TONS of Balance changes coming (Standard and BGs)

Nearly a full day later and lame trolling at a joke is the best you could do.

And scrot should have waited just a post more, because someone who can’t her own advice continues her harassment campaign.

But apparently you both thought the company scamming everyone on mercstone was ok.

It’s one of those patches where they shuffled the chairs, and then their supporters will complain because no one cheered for yet another patch where not much really changed.

At least they didn’t buff pally. That’s something.

That was bad, even for a scrot post.

I didn’t see “less” in that quote (better go looking for your “MUH TEGRIDY” screed again). I realize you may not math, but you do realize that deviations from the norm can also mean “greater,” right? But, I wrote this part too soon:

Holy Light, you would fail math with that. Go look up the “deviate from the norm” in reference to math, and it should jog your memory, namely, that little chart with a bell curve that has these numbers underneath:

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

If you think “they mean the same”…yikes. I think pally is a bit overpowered right now (crusader nerf when?) but at least debate honestly, for once.