Tired of the people who only emote when they win

Bad manners.


Do they actually know when people switch them off?

I don’t get this.

Are those people queued up always to emote while their opponent concedes?

Honestly, I want to just concede in the middle of their playing a card so they can’t emote.

I think lag as something to do with it too.

When you concede, the other guy doesn’t see it right away.

By the time he sees it and then responds, it also takes some time to reach back to you.

So to you, it looks like the guy just HAD to emote back at you at the last moment for maximum bm.

I would like this very much

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I specifically seek and and congratulate losing players that played well in games in youth sports. Goalies, pitchers, and other key positions that often get blamed for other people’s issues are a priority.


This has nothing to do with people like you — I am talking about the people who never emote, nor respond to your hello emote but as soon as they win they emote.

The emote system is such an abject failure.
Easily misinterpreted. Team 5 should have given a disable feature years ago, but like all else, they cannot admit they make mistakes, ever.

You are a person that lacks the ability to see the complexities of life. Doing anything in person is vastly different then online, it is usually the loser who initiates the good game not the winners.

Your inability to understand is what makes you kind of weak.


Only weak winners would’nt say GG.


With a mouth like this, you deserve the emotes!!
:rofl: :sob: :joy: :-1: :roll_eyes:


Well we all know Blizzard endorces a bully/harrassment environment so it is no surprise they also make sure it happens in their games.

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I don’t see that from blizzard. Not at all.

Now Riot? That’s a completely different animal. There are cut scenes in tft based on your opponent’s avatar that you are forced to watch after they kill you. It’s a full screen, animated scene of them smashing your face to emphasize that you are dead and it is their fault. I mean, that’s condoning taunting and trolling. Emotes are nothing.

just lower the dialogue volume

emotes are dialogue

Too bad there wasn’t a squlech option…

Which of these is weak: the realist or the person crying because of a children’s card game?

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If anything, with your stance, it’s YOU that lacks the ability to see the complexities of life. You see, my generation was taught to always say “good game” and congratulate the opposing player(s) no matter what (unless of course they were caught cheating). The fact that someone even showed up to play the game deserves the respect of saying “Well Played”. I congratulate my opponent whether I win or lose, and I do not care who initiates the congratulations - winner or loser. Why? Because I, unlike you clearly, understand the complexities of competition. No matter who wins, each person deserves a “Well Played” for simply showing up - because there are thousands upon thousands of others who never had the guts to even show up and play in the first place.

I understand that those complexities in real life do not fall away online and treat them the same - coming to compete online and coming to compete in person is the same respect: you showed up to compete. You deserve congratulations.

I also understand the complexities, or lack thereof, of the emote system. Since there is no “Good game, thank you for your time and competition”, I’m limited to the emote system and the closest thing I can say is “Thank you” and “Well played”, which I do. I do this right before I’m going to die and click concede, or I do this right before or right after the killing blow. Why? Because the complexities of competition are not lost on me and it’s always, ALWAYS an honor to play the other person, the other human, on the other side. I could have been facing bots. They could have been facing bots. But instead, we both wanted a real competition. We both took time to show up and give a portion of our own time to compete.

So, you see, the complexities are not lost on me.

There is honor in competition. I’ve been to martial arts tournaments where my bracket only had 3 people. I have placed 3rd in some of those brackets. I receive a Bronze Medal. My opponents receive and give congratulations to all 3 of us for not only placing, but for physically showing up. Without us showing up, none of us could get better at what we do. Some might laugh at the person placing 3rd in a 3 man bracket, but that 3rd place person did something thousands of others never do - show up in the first place to compete.

So, in an online game, my opponent clicks the play button to compete, they get a congratulations win or lose. Us competing against each other makes each of us a better player.

Why? Because I clearly understand the ability to see the complexities of this competition in life.

You, on the other hand, well…you obvious do not. Your own statement made at me is simply a projection about how you feel about yourself:

The irony of calling someone else weak when you’re the one triggered about an emote in game, even if the emote has good intentions behind it, should be eye opening for you.


Not in a DIGITAL RNG type game there isn’t.

You think you have mad skillz because the game gave you the exact card(s) you needed at the right time to win?

Also like the typical runt you have REFUSED or were unable to read the original post which stated people who REFUSE to emote the ENTIRE game (including ignoring your hello emote) and ONLY emotes when they WIN.

I can tell you how many time on 1 hand I have gotten a well played by an opponent I beat.

You like so many old farts are sore winners.

The irony is you have no clue what the post is actually about and came in here guns drawn looking for a fight.


To be fair, it’s naturally easier to emote when you have lethal than when they do. If you have lethal in hand, you see it and can emote well played before playing it. If they have lethal in hand, you don’t see it and have no reason to emote before they play it (and the game ends shortly after they play it).

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so youre pissed that they didn’t want to say hello back? and gg is not good enough