To you who own this nonsense - Your AI has ruined this game!

All I do is play the same bosses with the same cards. I build identical decks but don’t get the cards I need to win, EVEN ONCE IN A WHILE. YOU SUCK!!!

What exactly makes you think this even fun, for anyone? I know I’m playing bots, who know my hand, and know my every move. C’MON money isn’t everything. Give us a chance to have a little fun!


What’s strange about comments like this is that they really do want you to win, you just don’t know how, so you blame them.

People who are winning will buy more cards; people who are losing will give up.

In order to win, you can’t play a homebrew deck. You literally have to be a bot like the other players of this game and play some deck that another person has built. Sad thing about the player base, is that they are proud of being mindless drone. They only come here to complain when their prebuilt deck doesn’t yield the wins they had expected it to.

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This is complete nonsense. The person who builds the deck can’t win but other people can after they copy it?


Same decks, over and over and over and over. The player base is drones.


If you’re facing a lot of decks of a certain class or archetype, it means that deck is meta, not necessarily that a lot of people are netdecking it. Lots of people build a meta deck without needing to copy anything, it’s not hard.

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is the first time i see someone claiming the game punishs you for building the same deck without the deck code

I’m not claiming the game punishes you for that at all. Tbh I’m tired of people pretending netdecking is forced or is a problem. The game has too many actual problems for the players to be ignoring them and creating imaginary ones.

Uh huh. Sure thing.

I love the clowns like you that think any “play” in this game takes above an 80 IQ.


No. Rigged mm. Change your deck, change what you face. Go try and actually play the game.

ok let’s suppose you’re right and I’m just terrible at this game.

Give me a deck you think is a proven winner.

Pure Dude Paladin

Class: Paladin

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (1) Righteous Protector

2x (1) Sanguine Soldier

2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef

1x (2) Blood Matriarch Liadrin

2x (2) Class Action Lawyer

2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter

2x (2) Jukebox Totem

2x (3) Boogie Down

2x (3) Muster for Battle

2x (3) Warhorse Trainer

2x (4) Buffet Biggun

2x (4) Crusader Aura

1x (6) The Purator

1x (7) Amitus, the Peacekeeper

1x (7) Anachronos

1x (7) The Countess

1x (7) The Leviathan

2x (10) Lightray


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

You don’t meta unless your trying to push top legends yea if you don’t know anything about the game and are new it’s gonna be hard to make your own deck nothing wrong with copying to get a grasp because you def don’t need meta to get legend

you can only control waht you face if you ask someone on your friend list to choose an specific deck and he does it for you

The reason you can’t play a homebrew deck is because the algorithm has a hard time controlling the game flow so it just has you lose to RNG/opponent perfect draws to force you back to a deck it can control. @srn347 don’t be so naive. After a deck becomes popular the AI has time to figure out a way to control it so you stay at a 50% win rate.


So first, thank you! I honestly appreciate the effort.

I built this deck, and, full transparency I was missing 4 legend cards. I substituted as best I could and made it to Gold 10 with very little problem. Then, everything changed. The games got way harder, the cards my opposition was using were completely way more powerful. So I decided to bite the bullet and cash in minions to get the suggested cards. This got me to Platinum 10. And here I sit, the last three days…

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re making my point for me. I’ve been this far with my own decks, and decks I’ve tried from the Internet. As I suspected, this is apparently as good as it gets for players who don’t spend money to play.

The only conclusion I can make is that the AI algorithm knows I spend no actual money to play this game, and thus, I can only progress so far. If anyone has actual evidence this is not an accurate assessment, I’d like to see it. And if it is true, that’s ok too. Just tell me I have maxed out my success, unless I spend money. I just might, but be honest…

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Level 5 programmers probably got their programming degree from clown college, which is why their AI and Algorithm stinks.

Also why they don’t want homebrew as they don’t want their game fun. they only want to recruit players for e-sports.

You are NOT being punished for not spending money. As you climbed, you faced others who were winning, too, resulting in harder & harder opponents.

I understand why people think this, but they don’t like hearing the answer.


Funny thing is you people think this is actually an AI :))))))))))))))))))…Blizzard doesn’t have the knowledge, human resources or the smartness to build an AI. It’s just a stupid if / else clause that builds your secret MMR , much like in dota…You play toxic you get to be in the toxic group, here is the same, you win a lot you get paired with people who win a lot so that you rank get’s down…You lose in a streak you get paired with sh@tlings that lose a lot, so that you can continue playing because you won some. There is no RNG or an AI or something, just a few lines of codes to incentive people to play even though the game is disgusting.

Just look at the people playing tournaments…For some of them it’s like life itself was stripped from them and they are just stuck in a limbo doing something they do not want to do for the rest of the eternity…

Even the casters are like: “o yea, and now he uses that and after that and so on”.


No…of course no one here thinks this dev team could actually code an ai, even if they were handed a step by step instruction book.

However, they do have the billions per year to hire someone to give them a cut rate version and then take the rest and go to some tropical vacation spot with the rest. Then everyone they hire to double check the work does the same.

And naturally, they’re too embarrassed to admit they were duped so they post “working as intended.”™

There’s an old contractor joke (or few) that goes here.