Tips on using each Legendary from Saviors of Uldum

Updated ratings 18 March 2021, crafts may be outdated, cards rotating soon.

This is a list of each legendary in Saviors of Uldum with some pointers on cards that synergize with them.

I wrote up this list in Notepad++ in response to the amount of dissatisfaction I’ve been seeing about the cards they opened in packs, and having fun being really expensive. Was feeling like deleting it, but I figure it’s too much to go to waste.

If you cannot find a “meta” deck for the legendary you opened, try and find a user deck on Hearthpwn or and adapt it to what you have in your collection. It might not be a ranked deck, but instead a casual deck, but the important thing is to have fun playing with the cards you opened.

Disclaimer: Rating is not based on current meta viability. I almost feel like changing the ratings based on “good” or “trash” but I’m going against the trend and leaving the creativity up to you.


How to make use out of the legendaries you opened:

  • Rating is based on having fun and being able to build a deck with the legendary (not necessarily meta).
  • Results may vary.
  • Crafts are mostly listing Epics and Legendaries only. They rate from (Essential) Crafts, Powerful Crafts, Good Crafts, Ok Crafts, Optional/Potential Crafts
  • There are many powerful Common and Rare cards that are not listed here.

Overall Top Legendary Crafts:

  • Zilliax
  • SN1P-SN4P
  • Leeroy Jenkins (Aggressive decks)
  • Zephrys (Highlander decks)

Powerful Crafts:

  • Archivist Elysiana (Control decks last resort) (became a niche craft)
  • Archmage Vargoth (Flexible Spell doubler)
  • Alexstrasza (Control and Combo decks)

Untapped Potential (Druid Quest)
Rating: B (updated: B-)
Choose One cards get very strong with this quest reward
Good crafts: Wardruid Loti, Flobbidinous Floop, 2x Anubisath Defender, Cenarius

Elise the Enlightened
Rating: C+ (updated: B-)
Usually run with Untapped Potential for combos
Good crafts: Malygos, Flobbidinous Floop, 2x Anubisath Defender

Unseal the Vault (Hunter Quest)
Rating: D+ (updated: C-)
One of the slowest quests to complete, makes any established board very scary, but useless if it gets cleared.
Mid-range Hunter builds can do without this quest
Crafts: Swarm of Locusts

Dinotamer Brann
Rating: B+
Powerful card you want to put in any Highlander Hunter deck
Crafts: Zephrys

Raid the Sky Temple (Mage Quest)
Rating: D-
The effect is hard to be competitively game-changing
Crafts: Mana Cyclone

Reno the Relicologist
Rating: B (updated: B+)
Can be a board clear while also putting a 4/6 on the board. Very good in Highlander Mage
Crafts: Zephrys
Powerful Crafts: Vulpera Scoundrel, Tortollan Pilgrim
Good Crafts: Kalecgos
Ok Crafts: Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron, Luna’s Pocket Galaxy

Making Mummies (Paladin Quest)
Rating: B- (updated: C)
Quest potentially quick to finish and afterwards creates incredible sticky value, that usually destroys the likes of Control Warrior. Has other combo potential. Being reliant on Reborn minions reduces deckbuilding flexibility.
Crafts: Micro Mummy
Powerful Crafts: Kangor’s Endless Army
Optional Crafts: Da Undatakah

Sir Finley of the Sands
Rating: C+
Upgraded hero power is a nice touch and can help give you an edge in the game. Base stats of 2/3 Murloc for 2 mana are good.
Crafts (Murloc): Tip the Scales, Prismatic Lens
Crafts (Highlander): Zephrys
Ok Crafts (Highlander): Tirion, Thekal, Shirvallah, Da Undatakah,

Activate the Obelisk (Priest Quest)
Rating: B- (updated: C+)
The quest reward snowballs hard if you have a minion that sticks on the board, weak to silence/removal
Crafts: High Priest Amet
Good Crafts: 2x Psychopomp, Plague of Death

High Priest Amet
2/7 body difficult to remove and can create an unassailable board with other minions.
Rating: B+ (updated: C-)
Good Crafts: 2x Psychopomp

Bazaar Burglary (Rogue Quest)
Rating: B- (updated: C+)
A thief package around a refreshable 3/2 weapon
Good crafts: Tess Greymane, Heistbaron Togwaggle

Anka, the Buried
Rating: D (updated: D+)
Can create some crazy Deathrattle Combo shenanigans, more potential in Wild?
Potential Crafts: Shadow of Death

Corrupt the Waters
Rating: A-
Versatile build-around, can build the deck aggressively or more defensively to get value out of double battlecries.
Powerful Crafts: Shudderwock,
Good Crafts: SwampQueen Hagatha, Barista Lynchen

Rating: B+ (updated: B-)
Very strong card in aggro shaman, pseudo-Bloodlust for 2 turns

Supreme Archaeology (Warlock Quest)
Rating: C (updated: B+)
Usually a control shell is required to get to 20 cards drawn, will appeal to the Warlock memeists
Good Crafts: The Soularium, Lord Godfrey
Ok Crafts: Fel Lord Betrug
Optional Cards: Dr Morrigan
Crafts (Mecha’thun): Mechathun

Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Rating: C+
Card for lackey-based Warlock decks, can play Zoolock without this card. Can see play in a midrange/control style of Warlock utilising cards like EVIL Recruiter
Crafts: EVIL Cable Rat, EVIL Recruiter

Hack the System (Warrior Quest)
Rating: C- (updated: D+)
A mid-range Warrior deck. Not overly powerful, relies on grinding out multiple weapon charges to overwhelm the opponent with 4/3s
Potential Crafts: Livewire Lance, Wrenchcalibur, Town Crier

Rating: B+ (updated: B-)
Enhances any Taunt Synergy, value the turn you play it. Currently seeing play in Control Warrior.
Crafts: Tomb Warden
Potential Crafts: Into the Fray

Zephrys the Great
Rating: A
The new clincher card for any Highlander Deck, for both Standard and Wild. Can fetch you answers you otherwise might not want to run in your deck.

Rating: B+ (updated: B)
Versatile threat at 7 mana able to control the board the turn he’s played.

Rating: D+
The Draw 8 cards Deathrattle can be useful for aggressive decks needing a hand refill, but can also backfire and overdraw you significantly

Colossus of the Moon
Rating: D (updated: D+)
More useful in “Big” decks, or being able to cheat this out via some other synergy for less than 10 mana.
Darkest Hour

King Phaoris
Rating: B+ (updated: C)
Guaranteed payoff for a wide board as long as you have a couple of spells in your hand. Better with high cost spells.
Update: Boards have snowballed a lot since Uldum release, that a Phaoris board is not too spectacular anymore.
Crafts (Mage): Pyroblast, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron, Power of Creation
Crafts (Paladin): A New Challenger…, Lay on Hands
Crafts (Priest): Mass Resurrection, Plague of Death


Dirty, stinking, evil LIIIIIIEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!

Everyone knows that the most important thing in Hearthstone is ranking up. This is serious business, not some “gAmE”. Enjoying yourself is tertiary when set next to the opportunity to increase a number in a competitive meta!!


OMG No WoNd3R! We shall s1t and woe about the 20k dust decks we can never Pl4y??!? What to do?

Wail and gnash your teeth as your towns are plundered by your meta deck-wielding masters, as is your proper place in this society of total elitism.

Hey,interesting guide. Maybe you could refresh it after the balance changes since they will no doubt change a few things.

My question is about paladin:
Why did you not include kangors army as a craft and why is da undataka optional? is he not core to the deck? (I would love to play quest paladin without having to craft army and undataka but I am not sure is viable?)

I do think ChumpHS on YouTube is one of the best examples we have for Standard for making use out of cards that we don’t even see otherwise.

He’s also pretty good at the game.

I don’t think I’ve seen a single game where Undatakah was played, he might be good for the long game.
And yeah, I forgot Kangor’s Endless Army, I should put that in.

Have you been able to try playing Quest Paladin without Kangor’s? I don’t have the quest but in my opinion it seemed that the Reborn minions, Mechano-Eggs and Whelps are the core, and Kangor’s is more of a bomb card afterwards.

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Great guide Jonius, thanks for the insight!

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Thanks, if you guys have any suggestions or improvements, to cover some things, feel free to list them.

I figure it’s very difficult to go into detail for everything, i.e. I saw a Warlock Quest deck with Mecha’thun that looked pretty fun, for anyone who might have opened that.

i feel like this is a joke, but this litterally how the forums are.

Spoiler alert: the forums are not an accurate portrayal of what playing Hearthstone is like.

what does this even mean. one is a forum and one is a game. but the people here do have an effect on how people view the game including players and devs.

For some, perhaps. Plenty of us play this game for fun, with ranking up being a secondary thing at the most. I played CCGs long before there were major rewards involved and for me, the same applies to Hearthstone.

On the other hand, usually the massive complaints come from folks who are mad that they can’t rank up in a manner they deem sufficient. It all depends on your approach to the game. No one approach is really “wrong” IMO, but certainly could be considered… um… less healthy for one’s psyche, perhaps? At least depending upon the temperament of the person in question.

Is Hearthstone:

  • A digital card game to be played for fun with a bunch of crazy stuff that takes advantage of its digital nature, that also happens to include various modes and competitive ladders for those who wish to jump into a metagame?
  • A super serious high-end competitive game for powergamers to flex their superiority over others in a fast-pace all-out battle to the top of legend to see who can truly reign supreme - that happens to be packaged in a digital CCG?
  • Somewhere in-between?

How someone approaches the game and what they interpret it to be, along with their personal temperament, will have a MASSIVE impact on the kind of experience they walk away with.

For myself, I’m a single dad who works 12.5 hr shifts and doesn’t have a ton of time to devote to gaming anymore. Hearthstone fills the role of being playable anywhere, anytime and scratches that old Warcraft universe itch excellently and while I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I don’t get pissed off at things, I find that a lighthearted approach to it is most healthy for me.


FTFY :grin:


i dont see that at all, i see qwenith ask questions about ranking sometimes, the vast majorty of people come here to complain why the game is not fun for various reason. i mean one dude yesterday was mad becuase people used the word “hate”. it would seem to me that most people do not care about ranking, some care about rewards and a minority of people care about “competition”

It means that reading the forums will only show you how the game is experienced primarily by two groups: a) dissatisfied players and b) very involved players. The average player is unlikely to be in one of these two buckets.

But you can read in the forum what other people’s experiences are.

A very small effect, limited to the (IMO, small) subset of players who browse these forums.

The next change the devs make based on forum feedback will probably be the first one. Haven’t you heard of Reddit?

if this was everyone or even most people on the forums there would be no issues and blizzard would still be as popular as it was in the early 00s and 90s.

Maybe, but there are a pretty fair number of players who need to satisfy their inner Spike, ya know? Competition and winning matter a lot to them and at it’s core there’s nothing wrong with that.

With cards like the Yogg Box though, I’m in the same boat as Lykotic in feeling that things of that power level that are so RNG-driven tend to remove enough player agency that it’s definitely a blemish on the skill-based competitive side of things. Yes, taking the calculated risk to include/play an RNG-driven card couod be considered a mark of skill (lol) but it’s about the lowest mark you can get.

Many modern gamers are different these days. It’s all about climbing, numbers, getting thise carrots etc. Obviously the flashy “wow!!” moments and crazy social-media-post-worthy elements play into that as well, but with streaming and videos being as popular as they are, folks want to be able to emulate the top players rather than create their OWN experience and they get VERY upset when they cannot.

but i thought we could not get a accurate view of the game experience through the forums

is reddit a forum? and i havent been on the forums in years, but if its true blizzard goes to reddit and not thier own forums that is pretty sad.

Yeah, Blizzard presence on here is practically nonexistent compared to Reddit. Been like that for a long time.

More exposure there, since a single comment from one of them will get upvoted enough to keep it relevent for days/weeks and start trending even, whereas a thread needs constant bumping if it’s going to remain relevant on here.

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