To you who own this nonsense - Your AI has ruined this game!

Yea this is probably true…But since Boby Kotick s@cks like cancerous mosquito from those billions, I wouldn’t be surprised if they would want to build and AI and didn’t have the funds.

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Ohhhh lookie here. The shill has come to defend his widdle precious game.

You do realize that @$$ kissing Activision won’t get them to give you a damn thing, right?

But keep wiping your lips to smooooooch their @$$, just be sure to use a breath mint afterwards.

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And here comes the instigator who attacks anyone who comes up with a logical explanation. It is actually a simple fact that the higher you go up in rank, the harder your opponents are. This is true with any rank system. That’s why it’s a rank system.


Fair warning, they come in force when you point out the company’s faults and the mods will turn a blind eye, even to “final warning” coc violations when they do.

Did you log in to the wrong account? Really looks like you’re coming out of nowhere here.

The ai in this game being sub par shouldn’t be all that controversial a statement…but apparently, like every other comment pointing out the company’s sub par work/shortcomings/wrongdoing, it causes an irrational defense of even something the company itself has said they are working on (e.g. botting).

Go figure.

That’s not pointing out a company’s fault, but a personal attack on someone in a very childish way. You even quoted the childish way.

But please, do explain how ranking systems work in other games, even sports, and do explain why it works differently for Hearthstone somehow, against all logic?


I 'm an EU player and tried to go free 2 play on NA about 3 years ago, I managed to get to legend by dusting every card that didn’t fit in my only deck.
It was an aggro druid deck if I remember correctly , so a pretty cheap one.
So I know for a fact there is no AI or stuff like that preventing you for going to legend if you didnt spend money.

Now where you are right is that if you don’t own some expensive and powerful cards for your deck your chances of success will be much lower.
So it’s way easier to progress by spending money , but not mandatory.

It’s like everything in life , if you know what you are doing , like getting 10 packs of every expension to guaranty you a legendary , then dusting all the cards you know you wont play you can get very far.
I would even say you can craft any meta deck , even some very expensive ones , but it will only be a single deck.

Also as much as many people say they only lose cause they are unlucky or some AI doesnt want them to win this is not true at all, ofc there is a lot of luck involved in one game , but like in poker.
Over the course of many games on the other hand it’s your decision making and your deck quality that will have a bigger impact.

If you want to climb far you need to have a good quality deck , to know how to play it, and to know the decks your opponents are playing.

I play since the beta and got to legend after like 2 or 3 years, so don’t be harsh on yourself for being stuck for a while.


Interesting, what you quoted actually IS the childish way (those “personal attacks” you’re referring to), and actually gets ignored a lot more (as in, almost completely) often than the rest.

Wait, you’re losing the plot here. Go back to what I was referring to:

Against all logic and all that.

Many people will tell you getting to legend three years ago vs now is a whole different monster. The problem with dusting your entire non deck cards is eventually you won’t have a deck to play with. And you’ll need a lot more than 10 packs to rebuild in that scenario.

I remember when that strat was posted (here or on a youtube vid): going hard vertical with your deck, and someone pointed out how reductive it became, especially when the meta shifted hard between releases. When there’s great synergy across a calendar year for a class, there no problem. But when it shifts and hard, you can be left with a completely useless deck and zero options. Then you either wind up having to grind hard to get that silo refilled, or you bust out your wallet.

And when that scale tips too far, it becomes p2w. There’s some debate on where the current state of the main game is on this, but it’s clear in other modes (bgs, is a big one) where they pushing the game too far into “more money, clear and big advantage.”

That is entirely dependant on the pity timer. you may not see it until much later.

You will get a legendary in the first 10 packs of each expension , then the pity timer rule applies.

For BG specifically that’s understandable
They don’t want the game to rely soly on cosmetics to be worth investing in
A BG-only player was able to access all the playable content for free without sweating
With all the games that are partially free to play but only fully payable via a monthly subscription, since the dawn of online gaming… that’s just their marketing choice

And so long as it’s a class legendary, one for your class, not a junk one, then you’ll be set. Or you just got a small amount of dust. Odds are not in your favor for a non small amount of dust outcome with a silo approach. And the rest still stands.

I’ve seen this argument tossed around before, and it doesn’t wash. If they weren’t making money off of cosmetics, they wouldn’t be putting the resources into developing them. They knew that when they created the mode, and clearly their research said it would still make them money. If it said the opposite and they greenlit it anyway, they deserved for it to fail (because intentionally making dumb business moves like that is how you tank your department, or your company on a large enough scale).

And? For some strange reason, they are still under the impression this isn’t a p2w game. We hear them mention it. Apparently, they didn’t get the memo it isn’t.

I said soly on cosmetics. It doesn’t mean cosmetics were not making sales, just that they don’t want it to be their only income.
People that would pay for cosmetics before are still paying for it
but by adding a p2w wall they increased the amount of players buying the whole pack

Maybe you lost yourself if your negations (at least you lost me) because I don’t understand what you’re trying to say (no harm meant)

Thing is the P2W aspect is really minimum, especially when you don’t care about your ranking. Once you picked your hero you have the same game as every other player, especilly if a “P2W” player would have picked your hero over their 3 other choices

So there’s an objective P2W wall, but you can totally feel ok about it (but it’s a false claim to say that this is not P2W at some point)

Then they shouldn’t have made the mode with only two ways to make money off of it. One of them literally gating the ability to succeed in the game, while telling the playerbase their game isn’t p2w.

“And?” is the response to your statement about “access without sweating.”

Again, they claim it’s a f2p game.

By their actions, it isn’t.

However, their collective mouthpieces (official and unofficial) still claim it is and in fact will quite…(let’s politely call it “boisterously”) defensive on this point.

Hence some people not getting the memo.

Only if you don’t care about feeding wins to people who paid to win because they objectively have 50% advantage over you. Play 5 card draw and never be able to draw as many cards as your opponents because they kicked more money to the house before sitting at the table. Congrats, you now play 2 card draw while everyone else plays 5. While you might win the odd game (because mathematically it’s possible and skill comes into play), odds are the people who have a numerically higher card pool will win.

i dont think you should expect him to answer this question

hes the type to writte several text walls just to avoid doing it

You are one of those forum guy that wanna argue and is never wrong it’s funny ^^.
I told you how pack works , you said something wrong so I repeat how it works , and then you say it’s not worth and stuff completly disregarding what was the first topic of discussion.
And by the way being also wrong . Of course it’s worth to open between 1 and 10 pack to get those 400 dust since it’s way above the average stats.

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“The first topic of discussion” being that silo deck strategy. The one you referred to by literally dusting every other card in your collection to focus on crafting the one deck to chase legend. I pointed out how it was a viable strat years ago (when the meta was more stable), but now is pretty reductive and leaves you with a useless deck sooner or later depending on how quickly they shift the meta for that particular class. What YOU’VE failed to address is how you manage to recover from having no resources (after spending everything) and after:

that 400 dust you got which still leaves you 1200 short of ONE legendary. And if your decks needs more you’re out of luck. And for a pure f2p player, with no cards (because they dusted all of them to make the one deck), there’s nothing to do except spend Light knows how long starting the whole process all over again, which doesn’t sound like a great way to have fun, or get to legend in the current state of the game.

But feel free to pick at one point (which wasn’t all that central to the whole discussion of the deck discussion) again without actually addressing the overall argument.

solution: dont dust and dont craft. no issues if you dont care about these silly things.

UPDATE - I made it as far as D8, so clearly I can’t build a great deck myself, but can use a good one to get help me get further up the ladder. So again, I sincerely thank you for making this a bit more interesting for me.

I find it inserting you chose to say opponents get ‘harder’’ as opposed to ‘better’ which indicates there is more than skill in play, because you can’t win if you don’t have the right cards. Still, it seems pretty obvious that even when you have good cards, you see them less as you improve, whereas the competition doesn’t seem to experience the same problem.

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You’re over-thinking this. They’re harder because they are better. This is what’s important: There is nothing untoward occurring.

If you win, you get to play someone else who won.

I disagree. They have better cards, and get them at the most opportune time. It’s pretty obvious that there is a weighted algorithm, I’m just not sure what it’s based on. I still think it has something to do with knowing if the player has ever spent actual money on the game. The only way I can think of to prove this is to spend money, which I will not do. Obviously it’s still somewhat entertaining or would have quit playing by now. But it’s not optimal, in my opinion.

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You’re spot on. Just look up the name of the company that makes this game and matchmaking patent, to see the official patent they registered with the usa patent office. Then read about how the guy who paid six figures in diablow immoral payportal literally ptw so much he got himself literally paid right out of matchmaking he spent so much (apparently, with the right card you CAN beat the game), or course, they hotfixed it claiming to be a bug, but it’s clear that it was feeding him higher and higher people until there was no one who was spending at or close to his level to feed to him…err, sorry show his cosmetics off to.