Treant Druid needs some nerfs pls

Are we all forgetting that dragon druid still exists?

If you play a treant deck, you deserve all the hate you get. Same for anyone playing a DK deck.

I get crushed by dragon Druids on my Treant 1/2 the time. But I get absolutely demolished by plague DKs. I’m still stuck on gold.

And thats fine thats literally what should always happen in every card game, the thing is since ashes the game has no late game decks its either aggro or combo (its been getting better these last expansions tbh) and treant druid sits on tier 1 alone with 63% winrate and the idiot defending that deck is acting like thats not a problem.

That’s because he’s playing the deck. Its obvious.

I mean yeah that’s like saying we are still alive until we aren’t. It means nothing. Treants baseline have 2 health. It is really that simple.

and they are played so early and for so low a cost that it is incredibly easy to buff them before turn 4. This is druid, after all. Its a class synonymous with BS.


just faced teant druid…considering I had aoes on turn 4 and 5, it didnt help me at all as he also has deathrattle on minions to summon treants…I was wrecked on turn 6

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thats just because youre bad lmao, imagine not getting out of gold with an aggro deck with a whopping 65% wr. And a really easy one to pilot at that.

Its very easy to defeat treant druid. It loses to most midrange decks. Even my loaner warlock deck defeated it.

And then you’ll start getting matched against decks that beat midrange. That’s how the game works.

Yes thats how it is isnt it? The moment you change to a counter deck, you stop meeting what you were trying to beat.

Aggro deck does Aggro deck things. I’m not a fan of Aggro myself. In fact, my favorite type, Mid-Range, is all but dead atm, but Aggro is a viable strategy with a simple counter: kill their minions. Majority of the time I’ve won against aggro, it’s a concession from my opponent because they ran out of steam. Play the game out, too. Just because you have less than 10 health when you win, doesn’t mean you don’t win.