Tired of the people who only emote when they win

Yes, there is. Sorry you so…what’s the word you used earlier? Oh yah, lack the ability to see the complexity of it.

Nope, never made that argument. No one said anything about mad skillz.

See? This is you lacking the ability to comprehend the complexity of competition. It doesn’t matter how good or how bad someone is at something, just showing up to the competition is deserving of respect. It doesn’t matter if you dominated or got dominated. None of that matters.

Are you SURE you understand the complexity? It really sounds like you don’t. It seems like you’re clueless about how all of it works.

Ah, there it is. The ad-hominem attack because you can’t refute anything else I said. Thanks for basically admitting I am right.


I was just thinking how completely toxic that hand slap is.

This thread is bait lmao.

Like, overall I agree that you don’t have to get so worked up over emotes, but I think this line is a little… off.

It plays right into that meme about how the darn kids are spoiled, getting participation trophies for “simply showing up”

To play devil’s advocate, it’s this sort of coddling that led to people like the OP being easily bruised.

Maybe if more people are raised/taught by Asian parents…

Running into these type of players does make victory that much sweeter. The emotes stop very damn quickly once they realize they’re going to lose.

I’m skeptical this is happening on any regular basis. I think it’s mostly imaginary and pointed at to make a point that competition is diminishing, that it such a mentality discourages hard work, etc.

No, this isn’t the same thing. “Well Played” is the only option close for “Good Game”. You get a “Good Game” as a sign of gratitude for giving each other the chance to compete. Without the other player, you wouldn’t have a game. You’re not getting a participation trophy, you’re getting a sort of “Thank you”.

It’s the difference between “Hey, here’s your participation trophy” and “Hey, you didn’t win but good job trying your best”. You should absolutely thank your opponent for their time.

I think what’s probably lacking here is a lot of people’s experience, or lack of experience, with real life competition. Almost all aspects of my life have involved real life competition, so I’ve always passed on the mindset most competitors are taught, and that’s to thank and respect your opponent.

The OP is probably severely lacking in this department from the sounds of it.

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Wrong. You should crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


But thank them for their women.

Kidding of course.


Ah, but that goes both ways. HS/online games aren’t the same as real life competition either. Ergo, saying well played is NOT the same as saying good game.

You say it’s the closest thing to it… but it’s apparently lots of people like the OP do not agree that it is. They see it as more of an insult.

Which leads to my comparison to participation trophies. Participation trophies are also seen as an insult by some (many?)

Yeah, saying good game in real life is usually not insulting because people usually have to put in effort to dress/gear up, travel to the venue, and whatever other logistics involved to make the game possible. The context is that the other guy did put in a lot of effort to show up, so that thanks is probably genuine.

In a game like HS, that effort is near non-existent. The very idea of casual/mobile games is they’re made to be braindead easy for anyone to pick up and play. This forum has seen plenty of discussions on how the game could be so much better but it’s not made that way, because gosh darn those evil big corporations at Bliz and the dumb kids with low attention spans only wanting fast easy instant gratification!

Under this context, it’s much harder to treat an emotion as a genuine thank you.

Again, when it comes to not getting worked up over emotes, I’m on your side. I just don’t caulk up all the salt from the other side as simply them being inexperienced or immature or just generally being “kids these days”

Yup, you don’t thank the women themselves, cuz in your/our generation, women are women and men are men! No 50 billion genders! /s


Isn’t this all just a longer version of saying “Someone doesn’t take online competition as seriously as real life competition, therefor we should take emoting communication more serious than real life communication?”

That’s basically what you’re trying to express here. Someone doesn’t see online competitiveness as serious as offline competitiveness, therefor emoting is taken more serious to mean something else. I think that’s completely backwards.

If anything at all, emotes online should actually be less impactful or meaningful than in person communication based on this sort of rationalizing. So a “Well Played” online means less than a “Well Played” in person, but we have people who react negatively to an online “Well Played” and would likely not act that way in person.

That all seems completely like backwards thinking.

In reality, competition is competition and should be respected at ALL levels of play. Shaking the hand of someone who played a good game against you and lost in the Superbowl does not mean something less than an online player telling you good game when you lost to them in an online chess game. Both are equally respectable. Trying to act like one has some more deeper meaning simply because it’s in person and therefor garners more respect is just a way to dismiss the competitiveness of online gaming.

Mental competition deserves the same exact respect as Physical competition.

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its been asking for since forever, they know players wanted it, they could have given it if they wanted, knowing green tea blizzard it will be a real money transaction feature to unlock automute

why does a silent speech balloon bothers you so much?

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It’s practiced in so many competitions, sports…, team, doubles, singles, medalists…
Basic Manners.

There are genuine, sarcastic tilting, thanking ‘well played’s’ out there.
One shouldn’t assume if they aren’t sure. Getting too angry at an immature kid is also silly and a waste of energy,

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Wow someone got my post deleted. Not making the best case for you guys not being oversensitive my dudes.

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Which post… im so lost. These forums are randomly silly.
Vanishing threads are bad censorship practice i agree.

Tldr Keep having to press it (thousands of times by now), majority of people using emotes to BM, Blizzard won’t do anything about it even though it’s a simple task within their power, that’s why It brothers me!

No, it isn’t that at all.

No, it’s nothing like what I’m trying to express at all.

No, not just someone. It’s a fact that online interactions are not the same as real life interactions.

I posit the differences make it so the social interactions from real life do not translate perfectly.

You seem to insist it’s all the same and dismiss any possibility there’s more to it… which I believe as another poster said, lacks nuance.

If anything, lemme mimic your strawmanning of my position: it seems to me it is you who is making long winded versions of “darn kids these days, things were like this back in my day, so clearly it must be the same for you today, so listen to my boomer wisdom!”


which one bothers you more

not hearing the minions or hearing the emotes?

I still don’t understand the point that you’re defending. Please be clearer, and leave out the flair and adjectives. Correct me with your take -

  • You believe that online games vs real between individuals have different interaction rules/manners?

Therefore the gentlemanly cultured ‘well played’ ‘good game’ does not apply?

  • Great design is timeless, so are manners, kindness, humility, generosity…

I don’t believe you are an ignorant individual, so i am struggling to understand the hill you are choosing to die on. There isn’t anything to stand on or defend.

I can only say … that i feel you’ve taken this argument/debate of a simple point personally and reacting to as a personal attack on yourself ( which is non existant btw)

I don’t type very well. But yeah… :roll_eyes:


you’re saying mute the game, its a solution but I don’t see why I should have to play with no sound because blizzard can’t add a couple of lines of code to block emotes, maybe if they ask nice chatgpt will code it for them.