Titans have ruined the game for strategic players

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Unless itā€™s about Mercenaries, and the PvE side in particular, I donā€™t even know what to say. When was HS ever like that? A substitute for roulette ā€” that Iā€™d understandā€¦

Zugzwang is not an endgame.

This is one of the situations when one tries to show off and mention something fancyā€¦ only to reveal oneā€™s ignorance and lack of understanding. :grinning:

They are different things in different games, despite the same word being reused.

By the way, there are types of chess positions where tempo means nothing, there are others where even one tempo means everything. Btw, zugzwang occurs because pieces just cannot jump in their place and stay where they are ā€” itā€™s when youā€™d want to shed a tempo, but you cannot.

Yeah, the famous role of skill in HS. :smirk:

:rofl: What can I say, mateā€¦ Perhaps youā€™d do well to stick to playing HS.

And this person denies the gameā€™s being riggedā€¦ :smirk:

Itā€™s been some years since I brushed up on Bellā€™s theorem and such, but, as far as I remember, no, there are no hidden variables (with certain specifications, but still) in poker, unless itā€™s rigged.

:rofl: Thatā€™s a good one, but with one small correction: you should have said ā€˜North Americanā€™ (idiom or not), since otherwise those Brazilians, Argentinians and others ā€” yes, they are Americans as well ā€” might have something to say about it. :grinning:

I stand corrected. Well said, sir.

However, be it rugby or soccer , it isnā€™t actually American football even when played by Americans. I have always found it amazing that the Yanks insist on calling it football when only one player out of 11 (QB or Kicker) is allowed to put their foot to the ball legally. Stupid beyond belief.

ā€¦and this is why Zeus and his cronies banished the Titans for all time. :laughing:

football was just a catch all term for any sport that wasnt played with a horse. It just stuck with american football the most. Although no one really knows for sure but the best theory or whatever is that its just a ye olde english term.

lol you are correct sire!