TONS of Balance changes coming (Standard and BGs)

Happy to see Rainbow DK is getting 2 buffs. It is a fun deck when it works.

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When are players going to realize that the designers personal preferences dictate everything in this game?
Pally will still be unbeatable because someone at team 5 wants it that way.
How players here feel is totally irrelevant.

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Because that specific card should have been removed two patches ago when they made it possible to make blood gems more than 1/1.

It has broken interaction with taunt shields and is just such a gamebreaking minion when it dumps four digits of stats on minions in combat.

They do need to buff the tribe, but that specific unit has been an issue that is overdue to be dealt with.

Which is a good trade, in my opinion.

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Iā€™m like 90% sure this was meant to be a priest card. Thereā€™s just no reason to give it to paladin except to enable earthen paladin. But then it breaks all the other already good paladin decks by turning their early board advantage into a one-sided clear (cause their minions are shielded, or they just buff one minion).

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Will make disco sludge viable.

They wonā€™t give Priest anything really good. Priest is one of the meme classes that team 5 purposely cripples.


Is that a gdmf Kelā€™Thuzad buff Iā€™m looking at right now? In what possible disastrous way could they be buffing him? He needs to be removed, not nerfed, and certainly not buffed.

Nerf to frog staff is pretty disappointing canā€™t imagine it why it needs it.

Thank the !@#$ing gods thosetwo are getting nerfed.

Why should anyone have to swap out a card with value for an extremely situational card just because Team 5 canā€™t design or balance their way out of a wet paper bag in a typhoon?

Iā€™m also a bit dubious those nerfs to paladin are enough. Boogie down just needs a nerf i canā€™t see a way around it.

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Itā€™s the highest Mulligan win rate card in the game. Usually, those mulligan win rates are made by low cost cards like Splash Whelp (which is the 2nd best). A 5 cost card running super high mulligan win rate means something is up.

I donā€™t think the changes are going to be much and I donā€™t think the number of frogs gets nerfed (the staff is call 9 frogs so they canā€™t nerf it to 6)

My bet is the frogs start at 0/1 then go to 1/2, 2/3 etc


weapons in this meta isnt what id call ā€œextremely situationalā€

are you telling me you never saw someone play ignis ?

Not often enough for me to give a damn, honestly. Warrior I expect it and can deal with it, usually. Certainly not enough for me to swap out a far more useful card for a weapon destruction card that may not actually be able todestroy a weapon. I am also not putting in ETC because, again, Thosecards in it would be extremely situational AND I would have to hope I draw itearly enough to make a difference.

Iā€™d rather keep my discover cards or my excavate cards in the deck. If someone pulls out a busted weapon off ignis, I just concede and move on.

Thatā€™s a bold statement.

Ehhā€¦ not really. Pip has a lot of applications as just a value generation card, especially in overheal and control.

Ra Den is weird. Maybe theyā€™re making it ā€œsummonedā€ instead of ā€œplayedā€? Thatā€™d be a huge buff, but itā€™s possible, and would make it work with Elise. In my head

Ugh, that just makes the whole card a catch all 10 drop, though. Thatā€™s so boring.

Iā€™d rather see it buffed to 9 mana while maybe combining the stats to scale together. 10 mana is just such an eternity for a midrange-focused deck.

Hereā€™s my guesses:

Maw and Paw - This oneā€™s toughā€¦ they might be making it a 2/8. Or maybe a 3 mana 1/6 or something.

Corpse Bride - taunt on the groom seems the most likely. That seemsā€¦ kinda nuts to me, but itā€™s the most likely. Or maybe making it 4 mana, whichā€¦ also seems nuts to me.

CNE - 9 mana, or combining the stat scaling into one ā€“ or maybe ā€œgive them random effectsā€ like the rainbow mage card.

Shadeleaf - Probably upping it to 10 damage. They might be nuts enough to make it 3 mana, but I think just upping the damage makes more sense.

Pip - 3 mana 3/4? Probably. I donā€™t think anything but a mana reduction matters.

Ra Den - Iā€¦ donā€™t know. A mana reduction seems kinda eh to me. But itā€™s possible. I donā€™t know how else you buff this card.

Elise - 7 mana. Almost definitely.

Rogueā€¦ random card that Iā€™m not going to bother looking the name of - I donā€™tā€¦ know. 2 mana sounds too cheap. ā€œThey cost 1 lessā€ sounds too cheap. This is such an RNG heavy card. I think itā€™s LIKELY they make it a 2 mana card, but god I hate this casino crap.

Velarok - Probably a stat buff. Maybe less thieving needed. Maybe both. Something like that.

Azerite Scorpion - Probably ā€˜they cost 1 lessā€™ without needing to excavate 8 times. Again, hate this casino crap. Especially with mana discounts. But whatever.

Fossil Furnace - 3 cards probably. Hand of Gulā€™dan needed powercrept on, how did we not see it? I dread this change, whatever it is.

Popā€™garā€¦ how? How are they buffing this card? It has 2 extremely strong aura effects and a great battlecry. Are they making it 3 mana? Are they making it discount fel spells by 2 mana? This card does not need buffed.

Slagā€™mawā€¦ probably reducing the number of turns. I hope it comes with a stat nerf too, but I doubt it.

Khazā€™goroth - Weird buff target again. It feels like all these legendary buffs are really bad buff targets. I imagine this is to 5 mana, or letting the player pick itā€™s attack targets.

Quickdraw thing - Probably 2 mana. Itā€™s fine at 2 mana. This is more of a Flint buff.

Sludge - 4 damage. I donā€™t think 1 mana makes sense with popā€™gar but maybe. But itā€™s one of those 2 anyway.


Ramp dragon - 1/1 or 3 mana 2/2.

Refresh dragon - 3/4.

Arcane Wyrm - 1/1 or 2 mana 2/2.

Staff - Probably 1/9 stats? I think Iā€™d rather they reduce the 9. 9 Is kind of insane.

Keeperā€™s Strength - 5 mana and not a holy spell probably. I think it SHOULD be take away the health buff, make it not a holy spell.

Prismatic Beam - Probably 8 mana. Should be likeā€¦ 9-10. But I think itā€™ll probably be 8 mana.

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Itā€™s either that or make the weapon only swing for one damage. I like that more as it makes the frogs summoned the focus and the staffs damage itself not nearly as good.

If they want to make the card as powerful as advertised. Meaning, itā€™s a one of in deck that needs to be fueled to play and you cannot find any other copies of the card. I would give the minions rush and attach lifesteal to the minions and the spell. That might make it worth putting in deck. Adding just rush to the minions is worthless.

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Eh, i would disagree there thatā€™s the only reason the card is as inflexible as it currently is. You use it to kill, or you just donā€™t use it because the board does nothing this turn.

Rush adds the ability for it to be used as an aggressive board clear like marrowgar.

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I have to say these changes are a real head scratcher. Even the Top players know if Demons are in a lobby with no Murlocs itā€™s going to absolutely be the best Demon player that wins that lobby without question. I have never lost with demons in that setup and it felt like cheating.

I would actually change the Quillboar lineup. Thereā€™s basically only one way to play them and you absolutely have to get those minions. Even then itā€™s a rough time.

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Itā€™s basically a finisher card to play late game (10+). That is the absolute only use for the card ATM(Note:Itā€™s REALLY bad at doing that). If it had Lifesteal on everything it could be a finisher or an extender giving it flexibility. Either way itā€™s cost and restrictions donā€™t give it enough punch to justify a 10 cost. Itā€™s already hard enough to get it to a minimum of 10 damage in a game. Pyroblast is strictly a better card. Getting some rush minions to hit their minions on board is not how you finish games.

If not that drop the cost to 7 or 8 . Could also have it start with 10 damage. Give the minions Charge?

Watching Meatiā€™s stream last night he said the consensus (among the European players at least) was that Reno Shaman was likely to have a target on its back so they decided not to take it, which was a really good call. Most players lineups were build to take advantage of it.