Titans have ruined the game for strategic players

For all of you who play HS because it was a substitute for chess. I am sorry to inform you that Blizzard has sold out to the share holders. Titans are a ploy to give the advantage to whoever pays the most. Now HS is no longer a strategic game but just a whoever can win the titan battle. BTW I have never drawn a Titan in a deck for at least 100 decks. If Blizzard wanted to breed true competition they would have a no titan mode for those of us with a brain and creativity. It would be so easy to do and it would keep you from losing loyal players like myself who are giving up their seat at the Hearth.

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Literally incomparable.
Who has done this

And here you completely lost me.

The card that has 3 abilities in one card apparently doesn’t allow creativity to flourish.

Bait post.
Implore others to not answer.

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The fact that you can’t see the strategic similarities between HS and chess shows you are not worthy to answer this post. The rest of your response is inconsequential.


It’s inconsequential bec you can’t answer it.
Even the part that you did answer you are wrong.
Give me the similarities between the 2 since you are aware and I am not.

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Again if I have to explain the strategy similarities to you, you will never get it. Leave it alone. Everybody doesn’t think the same.

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Here to talk to yourself
Write in Notepad then why bother typing here in the Forums 

If I am wrong I want to know why.

Ok I will explain it to you briefly since you put it that way
 Chess is a strategy game because before every move that you make you have to consider your opponents next move. Sometimes you have to consider many moves ahead before you make your move. It takes time and concentration to be a good chess player. Now, HS is similar for players who make their own decks from scratch like me. Every card I put in the deck is based on the strategy that I am creating based on what I anticipate my opponents response to be all the way till the end. If you use preselected decks none of this will make sense and I understand that many do that. I just never have because I enjoy the thought process.

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Okay, so anticipate that everyone is playing titans and just run aggro sludge warlock or some other aggro deck and win before they can even drop them.

There are so many other cards that are more problematic than titans.

There are similarities:

  1. tempo - both chess and hearthstone value tempo. In chess there are certain endgames where it’s the only thing that matters - zugzwang, for example
  2. both games require tremendous memory to play properly. Chess is all about knowing all the openings and best moves, until you reach an open game where rare people have been before. Then yeah, I guess it requires some concentration and time xD

But this is where the similiraties end. Unlike hearthstone, chess is a game with everything known and out there in the open. There are no hidden variables. In Hearthstone there are many hidden variables (cards in your hand, for example).

The comparison with poker would hold much more value as both games have hidden variables and both are played based on expected value of each move since both games heavily depend on RNG.


“I lost to a Titan for the first time”: The Thread. Have you seen Reno yet?

You could say the same for football.
Does that mean that football is a substitute for chess ? Hearthstone is a substitute for football ?

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If you are talking about American football, football isn’t even a substitute for football because it isn’t football at all.


LOL - Please tell me you are joking.

He isn’t wrong reguardless of how he worded it. Titan cards cause all stategy to go out the window.

Even Magnus Carlsen said he hates chess because of RNG :relieved:

surprise surprise, this game has meta with powercreeps. It was same 10 years ago btw

Hearthstone is like chess the way teeball is like baseball, which means the similarities are superficial and you aren’t any more “strategic” than the next HS player. And you aren’t special for not looking at netdecks. I’m assuming you just mean you play BAD decks, because if you were smart and didn’t netdeck, you’d eventually stumble into a netdeck accidentally because they simply win more.

Unless one is smart enough to include titans in their strategic thinking, in which case, titans are just like other legendary.

And looking at the top deck of the meta currently, none of them relies on titans as they primary win con, only aggro paladin effectively use its titans in its main strategy. Other use of titan is mostly a deviation of the main strategy to stay alive.

I’m assuming by pre-selected you mean pre-built as in they copy/pasted a deck. I am one of those as I am not a deck builder, and I want to have the best chance to win games. I understand your explanation and agree with it. Planning ahead and not simply playing the turn are both important aspects within both games. In HS this can be ruined by too much RNG, which a lot of players do complain about or at least it’s one of those topics near the top of everyone’s list of complaints (if they have any). However, the majority of us understand RNG is part of this game, even though it could be dialed down to get us back to games that last beyond single digit turns and/or aren’t decided by one card.

Now, the part I am not 100% with you on is the whole HomeBrew vs. Net deck or Copy/Paste deck. All decks started as a homebrew. If a deck performs well, it may be shared or at least copied by opponents. Or, since we have an expansion coming out, clear winning strategies/synergies may exist and will become meta, thus copy/pasted. Unless it successfully flies under the radar, a good deck will be copied and there’s nothing wrong with that nor is it any less a homebrew; and anyone using it isn’t any more or less a good player.

I will add to your argument there is too much power creep, and RNG is running rampant, especially Discovery, which seems to be attached to every card these days along with “Reduce Cost” and/or “Add A Copy”. I’d love it to slow down, but I doubt it will ever happen. So, we can either choose to play or not.

I mean there are very general similarities to chess and Hearthstone but nothing that’s really significant. You could have picked any other game requiring strategy and it would have been equally true. Yeah there’s a sense of tempo, decision making on aggressiveness, but the methods that these things are employed could not be more different and the comparison sounds more like buzzwords than anything that’s really insightful.

Also, you’ve NEVER drawn a Titan for 100 decks? What do you mean by this? Do you mean you’ve made 100 decks and never drawn a Titan or you’ve played 100 games? Either way this is such a low chance of happening it’s basically impossible to really believe.

Your post reads like you unironically call women “m’lady.”