Tips on using each Legendary from Saviors of Uldum

Not accurate for the average player, but accurate for specific players (and/or subsets of players).

maybe to you, but most humans are not competive most people mind thier own business and just want to avoid conflict. maybe gamers have a higher % of competitive nature, i dont know i just would be surprised if most people were that competive playing hearthstone.

wasnā€™t god war game of the year last year? i would love to know how you came to conclusion most gamers now are competitive. and for the streamer part isnt asmongold one of the most if not the most popular streamers on twitch, distiny is also getting really popular right now, neither one of those people are competive players. destiny was but asmong for sure never has been conpetive.

Completely agree, however the methods used by those bitter about their experience completely negates their perspective. Whatā€™s constructive about reading ā€˜this is OPā€™ or ā€˜WAH, OPā€™ every second post on this forum?

If a player wants to be competitive and find their experience lacking in reaching this objectiveā€¦ then provide well-intentioned input in a constructive manner.

If I was a dev seeking community input, the first posts I would gloss-over would be those ā€˜OP-whineā€™ posts we see all the time on here.

Is this really a surprise based on the majority of posts here? Whereā€™s the active moderation promoting a viable and vibrant community forum?

None of those games are specifically focused on PvP, though.

I guess we should narrow my definition of ā€œgamersā€ to ā€œPvP gamersā€.

and those players are part of the player base and effect the ā€œaverageā€ players, it all related.

Thatā€™s not how sampling works.

How can you say this on a gaming forum?

Whether internally or against others, the very nature of this hobby (gaming) is competition!

so if a person plays hearthstone and god of war are they gamers or pvp gamers. i dont dont what percent of gamers only play pvp i would imagine its less then 15% but i dont know and wonder how you came to these broad statements about all of gaming.

This is the internet. Lower your expectations :yum:


If mods go around deleting every complaint thread, itā€™ll just come across as ā€œcensoring criticismā€, so instead they let them persist. On Reddit, a big obvious venting/whine thread disappears in a snap because downvotes actually do something there. On here, they opted to remove downvotes and instead promote any and all input as long as it doesnā€™t break the CoC.

Depends on what their focus is, really. My observations come from seeing how people complain about things in PvP games across a broad range of popular titles over the years and the influence that social media gaming personalities have often had on those players.

Iā€™m not here to insult gamers, if thatā€™s what youā€™re taking away from this.

Well played!


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i mean for one thing most humans dont play video games still. and the most popular games are not always even online and not every online game is competive. and even if a game is competive that doesnt mean everyone playing is competive. i mean how many times have people said online they only play call of duty because thier friends do.

I donā€™t understand what this has to do with Hearthstone at this point.

Playersā€™ approach to Hearthstone was the focal point of my post earlier as it ties into the reason the OP made this thread to begin with.

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Yeah lol, the only reason I started playing games like League of Legends and Hearthstone was because I heard about it from friends who were playing it. The thing is I have been pretty stubborn in not trying out new things: I first heard about a friend playing Hearthstone in 2015, talking about saving up gold to buy adventures. I didnā€™t start playing until August 2017 when some online friends said: ā€œI wouldnā€™t recommend even trying to get into Hearthstone anymoreā€


Started playing to prove a point, to get to Rank 5. I found my own enjoyment in the game, beyond some ā€œnew and popular gameā€ trend.


been playing druid quest
sometimes i need to mulligan the quest
if dont get any cards on starting hand i want to play early game i mulligan the entire hand

the deck gets a boost from the quest it should be able to win without it

maybe same happens with other quests so far the only one i wouldnt mulligan is the paladin one

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this isnt a survey or a poll, the people on the forums play the game, i hope , and are part of the pool that make up the ā€œaverageā€ it is pretty simple. the game effects the forums and the forums effect the game. i mean people find freinds and discords here. i would be cool if we knew how many people played daily and posted daily. it would he interesting to see what percent of players post here and on reddit.

i know i stopped recommending it to people after i got 2 friends to play and they had horrible experiences. one has been playing magic for 12 years aswell. he hates how the entire game is netdecks. and that he would need to spend a hundred dollars if not hundreds just to make a few home brews. when he can buy cards for literally a penny a piece at the local card shop and play games. or even better he borrow decks and play competive on Saturdays. i just realized ironicly MTG is more accessible then a F2P card game on my phone lol.

I tried it wayyyy back in June 2014 when you just had to win some games to get the WoW mount and hated it because I sucked after having not played a CCG in years lol. Jumped back in February 2017 and gave it another chance at the behest of a friend (this is also around the time my work schedule changed quite a bit and a lost a lot of gaming time) and Iā€™ve enjoyed it ever since.

Also, it finally being available on mobile was a major factor.

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i just read most post and reply to things i see, people disagree, analogies come up digression ensues.

Fair enough, Iā€™m just trying not to derail the thread too hard :wink:

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Hey thx for reply.

No I have not played it yet, I need to craft the paladin quest which is top of my list but having to craft both undertaker and army (which i disenchanted in gold ages ago) as well and I donā€™t have the dust for that yet so I didnā€™t craft quest either. I will craft quest and try it without kangor and undataka. To me it feels like undataker is better then army but the quest should be playable without either,its mostly the mirror that you might run into trouble with it I think.