Tired of the people who only emote when they win

no sound just no dialogues

youll still hear the background music and the rest of the sound effects

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ah I didn’t know they added additional sound options, so if I turn dialogue down it will mute player emotes ?

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I imagine that and also the bartender (who cares). Also, maybe the background chatter. The latter I find so freaking annoying. I will have my headphones on and think I heard someone say something IRL.

Don’t know about the OP but my stance is this:

1: Online game are vastly different then in person games, as you get to see the people you are playing against and interact with them in a totally different way. You can tell if someone is being a jerk in person, while online you can’t. You can tell if they are being genuine in person you can’t online.

If there is one thing I have learned about online is NEVER EVER trust ANYONE at their word as most people simply LIE or do not tell the whole truth abouth themselves or the situation(s) they are in.

2: There is no such thing as manners online (least not much) nor are there many manners in real life. Can’t tell you how many times I see bad manners in public all the time from every walk of life.

There also is no such thing as humility with the majority of the population anymore.

downside you wont hear minions lines

it wouldve been nice to have back then during the " hey loser !" meta!

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thanks for enlightening me, I don’t know when they added it but I am glad they did, as for mission lines I can toggle it if I do adventures but they don’t add that kinda stuff often anymore ?

edit:no the bubbles annoy me just as much as the voice line

I see where you are coming from. However just because people abuse online anonymity to behave badly, or excuse themselves from having good manners, does not affect how i treat others online.

I always try not to assume bad intentions until proven otherwise. Being cautious is one thing, wondering about motives or may have bad intentions from the get go, is not something i choose to practice.

Which makes it even more important to highlight what people have forgotten.

Humility is for weak people — at least that is what most think now a days.

What is your point about most people? Do ‘most people’ in your world include yourself ? If the ‘most’ people in your immediate surroundings, family and whatever else… work… have no manners, no humility .,… move.

Is this what you teach your children? Or would teach them in the future…?


Plenty in common it seems. :roll_eyes:


I see you have reading comprehension problems OR you just like to assume and take things out of context…

It also doesn’t take a genius to tell that most people have no concept of humility (it is not taught in church anymore) or school etc.

I personally think you are just an angry person that just likes to start fights with people. So you go ahead and think what you will as I really have no care in the world what you think especially about me for I am happy and very content in my life, you though not so much (least by how you argue so much).

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry for commenting only on select parts, having mostly glanced through the topic, but this one seems good.

Here comes a character with this line:

Then, as if to illustrate the point with a self-demonstrating example, proceeds to swagger:


PS This kind of swaggering is quite common, by the way, the forum being rife with this kind of behaviour: ‘I, I’m here, this is I, look at me! Watch my hips moving! Oh, and I also have an OPINION…’ Well, you know the rest… :grinning: But that’s another subject, I guess.


Thank you for bothering :joy:
I only had an eyeroll left in me :sob:

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Don’t roll your eyes to hard, you might get one of them stuck in an uncompremising position.

Right. Welcome to my relaxing ignore lounge, saved ya a seat next to iamangel.

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Who knows? Maybe they’re one in the same. The names are similar, anyway.

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