together.

Unless something is done about mage, I have no intention of playing next expansion. This deck is 0% fun to play against.


God forbid mages might actually not win every single matchup right man

At present, no it doesn’t. What we need is more 8 drops to pollute the pool. I think that would be the best solution.

Now, I will say that if it gets more support, it might need a minor adjustment. And you’re right - it does require you to think on your feet, utilize your randomized options to maximum value as well as maintaining tempo to stay alive. For a skillful Mage, there should be a reward like winning the match.

However, as this deck gains popularity, will more players learn how to do that? It has potential to become a serious problem but I don’t see as a problem child yet.

Most pros consider Cyclone Mage busted, and it’s become by far the most popular deck at legend, with the second highest win rate. The only reason I can see for not nerfing it is to wait until after the expansion. My guess is that they will pollute the 12 mana pool (I assume you meant 12, not 8), and perhaps that will be enough.

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Yes, 12; my apologies.

Yeah, those 100% winrates are great.

Oh, wait…

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I bet they are

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I’ll just say that if mountain giant ends up getting hof’d or nerfed because of this stupid mage card then I’ll be pretty annoyed. Giant while strong was never a huge problem before and was always a cool risk / reward card in decks like handlock. Conjurer’s calling is what pushes it into silly territory.

The current mage just has too much synergy with the giant. Tons of carddraw and generation effects in addition to easy mass duplication of it. Conjure’s calling is actually pretty bonkers with a lot of expensive cards so a possible nerf would be to just limit what you can cast it on - for example only cards that cost 6 or less.

That and change grave horror mana cost would easily make it fold harder to more midrange decks and not let it escape lethal from minion damage.


I have mixed feelings about CC mage. I think adding more minions to the pool would be the best course of action.

I don’t want players losing their favorite decks over this - either mages or anyone that uses giants.

More minions helps dilute their pool, but really the only problematic pool is 12 mana. I’d rather see Grave Horror buffed to 11 mana so the CC/Giants play loses its taunts.

Oh, yes, that is a brilliant idea. Then again, I refuse to infect the purity of The Force with cyclone shenanigans. :joy:

Im doin em dirty with mech druid. This meta is nicely balanced.