TONS of Balance changes coming (Standard and BGs)

Specifically the +/- for the BG icons at the bottom would be minions being added/removed. So we are losing Felfin Navigator, and gaining Coldlight Seer, General Drakkisath, and a minion that for the life of me I don’t recognize.

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Left side, green arrow up: buffed.
Right side, red arrow down: nerfed.
Bottom row, plus sign: added back into Battlegrounds.
Bottom row, minus sign: removed from Battlegrounds.
Bottom row, both up and down arrows: moved up or down a tier and often buffed/nerfed to compensate.

Since the up/down arrow card is a Tavern Spell that currently costs 1 gold to give a minion +5/+5 for one combat, it’s likely they will make it more expensive but compensate that nerf by increasing the stats.

I think these nerf and buffs look good, but the timing seems awful to me, would of liked to see this before world’s.

Some things I don’t understand:

  • why is priest getting so many buffs, is it hurting that badly? Rogue and Warlock are in a similar place. Priest is the only one of these three with a viable t2 deck in the form of Naga priest.

  • the hits to the AOE for Paladin are absolutely correct, I don’t understand why these cards exist in the first place? Aoe is a come back tool, and Paladin never has to comeback, that’s it’s identity, it’s always the one dumping stats to the board super efficiently, to give them the strongest control tools in the format makes no sense, any nerf to these cards won’t address this fundamental issue.

  • why do they only ban pyrotechnian to fix the real underlying problem: infinite discovery. Can they just cap the number of cards allowed to be discovered in a turn to a reasonable number, like say ten, and leave it at that? This would fix this toxic issue cropping up constantly in different iterations and formats.


This will cause a big shake up that will take a couple of weeks to shake out, but I predict that Paladin will still be #1 as this only impacts the Showdown build, not the Aggro build.

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Pyrotechnician doesn’t discover, it’s just massive RNG with a limited (relatively) pool of fire spells. The only deck that includes it isn’t even good outside of T1K. There must be something there but for the life of me I don’t know what it is (unless they are literally banning it because of top legend).
Agreed on priest - I’ve been playing naga priest and it’s a really really good deck.

Was enjoying Dragon Druid in Wild and Blizzard is nerfing its cards.
It truly seems like it’s time for a break from this game.

When legendaries suck, people do not rush to get them, and don’t mass buy packs.
Thus so many legendaries get buffed.

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Really? Highlander priest is trash because priest is inundated with trash cards. Look at the last two expansions. So bad. Last expansion almost all 10 cards were unplayable. Compare to Druid that gets to use almost every single card. They want new cards to be playable.

It wasn’t discovery. It’s random generation. The real problem, as it has always been in HS is 0 mana cost cards and that’s because of their stupid Thaddius rework.

Pyro gets reworked because of Thaddius.


uh learn to read cards pyrotechinican isnt a discover card

And that 3/3 that can become a copy it! It’s like they forgot that card exists when they reworked thad :joy:

Meanwhile, paladin early game including boogie down is doing the Bully Maguire dance being untouched :joy:

Yea I realize I made the mistake after I wrote it and now have been told like 3x lol. Okay, yes, techinically it isn’t discover, but both effects are similar, I should of used the word “card generation” is the problem.

There should be a hard or soft cap on card generation (by any means) in one turn. Whatever that number is, will dictate how much of a problem these types of toxic effects will be in the future.

Okay, I will admit I know very little about priest other than that is currently has at least one viable deck (T2 or higher, naga priest.) My point was more about comparing it to other hurting classes such as rogue or lock, priest definitely has preferential treatment this patch when compared to them (given the fact neither rogue or lock as a viable t2 or higher deck.)

Thanks for the effort at making an entire post dedicated to an incendiary comment, but I wont bite :slight_smile: Happy holidays!

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I dunno, rogue is getting three buffs this patch, how many is priest getting?

Four buffs for Priest. Invasive Shadeleaf, Pip the Potent, Elise the Useless and Ra-Den. Warlock are getting two direct buffs and a bunch of indirect buffs via Toxic Sludge.

it had to be
we are discussing pyrotechnician

My bets for nerfs:
Whelp - 3-mana hopefully, maybe as a 2/2 or 3/1 as compensation
Desert Nestmatron - refresh 3 crystals
Arcane Wyrm - 2-mana I guess? Silly nerf since Miracle Salesman seems much more busted.
Keeper’s Strenght - 5-mana
Prismatic Beam - 8-mana
Doctor Hollidae - weapon to 2/6 or something, which is very silly. So much more broken stuff going on like Topior.
Pyrotechnician - no idea

Can’t believe they still won’t change Sif to start at 0 spell damage. What does nerfing Arcane Wyrm accomplish ? A perfectly fine card killed because of another that’s been busted since release.

Besides Sif and Salesman, I still think they should have nerfed Boogie Down to lose the holy tag as that dragon makes it too easy to play it turns 3-4 followed by Garden’s Grace on 5-6. Reno, Lone Ranger could’ve been toucher to something like “wipes the entire board except for your card on the left” but a card like that needs to commit a crime to be nerfed.

Maw and Paw - can’t see this gaining more stats. Probably becomes single blood, but I wish it’d give more corpses instead
Corpse Bride - 4-mana 3/3
Climactic Necrotic Explosion - starts at 10 damage
Invasise Shadeleaf - deal 9 damage
Pip - card’s already good so a small stat change like 4/5 or 3/6
Ra-den - 5-mana
Elise Badlands Savior - 5/5 copies
Shell Game - 2-mana
Velarok - remove the “while this is in your hand”, turn it into a battlecry
Azerite Scorpion - “4 spells that cost (1) less for each time you’ve escavated this game”
Furnace Fuel - 3-mana
Pop’gar - 3/6
Barrel of Sludge - 1-mana
Slagmaw - dormant for 6 turns
Khaz’Goroth - 5/5
Horseshoe Slinger -2/3, quickdraw hits both neighbors

and what nerf come on 2 mana dragon lol make it 3 mana jezus then is more useless than 3 mana ramp spell in HL deck on 2/1 stat pointless nerf anything and nerf defensive dragon to class what do not have board clear GG team 5 brainless this all what i can say

Here is how Hearthstone Displays balance changes:

Standard and Wild: Left side Green: Buffed.
Right side Red: Nerfed.

Bottom Row:
Green Plus: Unbanned and Reworked.
Red minus: Banned.

Left Side Green: Buffed.
Right Side Red: Nerfed

Bottom Row:
Green and Red Arrows on same card: Buffed and Nerfed.
Red Minus: Removed from Battlegrounds.
Green Plus: Returned to Battlegrounds.

That is the logic behind sneak peeks at Hearthstone updates.
Any Questions?

Wow :eyes:… They’re buffing Pop’gar the Putrid? Really…?

That card already does a lot to be honest. It reduces Fel spells passivly. Grants any you cast Lifesteal, an grants x2 Fel spells as a battlecry.

This was one of two cards I crafted when the expansion launched. I notice the normal Sludge generated cards are being buffed which is wild… there surely not going to make them just 1 mana are they? They will become busted if so, but hey…whatever devs lol. This is one of those moments where its paying off Warlock isn’t meta by the Timmies.

Only other odd thing I’ll comment on is Staff of the Nine Frogs getting nerfed? Really? A card that wasn’t good enough for World Championship play :rofl:. Guess it’s just to powerful to make people play a copy of Viper despite this meta being huge for weapon targets lmao.

well in tournament every single player knows everyone else decklists that must have an impact in a tourney meta

Also that you can ban a deck.

Everyone banned paladin :joy: