Treant Druid needs some nerfs pls

Having a deck that has almost no counters & don’t relly on draw RNG is not that healthy for the game, would be nice if you could adjust it a little bit.

Thank you.


No counters? You mean kill about 4x 1 life minions is too hard for the average deck? The counter to this deck is to simply hit it in the mouth early and that’s it. If it doesn’t get the jump on you it loses.

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With Treant Druid you finish the game in turn 5-6 in 90% of the games, turn 7 if you’re rly unlucky…you won’t see any Renos or Yoggs with Treant Druid. :wink:

And for board clears, Treant Druid is full of Deathrattles to resumon new token minions and can chain them prety well to block AOE clears early game to prepare a finish turn 5 …theres almost no removal in the game that can clear both (deathrattle & board minions) at the same time in the first 5 rounds.

believe me, I’ve even put in the Starfish to silence all theyr Deathrattle minions so I can make a combo with AOE clear, it’s not enough.

They come back every round till you have no AOE clears in the hand anymore.

And even with cards who generate spells, so chances are higher to get even more AOE clear cards (Mechagnome Guide)…It’s not enough!

If played right you can’t lose with this deck and this is a big problem…because it’s board clear resistant early game (becasue of all the deathrattles), it can come back every round, has the least RNG of all decks, very good card draw, and can OTK in turn 5-6 most of the time.

Only good counter is warlock with it’s “defile” and “Mortal Eradication”, that’s why I’ve wrote “almost”…but they’re not that many Warlocks around, even with Sludge Warlock being very strong aswell.

And even they relly to RNG drawing all the removals early game…mostly they have only 1 defile & ME and thats not enough to stop Treant Druid to kill someone turn 5-6, believe me. :wink:


odyn warrior complain about druid is something new :slight_smile:


What are you supposed to kill all those cards that cost 1 with?
Explain? I would like to know.

Anything? They don’t ramp fast until 3-4 before that they are 1/1 or 2/2s. Spells, fan and things that are similar. You literally have to stop the first 2-3 minions then it’s gravy. Why I don’t play it anymore cause warriors, mages, rogues and warlocks all shred them. Paladins too honestly.

EDIT: Hunter traps could also be annoying sometimes for my old Treant deck. Just don’t see a lot of people playing hunter anymore.

Reno, Yogg and board clears also wreck this deck. I think my bounce back after a full properly used clear on that deck chances were like 10%. Just not enough minions especially after you rush them all so early on.

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A mage can have two fans. So basically, I have to hope the AI gives me the fans before turn 3. I just got wrecked by a trent druid on turn 4.
Explain to me how having two fans in your deck is going to help? When the chances of getting them is very low compared to the fact, the druid doesn’t have to worry what order their cards come in.
I think you agree that your solution is useless.

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You lost on turn 4? I have never won that early. Wow. Maybe I need to play Treant again.

I’m going to go play 10 matches and see how many times I can win by turn 4.

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They buffed the trents sup twice in that time and brought my health down so low that effectively I lost. I think you agree, if you are down to 7 health by the end of turn 3 you are as good as finished.

No I don’t agree with that part. I’ve come back from games like that BUT I am willing to check it out. I recently (this week) stopped playing Treant cause I was getting wrecked. But I’m definitely gonna go try again to see if I can experience what you are talking about.

What tier are you playing at?

You still have not explained how to wipe out all the low cards that cost 1 and are played by twos.
Your theory that the AI will give you your fans on the first turn is not valid.

It’s a card game. All card games are RNG like that. Name one card game that isn’t based at least partly on chance.

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With Treant Druid you finish the game turn 6-7 in 90% of the games…you won’t see many Reno or Yogg plays with Treant Druid bcs the game is over before they have enough mana to play them.

Yogg isn’t that good btw vs Treant Druid bcs he can only clear the onboard minions but not the tokens produced by deathrattle, even if you discount him to 7 or even 5 mana with “from the depths”.

And for board clears: Treant Druid is full of Deathrattles to resumon new token minions and can chain them prety well to block AOE clears early game to prepare a finish mostly on turn 6 …theres almost no removal in the game that can clear both (deathrattle & board minions) at the same time in the early rounds.

believe me, I’ve even put in the Starfish to silence all theyr Deathrattle minions so I can make a combo with AOE clear, it’s not enough.

They come back every round till you have no AOE clears in the hand anymore.

And even with cards who generate spells, so chances are higher to get even more AOE clear cards (Mechagnome Guide)…It’s not enough!

If played right (means consider the enemies early AOE clears) you can’t lose with this deck and this is a big problem…because it’s board clear resistant early game (becasue of all the deathrattles), it can come back every round, has the least RNG of all decks, very good card draw, and can OTK in turn 6 most of the time.

Only good counter is warlock with it’s “defile” and “Mortal Eradication”, that’s why I’ve wrote “almost”…but they’re not that many Warlocks around, even with Sludge Warlock being very strong aswell.

And even they relly to RNG drawing all the removals early game…mostly they have only 1 defile & ME and thats not enough to stop Treant Druid to kill someone turn 6-7, believe me. :wink:

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I won’t personally play a deck that can’t win in 6 turns. I dunno why anyone would. Sounds time consuming and boring.

FOr me personaly long games packed with amazing combos and couters are the best games, esp once you play in Legend and try some off-meta decks.

But OK, tastes are different…some have fun playing Aggro only, I personaly enjoy this long card battles that reminds of a chess game. :slight_smile:

At the end of the day it’s a game and everyone should play however he wants, but when a deck is way to strong (Like Treant Druid atm) it definitely needs an adjustment for the sake of diversity.


Data on 10 matches (my experience):

Match 1 (WIN) : Turn 6 against Odyn Warrior (He played terribly and could have had me had he held his clear 1 more turn. I’d have been out of cards in hand and praying to the RNG gods.)

Match 2 (Win) : Turn 6 against Mech/Magnetize Rogue. (Fun match won by 1 health they ran out of cards in hand.)

Match 3 (LOSS) : Turn 5 against Dragon Druid. (Wasn’t even close he still had 18 life left and that was only because I nailed him straight to the face before taking my L.)

Match 4 (WIN) : Turn 4 against a Toxic Waste Warlock! (Here is your Turn 4. He conceded so it would have been a Turn 5. These Toxic cards need more buffs. If those barrels costed 2 instead of 3 he’d have absolutely destroyed me.)

Match 5 (WIN) : Turn 9 against Odyn Warrior. (These Warrior decks are just weak against Treant Druid. Not enough ramp and not enough high damage clearing. They need to play the clears they have very selectively.)

Match 6 (WIN) : Turn 5 against Plague DK. Decisive win.( I don’t have much to say about this other than I wrecked this guy. These decks that rely on stalling are just terrible against fully aggro decks.)

Match 7 (LOSS) : Turn 5 against a Treant Druid. (Not much I could do here they ramped first. Fast, fun match.)

Match 8 (LOSS) : Turn 5 against Naga Priest. (Outmatch, Outaggroed and Overpowered.)

Match 9 (LOSS) : Turn 4 Excavate Rogue.
(Outmatched, Outaggroed and Overpowered)

Match 10 (WIN) : Turn 4 Excavate DK.
(He conceded with a lot of health. Probably would have been a turn 6-7 win. I had no ramp cards yet but had several 1/1s.)

Overall this is about a 60% Win rate. HOWEVER this was after a reset and I was facing Bronze level people at this time. Notice the more wins I got the less successful I got. This leads me to believe 1 or 2 things.

  1. Either the decks I beat need a very slight buff.


  1. This Treant deck is one of those “Great Pre-Diamond” decks but falls off a bit once you play decent players.

I’ll update after next 10 matches.


legend in 2 hours using treant… op indeed


Match 11 (LOSS) : Turn 4 Elemental Shaman.
(Outmatched, Outaggroed and Overpowered)

Match 12 (WIN) : Turn 6 Random newbie build Hunter.
(Not sure what the opponent was building towards but it was very random and terribly built.)

Match 13 (WIN) : Turn 7 against a Random Newbie Mage.
(Wasn’t really sure what build he was going for but it did get me down to 11.)

Match 14 (LOSS) : Turn 13 Reno DK build of some kind.
(I couldn’t keep minions on the field. He absolutely demolished everything I played.)

Match 15 (LOSS) : Turn 5 Toxic Combo Warlock
(Destroyed me. I’ve never been beat this bad on a turn 5. Was able to easily do 40+ damage somehow on turn 5.)

Match 16 (LOSS) : Turn 4 Elemental Shaman
(Outmatched, Overaggroed and Overpowered)

Match 17 (WIN) : Holy Buff Pally
(The recent nerf made a difference. This used to be my GO TO deck. I demolished him.)

Match 18 (LOSS) : Turn 6 Plague DK
(Seeing the W/L trending way down the higher up we go.)

Match 19 (LOSS) : Turn 6 Plague DK
(Starting to see a pattern here. Maybe players complaining just are countered by Treant? The way Treant has a few counters?)

Match 20 (LOSS) : Turn 4 Dragon Druid
( Is what it is.)

Sorry I can’t keep playing this trash deck.

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It’s a new Anti Meta deck, but thanks for all the Update from your side.

For me 15:1 so far…1 loss thanks to my amazing NYE before, so don’t even remember the loss. :sweat_smile:

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My recollection is that you are matched by mmr as long as you have a star bonus. You aren’t matched by rank until you are out of bonus stars.

Perhaps some of your earlier opponents were hung over from new years. Also, ten games is a small sample to be judging opponent quality