Treant Druid needs some nerfs pls

Oh I got twenty posted. Working on 30. I’ve thought that out. I’m going to do 100. Although tbh hardly anyone is running it anymore anyways. It’s bad.

Guarantee my MMR is trash. I’ve never been past Platinum 5. EVER.

Just play Treant Druid…had a 24:2 streak to Platin 5. :sweat_smile:

It’s a OP deck but requires some deck knowledge to execute it well.

Some matchups you have to flood the board early (vs Rogues f.e), in other matchups you have to keep cards in your hand to play them all at once and buff with “Soul of the forest” (vs Warrior f.e.).

Even if its super broken it isn’t a auto win deck and has a certain skill cap…but once you know the tactic vs every deck it’s ez going and can beat every deck in this game. :wink:

So, you gave up, huh?

I’m going to post my game that I won now against this druid demon deck. I know it will never happen again but I’m going to post it and I got SUPREME luck!! I was a mage who got rubbish cards and now he’s the lantern!!

This druid deck is very unbalanced:

It is a feat that will never be repeated again!! Lots of perseverance! I’m going to the end!

Multiple buffs are a mechanic that should not exist so the cultivation and herald of nature cards must be deleted.

Match 21 (LOSS) : Plague DK on Turn 6
(Just demolished)

Match 22 (LOSS) : Plague DK on Turn 5

Match 23 (LOSS) : Rainbow Mage on Turn 6
(Just couldn’t keep up with him destroying my trash minions.)

Match 24 (LOSS) : Reno Mage on Turn 6
(Pretty much the same. They are destroying my minions as fast as I can produce them.)

Match 25 (WIN) : Excavate Rogue on Turn 8
(Fun match. Felt like it could go either way but I won. 8 life left.)

Match 26 (LOSS) : Naga Priest on Turn 6
(Could have gone either way.)

Match 27 (WIN) : Overheal Priest on Turn 7
(This was a weird match at the start but eventually he couldn’t keep up with my buffed minions.)

Match 28 (LOSS) : Odyn Warrior on turn 4
(Yep, getting worse)

Match 29 (LOSS) : Drilling Rogue on turn 5
(Just a superior deck)

Match 30 (LOSS) : Drilling Rogue on turn 6

Haven’t even been able to get back to platinum yet using this deck. I’m at Silver 1.

Nah, just playing other decks aswell…but served me very well to climb to Diamond 5 within few hours. (Sry meant Diamond 5, not PLatin 5.).

Hmmmm, hard to say what you did wrong here without any replays…this deck is normaly an insta win vs Odin Warrior.

As said vs some matchups you have to keep minions in your hand and play them only if you have “Soul of the Forest” or other follow up plays.

You also need deck knowledge of all the other decks and know what turn they could possibly play what AOE clear and how to counter it.

F.e. vs Warrior you have to play a 1 life minion AFTER you’ve buffed all the other minions, so he can’t clear all minions with Bladestorm f.e. (Idealy “lingering zombie”, so even 2 Bladestorms on turn 4 are useles)

Vs Drilling Rogue it’s also a very good deck and mostly a win, you just have to flood the board wide afap (Rogues don’t have good AOE clear).

Only 2 thing of many to consider…It’s like Chess, you have to think few turns ahead to have success. :wink:

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They should take away soul of forest from druid because it is a joke… this is the card which makes it absolutely unfair… damn this incompetent developer team… I am just sick from everything now… these developers managed to kill the game again… this is just so pathetic… I just don’t want to play… these idiots made me hate this game.

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impossible because discover exists.

I don’t know if Treant needs nerfed or not, or even how you’d go about it. Maybe soul of the forest to 4 or something like that.

However I’m just sick of playing against it so often. I swear 80+% of my games now are against Treant Druid, Excavate Rogue, and Blood DK. But mostly Druid.

I guess I underestimated the Paladin nerfs because I still see it semi-regularly but nowhere near as often.

Its because of ADHD players like you that Renathal (a very loved card) got nerfed. Why are you even playing this game if you cant concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes, like bro if you want to win games by turn 6 then youre literally never using the 5+ mana cards which are the most fun and with more value. Pls enlighten me, how is it fun to: turn 1 play 1 mana minion, turn 2 play 2 mana minion, turn 3 buff 1 mana and 2 mana minions and go face? thats sad imo yall should just go play another game

PS: card games are all being ruined by people who cant play something for more than their attention span and its making every gameplay experience go downhill for the sake of players who probably dont even have fun playing it.

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Nah please don’t nerf it. It’s fun to spew my hand on the board and win. Easiest ladder climb ever. Currently diamond 2 and only lost twice so far.

deviant behavior detected.

The game has become so stupid that you give a bot a tier 1 deck with only full face interaction, the bot will go up legend easily and we know that a bot has no brain because it only stupidly follows its software . Yes, a Hearthstone player is as intelligent as a bot, that is to say completely stupid.

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My current deck can ruin them, but only half of the time. I have to hope to get a lot of AOE relatively early; basically I will either lose to them extremely easily or they may even concede early lol…; what is certain is that the cookie-cutter deck I was supposed to play because it’s “meta” would easily ruin me because it has almost no counters (or at least not without big highrolling).

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Nice theory in the realm of imagination. In practice they nerf some cards to be 5 mana but keep them in the realm of 3 to 4 mana in terms of how effective they are in practice against opponents.

As a result several “meta” decks have to resort to “hacking” the game by becoming extremely fast because most of their synergy has been nerfed to be ruined by all the OP flavors-of-the-patch.

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Treants have 2 health

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I mean it has always been fine until The ashes of outland expansion when the extintion of attrion decks happened because the devs changed the design of the game. Since then even Control decks have become faster. But its these kind of players that complain about not being able to enjoy a game with more than 6 turns that this sh* t happens. Theyre just making the game unhealthy tbh, i personaly loved every game that lasted more than 10 turns its usually even more fun.

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Until they don’t. You make it seem as if its hard to buff them,either in hand or on board, with cheap buff cards. A druid losing health from playing two treants on turn one makes NO difference. unless I specifically have coin and two 1 mana fire spells, I am already so farbehind that cutting my losses and concedeing is the only logical course of action. THAT is BAD design.

This is all in Standard, btw. I have no idea how anyone plays wild and keeps their sanity intact.

EDIT: Looks like I responded to the wrong person. my bad.

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On the upside for your slow decks: long games are a guaranteed loss for an “aggro” deck. E.g. I made an extremely fast Paladin deck because all the public “pure” decks are bad win rate and I don’t have the cards for most slow highlander-decks. Well it’s 90% certain (to not say 100% certain) that I will lose by round 7 (no exaggeration) if I haven’t just won already (ok sometimes the win is at ~8 but mainly because a good set-up happened by ~5).

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