TONS of Balance changes coming (Standard and BGs)


For standard, per Reddit, the cards are:
Buffs: Maw and Paw, Corpse Bride, Climactic Necrotic Explosion, Invasive Shadeleaf, Pip the Potent, Ra-den, Elise Badlands Savior, Shell Game, Velarok Windblade, The Azerite Scorpion, Furnace Fuel, Pop’gar the Putrid, Slagmaw the Slumbering, Khaz’goroth, Horseshoe Slinger, and Barrel of Sludge.

Nerf: Splish-Splash Whelp, Desert Nestmatron, Arcane Wyrm, Staff of the Nine Frogs, Keeper’s Strength, Prismatic Beam.

Red minus (does this mean ban or rework?): Pyrotechnician.

I’m SUPER interested in the Raden buff. Hopefully it’s not just a mana buff but that’s likely what it is.


LOL well at least they recognize that Priest is in a bad, bad place if they are upgrading 3 legendaries and 4 cards total for the class.

what am i looking at in these images? I recognize the BGs portraits for a lot of them, whats the info being presented in this? Green means they are being promoted in some way? Red means demoted? removed? Im not quite grasping what the intended info meant to communicate is by what Im seeing here.
ANd whats the the grouping of the few at the bottom, i mean i get the ones that have both a green and red arrow, that would make sense, but that group contains some that only have 1 arrow color. What about that group makes it special that the one with a single green arrow deserves to be in that special grouping below and not with the other green arrow only group?

I am more confused by the image than anything.

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The Paladin changes are absolutely the right ones. I have been saying time and time again that Keeper’s Strength was a mistake. Paladin is the superior class at board presence, but this was balanced by the fact that paladin needs to deal with their opponents’ board by trading with their own board. The moment they printed Keeper’s Strength first and Prismatic afterwards paladin was bound to get out of control. Really happy about the targets. I wonder if they will go beyond just removing the Holy tag tho, we’ll see. Interesting buff targets as well, happy about that. This patch is way overdue but welcome nonetheless.


Meanwhile; pure pally will still be unbeatable…


i Love this alot of buffs plus nerfs to cards which are on point.

Priest getting alot of love and well deserved.

Arcane Wyrm will either go to 2 mana or become a 1/1

priest buffs are ok, i doubt it will change anything in terms of rankings

in other words: useless and unplayable.

Even if Ra-den and Pip just go down 1 mana, that’s going to be pretty great.

Weird that they waited until now to buff climactic necrotic explosion.

I’m hoping that it is more a long the lines of giving the minions it summons rush rather than making it a better kill tool.


Buffing RaDen, Pip, and Eliese isn’t going to change anything. Those are the glue cards in decks that don’t work. The problem isn’t just the payoffs, but the entirety of the deck. Eliese’s problem is there’s no good way to build a deck to utilize her. And Pip and RaDen are both autonamaton support. If they want autonamaton priest to be good they need to give us a hard tutor to get the thing on 1 more consistently. Autonamaton priest without autonamaton is like naga priest without serpent wig. It just doesn’t function. The only reason naga priest was good was because you could hard tutor the wig with thrive and a very curated list of spells. Autonamaton has no such tutor, so the deck is highly inconsistent and that makes it unplayable.

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I doubt it will change anything. They intend for pally to be top tier.
Priest is just for novelty, just like mage and warlock.

I should also add that autonamaton priest gets demolished by Reno. It was a fringe deck that you would occasionally see around on ladder last expansion. But ever since reno shaman and reno druid became major players it just vanished without a trace. RaDen doesn’t even WORK if you drop it the turn after reno poofs your board. Much less if it gets caught up in the actual poof.

Like i said: Priest is just for novelty. Team 5 has no intentions of ever making it a serious class again.

Yay! Azeroth snake and velarok and shell game buffs!

The BGs changes seem kinda disconnected from reality. What we should be seeing is:
Heavy nerfs: Demons
Light nerfs: Beasts, Dragons, Mechs
No change: Elementals, Murlocs, Naga, Pirates
Light buffs: Undead
Heavy buffs: Quillboar

There are no Beast nerfs here other than the Tavern spell Deathrattle. There are actually Beast buffs, which is mind boggling. Demons looks like it only is getting a light nerf, while Dragons looks like it’s going to get the treatment Demons should get. No Pirates should be nerfed here, and no Murlocs should be buffed. And why is Bach being nerfed at all when Quills are so weak?

This doesn’t feel like professional balancing. It feels like a balance patch created by polling Twitch chat.


Hooray for CNE and MnP buffs! Hopefully they give the tokens Rush. That would be great.

Surprised at the buff to Khaz’goroth, to be honest. Maybe look elsewhere, Warrior isn’t suffering. AFAIK people stopped playing Odyn Warrior because it was boring and because of Paladin. Slagmaw is a meme so they’ll have to supercharge it to make it good enough - honestly I think they need to buff Blast Charge again and then Slagmaw could just benefit from that.

I’m astonished there are no buffs for HL DH. That deck is pure suffering (for the pilot) and the class needs help. Maybe it’ll come up on its own when Paladin and Dragon Druid disappear (hopefully). I’d love to pilot a greedier 30-card list but right now it feels like you either play Renathal (to compete against Plagues and other HL decks) and lose to Paladin, or play 30 cards (to be more consistent against Paladin) and lose to Plagues and other HL decks.

I am on MAXIMUM hopium in terms of mini-set giving toys to Rainbow DK and HL DH.

So glad to see more outright bans for Thaddius strategies. Get those out of here.

im surprised they are hitting the ramp dragon was execpting nestmatron
then maybe golem dragon or take to the skies